
Woocommerce Delivery Time Slots is a WooCommerce addon that allows customers to pick date and time for delivery when shipping on checkout page. Customers are able to select date and time for shipping in an intuitive and user-friendly widget. The delivery time will be visible to site administrators when viewing the order in the admin area. It also will be sent via emails to administrators.

100% compatible with WPML!

You can define which time slots available to fit your business. Users can only choose a time slots from the predefined ones. No limits on the number of time slots as well as their format. You can set simple time ranges (from 8 AM to 12 AM), or any text (by the end of the day), etc.

If you want to allow customers to select any time, then check the Woocommerce Delivery Time Picker for Shipping (they are similar in every specs, except the time picker).

The power of the plugin comes from its configuration. Administrators can easily change how the date time picker widget appears in the front end by changing text label, language, date and time format.

Administrators also can restrict dates and date ranges for shipping, prevent customers require shipping on holidays, weekends, etc. or can provide shipping on certain days of a month.


1/1/* – No shipping on January 1st of any year (New Year)

*/1/2014 – No shipping on first day of any month of 2014

12/24/* - 1/1/* – No shipping from December 24th to January 1st of next year

*/1/* - */5/* – No shipping on first 5 days of any month of any year

8/*/* - 12/1/* – No shipping from August to December 1st of any year

(More examples in plugin documentation)

There’re many ways for administrators to limit the shipping date, time, not only by dates and date ranges as above but also by

Shipping methods

Week days

Some days from today

Number of shipments per day


With the Woocommerce Delivery Time Slots plugin, your customer service will be improved to a new level just in a few clicks!

WooCommerce Delivery Time Picker Features

Customize text label: You don’t need to have technical skill to translate text

Language support: support 74 languages and also support to set custom texts

Easy to change date format

Ability to restrict dates and date ranges

Ability to restrict week days

Ability to define any kind of time slots for delivery

Ability to select theme

Ability to enable/disable for specific shipping methods

Ability to limit number of shipments per day

Ability to select theme

Shortcode [wdts_shipping_time] and [wdts_field] to show shipping time and the date picker anywhere

Auto update

Proudly made by the author of WordPress Meta Box Plugin.


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