
Synthesis is a fully responsive premium Tumblr theme by Pixel Union. It’s our champion of balance: an alchemical marriage of unpretentious form and function. Minimal yet refined, Synthesis’ razor-thin lines give your blog character without bloat. Facebook comments, a responsive layout, more features than you have fingers.

Total Responsiveness and Image Scaling

Synthesis flawlessly adapts to any and every possible browser size, scaling itself and your images to fit and look fantastic.

Fully Loaded Sidebar

Rounding out Synthesis’ spare frame is a well-stocked sidebar, which includes room for a bio, social media links, recent tweets, and a liked post feed.

Responsive Design

We’ve designed this theme to scale perfectly and look gorgeous on any size browser, screen, and device.

Liked Post Feed

Posts you “like” can be displayed in the theme’s sidebar (main blog only).

Social Media Links

Includes icons linking to your other social media pages.

Facebook Commenting

Readers can comment on your posts using their Facebook accounts.

Share Widget

A togglable widget to instantly share posts on other social media platforms.

Exif Data Overlay

Photos and Photosets can display a clickable overlay with image exif data.

Additional Page Support

This theme supports/displays links to any additional blog pages you create.

Customizable Header

The theme’s header image and/or detail can be customized.

Disqus Commenting

Readers can comment on your posts using the Tumblr-standard Disqus system.

Integrated Twitter Feed

An easily configured feed displaying your recent tweets.

Top notch customer support.

Don’t panic. No matter what you’re confused or concerned about, our wizardly customer service is here to help answer any questions you have. Check out our support centre for more.

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