
Beard is an awesome minimal, responsive app landing page HTML template. It’s cool one page with tons of features. Beard is based on Bootstrap framework, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins. It would be perfect for an app product showcase, startups, personal websites and even web agencies.

Template is very easy to customize! Well detailed documentation is prepared for beginners and advanced users.


Responsive design

Bootstrap 3.1

700+ vector icons


AJAX subscription and contact form with east-to-edit PHP files

Parallax background effects

17 easy to customize modules: product showcases and features, pricing table, customers satisfaction and testimonials, clients, news posts, YouTube video, app stores download buttons, FAQ section, team members and Twitter feed.

jQuery / SVG preloader

Sidebar push menu (also works perfectly on mobiles)

Google Web Fonts

Comprehensive online documentation

Well commented HTML, CSS and JS files

Social icons

W3C Valid HTML

HTML 5 and CSS 3

Multi-Browser Support

Mobile Friendly



Bootstrap getbootstrap.com

jQuery library jquery.com

Backstretch srobbin.com/jquery-plugins/backstretch/

HTML5 Shiv code.google.com/p/html5shiv/

Respond github.com/scottjehl/Respond

slick kenwheeler.github.io/slick/

FitVids.js fitvidsjs.com

jQuery Easing Plugin gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/

SmoothScroll.js smoothscroll.net

parallax.js pixelcog.github.io/parallax.js/

PrettyEmbed.js github.com/mike-zarandona/prettyembed.js

Tweetie github.com/sonnyt/Tweetie

bigSlide github.com/ascott1/bigSlide.js

Photos, images, videos:

Photo unsplash.com

6 Photorealistic iPhone 6 mockups COBE

YouTube video Wake

App UI kit InVision

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