
I know you’re hungry to enhance your personal and business success in the coming year and way, way beyond.

So here are 10 amazing motivational quotes to help keep you moving onward and upward!

“No Matter How you Feel. Get up, Dress up, Show up, and Never Give up.” – Unknown

This is a great quote with a simple but powerful message for all of us. As hockey legend Wayne Gretzky (more from him a bit later) once said:

“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”!

And even if and when you do fail,  you drastically increase your chances of success because failure is a diamond mine of learning opportunities.

Not only that, but you do succeed every single time you fail at the critical act of trying and never giving up!

Building a great business as an elite personal trainer, highly sought-after life coach or entrepreneur often requires of us that we work even when we’re not motivated at all.

And when the continuing challenges of becoming truly successful drain our motivation batteries, that’s when we simply MUST follow our well-crafted personal visions and act in spite of how we’re feeling!

This may sound crazy to you but: ultimately, your goals don’t matter!

It’s what actually do every day to realize your vision that is what’s really going to make the difference in your life!

“If You go to Work on Your Goals, Your Goals Will go to Work on You. If You go to Work on Your Plan, Your Plan Will go to Work on You. Whatever Good Things We Build end up Building Us.” – Jim Rohn

This quote is jam-packed with wisdom from the man (Jim Rohn) who was arguably Tony Robbins’ most influential mentor and personal-success-coach!

Again, one of the master keys to building a life of abundance and fulfillment is crafting a transformational vision of yourself in the future and continuously moving towards its full actualization.

As a committed action-learner, you must continually strive to improve your goals and the strategies for realizing your vision.

And what Jim’s saying here is that as you do the work each day to make your dreams a reality, your also going to have an impact on the people around you and that can open a wealth of opportunity for you as you go.

When we do genuinely good things for others and ourselves, those good things will often strengthen, reward and inspire us in return, – in a beautiful, virtuous cycle that, very often, we never could have imagined!

“You Can Never cross the Ocean Unless You have the Courage to Lose Sight of the ______ ” – André Gide

Wow! Now that’s a truly breathtaking motivation quote!

To really be successful fitness and coaching professionals we need to learn to get into our discomfort zones. And besides, when you actually take a moment to think about, our comfort zones are really not all that comfortable in the first place!

“Begin to Live as Though Your Prayers Have Already Been Answered.” –Tony Robbins

This is a beautiful quote that Tony shared recently on Twitter. It speaks to both the spiritual and learned optimism dimension of the emotional and spiritual self-care we need to be doing each and every day!

Gratitude is just one example. There is nothing more empowering and out-right healthy than taking the time to express in thought and prayer what you’re most thankful for in life.

Gratitude has an amazingly positive effect on our mood, which in turn has a positive and energizing effect on our behavior.

I strongly advise that right when you wake up each morning, take a few moments to think about what you’re really the most grateful for in your life.

Expressing gratitude right before you go to sleep at night also a sleep-science coaching best practice for building your essential healthy sleep rituals and habits!

“Leap, and The Net Will Appear.” – John Burroughs

Here’s another great quote to inspire and motivate you.

It speaks to another dimension of optimal spiritual and emotional health and wellbeing, which must be a core part of your personal vision now for the new year and well beyond.

Positive thinking and positive expectancy are essential foundations of your optimal physical health and wellbeing.

Psychologically, we need to get into the habit of recognizing the self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk that can too often lead us to miss out on life’s vast wealth of opportunity for learning, growth and serious wealth creation.

There’s a simple yet powerful cognitive behavioral coaching exercise you can do called “negative thought stopping.” Here’s how it works:

Take a blank sheet of paper. Fold the paper in half and draw a line down the middle.

At the top of each column write “Negative Thought” and “Positive Thought.”

Now take a moment to think about and imagine one of your most important BHAGS (big hairy audacious goals).For example, maybe you’re an aspiring wellness coach with a dream to build a profitable online coaching business so you can work from home.

When you think about this goal, take your piece of paper and write down any negative thoughts that come into your head. For example, maybe your negative thoughts included: “There’s no way I can do that.” or “I’ll never be able to get the credentials I need.”

Now on the same piece of paper on a side by side column, write and a positive replacement sentence for each negative thought you recorded.

For instance, you might choose to replace “There’s no way I can do that.” With “I can definitely become a successful wellness coach, I just need to come up with an action plan to make it happen!”

Throughout the next few days or weeks, take a few minutes throughout the day, to think about your

Whenever a self-limiting belief comes up, Imagine a great big shiny red STOP SIGN first to stop the negative thought.

Next, think of a more positive thought-sentence to replace the negative one Then really focus on your thoughts, and visualize the meaning of each word as you say it to yourself.

Whenever it makes sense, try to build an “action-bias” into your positive replacement thinking. It’s not just positive thinking habit about yourself and your future your building. You also want to build the habit of thinking about positive, healthy solutions and the concrete action steps to get you to those solutions.

Practicing on paper at first is just a fast and simple exercise for learning the negative thought stopping process.

Once you get the hang of it, you can practice throughout the day until it becomes a deeply ingrained habit.

A Business is Simply an Idea to Make other People’s Lives Better.” – Richard Branson

Ah! Richard Branson is one of the world’s truly inspirational mega-entrepreneurs!

His ability to create and build businesses by crafting extraordinary value propositions and super-healthy company cultures is matched only by his philanthropy and his substantial commitment to getting-through-giving to those around him.

The big lesson for us as established and aspiring industry leading fitness pros and life coaches is that we can only really succeed in life by making a positive, healthy difference in the lives of others.

That’ the great thing about becoming a certified personal trainer and life coach, and building your business the right way!

Not only do you get to literally, help people become healthier in just about every sense of that word, but you can also get to have an indirect yet enormous positive impact on the families, communities, and businesses that your clients spend their lives within!

“The Key to Success is Failure.” – Michael Jordan

Ok – this may actually be one of former NBA superstar Michael Jordan’s most deeply insightful and inspiring quotes.

In just five words, Michael captures that whole paradigm shift in thinking that every new entrepreneur, athlete or martial artist must truly master.

It’s that whole Idea again, but said so clearly and directly, – that each failure is actually a rich diamond mind for continuous learning and action-focused improvement.

What new skill did you ever learn and get excellent at without failing first, learning, acting and improving as a direct result of your commitment to action?

“I Skate to Where the Puck is Going to Be, Not to Where it Has Been.” – Wayne Gretzky

Ok. So in business and life, failure is really a compelling opportunity for growth and improvement through action-learning.

But one of the most valuable by-products of continues action-learning in entrepreneurship is the ability to develop a business strategy that can quickly and accurately anticipate the likely changes that are going to take place with customers, competitors and new technologies.

And put the whole new mega-trend of predictive analytics through big data, cognitive computing, and artificial intelligence aside for a moment.

Becoming an effective business strategist is often about learning existing tactics, tips, opportunities and trends that we often simply didn’t know existed at first.

Wayne Gretzky got magnificent as hockey strategist by learning and repeating a core set of hockey skills.

For those of us on the road  to becoming the go-to coaching of fitness expert for an increasing number of high paying clients, not only do we need to continually learn, practice and improve as coaches and trainers, but we also need to master core digital marketing and real world business development skills like highly effective:

Digital Marketing

Public Speaking

Personal Branding

Doing The Right Thing is More Important Than Doing The Thing Right.” – Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is one of the founding fathers of modern leadership development and management science.

Becoming a truly exceptional fitness or coaching business entrepreneur also requires a massive and sustained commitment to doing what’s ethically and morally right.

And that means making a special commitment always to be learning how to do the right thing not just doing things right.

When every you start a new project or business venture, ask yourself: Is what I’m doing 100% ethical and moral?

Let Others Lead Small Lives, but Not You. Let Others Argue Over Small Things, but Not You. Let Others Cry Over Small Hurts, but Not You. Let Others Leave Their Future in Someone Else’s Hands, but Not You.” – Jim Rohn

You’ve probably noticed that I’ve made a point to begin and end this top 10 list of deeply inspirational sayings by quoting Jim Rohn.

He had such a way with words.  And that’s what actually made him one of the founding pioneers in the self-development industry so many years ago.

When you look at the major players in the industry today, you can often here Jim’s profound influence on the unique contributions of the many extraordinary speakers, coaches, and mentors, who stand on his shoulders.

And it’s not just in giants like Tony Robbins whom he mentored.

I can hear the roots of big ideas like: “don’t sweat the small stuff” when I read “let others argue about small things..” and so much more!

The post 10 Motivational Quotes for Entrepreneurs appeared first on John Spencer Ellis.

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