CleanGold is a HTML5 +CSS3 fully responsive site template with a minimal and clean design. It’s easy to customize and can be a great starting point for any responsive theme. Highly optimized with mobile first technique, this template can be used for personal portfolios, art and creative studios, but can be customized for any business.
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HTML5 + CSS3 + jQuery
960px responsive fluid grid
mobile first approach (optimizes bandwidth for smaller screens)
CSS3 dropdown menu with seachbar
5 variations of home page that contain:
simple or detailed flexslider
draggable roundabout slider
panorama360 view
responsive video container
call to action box
featured portfolio display
featured clients display
featured multi-column services
unique pages: About, Our Staff, Testimonials, 404 Error Not Found, Search results
common elements: typography, grids, lists, tables, forms, buttons, tooltips, dropcaps, quotes, alerts, accordion wrapper, tab container, lightbox gallery, pricing table, basic social icons, pagination, social share with ajaxed script
CSS3 hover transitions with smooth animation: shake, flash, bounce, tada, swing, wobble, wiggle, pulse, flip
3 variations of the portfolio that contain:
2/3/4/6 column based items
quicksand filtering
hovered thumb titles and icons
Isotope based blog display with filterable categories
Infinite-Scroll integration for journal entries
unique single post page with comments
responsive static image for Google Maps and contact form
layout scales down perfectly to mobile
sticky footer for the cases when content is smaller then page height (included in 404.html file)
15 grid based PSD files with guides
images are not included in the final markup
easy to customize
documentation + support
Responsive preview
Pixel perfect device testing:
960px grid
Window smartresize
Infinite Scroll
jquery.event.drag + jquery.event.drop
My personal Panorama360 plugin
My personal Bronto CSS Menu
Open Sans Font
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