

Admin7 is a fully responsive admin template powered by HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Admin7 comes with modern Single Page App mode and traditional Static HTML mode.

Admin7 is not a collection of dozons of random jQuery plugins with different design patterns.
All the components are designed from scratch with consistent design pattern and coding standards. (Constructor Pattern in JavaScript and OOCSS principle in CSS).
Performance of each module is highly optimized for different browsers and devices.

Admin7 also gives you full JavaScript APIs for each component and the Main APP itself to allow you to do more interactions with your own code.

Please give it quick rating if you like this. If you have any suggestions/feature request or you find a bug, you are more than welcome to contact me and I’ll address them ASAP.


Single Page App
Admin7 is designed as a full Single Page App which gives you faster page load, better and modern user expierence and much more. With its internal rounting script, you could still share a specific page URL as you usually do with static html pages and browser’s back and forward button are also fully supported.

Static HTML Mode

Alternatively, you could still write each page as a static HTML page.


Clean, mordern and fully responsive design (tested on all major browsers, tablets and smart phones)


Highly optimized JavaScript code and clean, consistent Markup and CSS give you extremly fast and resonsive UI. Each module is optimized individually and as a whole so that when multiple modules are used on the same page, they talk to each other and optimize for each other.

Consistency & Customization

With OOCSS principles used in design, Admin7 provides a very consitent and re-usable UI. It also makes it a lot easier to do your own customizations. (e.g. chaning the yellow background for tab, widget, button…etc, you will only need to update one place in CSS)

Multiple Skin and Colour Themes

The CSS system is designed to have skin (layout) and colour scheme separate, which lets you easily create your own skin or colour without breaking the other. 9 theme colours are included by default.



Sortable, Collapsible

Setting Options

AJAX refreshing

Data Table



Colomn/Row hover

Checkbox & Radio selection



Multiple Sizes and Colours

Dropdown Button

Split Button

Group Button


Replacement of title attribute

4 directions

Tracking Map

Progress Bar

Grid Layout

Star Rating


Todo List



Modal Dialog


Countdown Buttons

System Notification

Sticky Notification

Full APIs

Tab / Accordion


Form Wizard


Multiple Sizes

Interactive Chart

Pie, Bar, Column, Line, Area, Dot, Circular, Combination

Project Contribution Graph

Live Updating

Auto Resizing

Tracking Map


Day, Week, Month, Agenda Views

Add/Delete/Edit Events

File Gallery

List View

Grid View

Detail View


v1.00 @ 10 July2013

Initial release

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