
TheMall WordPress CMS Theme is fully responsive, which uses latest CSS3 & HTML5 techniques and suits perfectly for fashion models, artistic showcase and Shopping websites. It is cross browser compatible, uses Google fonts. Multiple woo commerce & Header Styles are in the theme and different type slider to give more impressive look.

TheMall is perfect for modern clothing and fashion brands, modeling agencies, and other related businesses requiring a powerful, attractive web presence. TheMall provides all the tools you need to launch a successful online fashion store. It comes with cool theme features that will help you give your customers an awesome online shopping experience. TheMall design owns a visual attractiveness and it is absolutely ideal for fashion, watches, jewellery and so many more. This modest fashion theme is awash with customization options that allow you to edit the look and feel of your theme to match your brand or represent your agency/company.

But that’s just the beginning. As TheMall is also fully integrated with the renowned WooCommerce – the largest eCommerce platform, that means monitoring your online shop products would never be easier. Not to mention such awesome features and extensions TheMall is packed with like Widget Filter for WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos, Revolution Slider, Master Slider, Mega Menu Plugin … For what it’s worth, take a look yourself at our Live Demo to understand how our theme TheMall is the best solution for your online business!

Store Benefits

Theme is best suited for small store, CD shops, Cloth Store, Grocery Store, Furniture, Oil Shop WooCommerce is fully integrated and compatible with this theme you can also manage online orders sale and purchase. Theme has complete functionality to manage your store inventory to selling to customer.

It Supports Personal Blogging 100%

Stun your readers by adding Audios, Videos and Image sliders with TheMall, The personal blogging is made more fun-filled with TheMall. Share your thoughts and ideas with the world in a classy manner with TheMall Wordpress theme.

Key Features

Modern, Flexible, Multi-purpose!

WordPress 4.2+ Tested and Approved!

Built with HTML5 and CSS3

Cross-Browser Compatibility: FireFox, Safari, Chrome, IE9+

One-Click demo install

Child Theme Included

Boxed, Wide, Fullwide and Fullscreen pages layouts

Different Header Styles

Different Footer Styles

Five Slider Styles

10+ Blog Styles: Classic, Masonry, Portfolio & Grid

Fully Responsive Layout

Fully Responsive & Retine Ready

Parallax and Video Background


Master Slider Included

Revolution Slider Included


Normal Menu Navigation

Menu Color Varivation

Mega Menu Included


Localized: .po & .mo files included

Translation Panel in Theme Options

WPML plugin compatible


Sliders: Master, Revolution Slider, FlexSlider, NivoSlider, BxSlider

WPML plugin

Events Manager


bbPress and BuddyPress

Contact Form 7


HTML code integrated into the theme meets the best SEO approaches

The theme support compatibility with “All on One SEO Pack” & “SEO by Yoast”


Visual Composer – $34

Revolution Slider – $19

Master Slider – $19

Mega Menu – $19

Interactive Ajax Normal And Advance Search mechanism

SVG icon set included

Google web fonts

Performance Optimization

Great Professional Support

Documentation included

Regular Updates

And many more that we might have forgotten to mention…

TheMall is fully compatible with Visual Composer that makes it easy for you to setup and manage your publishing company website. With an intuitive visual interface you can make as many layouts as you can imagine.

Advanced Product Styles

Different Products styles

Woo products variations

Woo List Styles

Woo Detail page

Advanced Typography Options

Use Google Fonts or Standard fonts

All font options are controlled in the theme options panel

Set different font sizes for all fonts, H1-H6 headings, body, footer, header, dropdown etc

Set different colors for all fonts

Set font-sizes each font type as well

Advanced Background Options

Choose Color of upload custom background image

Set Parallax background

Full width sections also allow background images with parallax

Page title bar background or custom bar title background

Advanced Blog Options

All layouts can have left or right sidebar or be full width

6 post types ( video, audio, gallery, image, standard )

Set up multiple blog pages and set custom categories per page using blog module

Select a slider to show on blog page

Thumbnails image size control

Easily specify the number of items per page

Post sharing with social icons

Threaded Comments

Tons of options to add remove data, excerpt, related post etc

Slider Revolution Included (Save $18)

Mailchimp Integration

Email marketing is the cheapest and smartest way to do marketing, now you can easy create opt-in form with AJAX Mailchimp

Google Fonts

700+ Google font compatible so you can select any google font which is suitable with your website

Google Map

Advance google map with all stylings support which help you create custome beautiful google map

Woocommerce Shop Fuly Ajax

AJAX filter, AJAX page nav, AJAX sorting, Single Product AJAX add to cart(with simple product)

Woocommerce Shop Layouts

Grid with sidebar layouts give you ability to create any kind of layout you want.

Save you $18 for the beautiful Slider plugin. Integrated within the theme, it will help you to build sliders with multiple animation choices and intuitive interface.

Master Revolution Included (Save $20)

Save you $20 for the beautiful Slider plugin. Integrated within the theme, it will help you to build beautiful slides with multiple animation choices and intuitive interface.

Mega Menu (Save $15)

Most Popular Mega menu plugin is provided with the theme. No nedd to buy other mega menu plugins for it. ( save $15 )

Visual Composer (Save $34)

TheMall is fully compatible with the Visual Composer and it has the ads own that helps you to built your site completely with visual composer plugin.

Contact Form 7

Flexible Contact Form plugin. It’s easy to customize and work with.

Multiple Headers & Footer Layouts:

The TheMall has mutliple unique header styles and mutliple footer layouts which you can use them easily you wish to have. Just you need to make a click to change the header / footer.

Note :

Images used in the demo are not included in the download package because they are purchased from shutter stock and we do not have there reselling distribution rights. They are used for demo purpose only.

Still have Questions?

If you have any pre-sales questions or queries regarding TheMall, you can ask them in the comments section at the top. Our sales team will be excited to answer those for you. For the technical issues please contact our support team by opening a ticket at https://aladinthemes.ticksy.com/ Our dedicated support team will help you out


If you have any suggestion for us. Then feel free to contact us via profile contact form to us. We will try our best to bring those features in upcoming updates because we always listen to our customers

We love to hear your feedback’s and improvise according to it. We always strive to make your experience better even more better when using our products. It feels great when we get those 5 stars from you.

That makes us super happy and helps us to work even more harder on future updates of the product. So, please rate and leave an amazing review if you like our product and support.

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