
“The Book Of Hours” is classic layout Blogger template which can serve as a good platform for daily blogging or even PayPal powered webshop.


4 colour schemes included: red, blue, green, yellow

3 times per 24 hours a day (every 8 hours) colour scheme and front page background change (night: yellow, day: green, evening: blue). Apart 3 alternating colour styles there is a red one which you can use as standalone scheme.

Template fits all screen resolutions, however, you must note: 1) full-width background images used in demo are 1920px wide (you might want to prepare wider backgrounds for resolutions higher than 1920 px). 2) Browsing website version on mobiles: works fine but might be not as comfortable as browsing native Blogger mobile version (tiny)

5 styled post types (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

3 styled static pages including Custom Archive (instead of default Blogger Blogarchive), Contact page and Extras (html files with post templates find in downloadable folder)

Modal window + sample html file with modal window content

5 styled Blogger widgets: About Me, Follow By Email, Categories (Labels), HTML widget for resizable embedded video, HTML widget for text

Custom search

All elements are resizable (videos, buttons, images, sliders). Layout is calculated in percents.

Things to note:

Tested on: iMac: Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox || Windows XP: IE8, Chrome || Windows7: IE9, Chrome, Opera || Tablet: Galaxy 10.1 || Mobile: iPnone 4S

IE8 is not able to reproduce all CSS styles available for normal browsers like Chrome

Look through the demo site (About page) in order to get more information about template structure and features

Downloadable folder contains xml, html, js, css files, free icon font, images placeholders, help file in html format

Thank you!

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