
Yes, we saw what happened on the EA forum today. Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty to say on that in due course. But before all that, you lot need a bloody big history lesson.

Right, it’s time to knock this nonsense on the head once and for all.

Plumbob knows we’ve defended MadameLee and all her eccentricities in the past – too often perhaps – but her behaviour on the EA forum over the last few months has got to the stage where enough is enough.

MadameLee claims to have Asperger’s Syndrome. When it suits her. Amongst other ‘problems’. Usually as a Get Out Of Jail Free card for being shitty to others.

Everyone else can do as they please, but after four years of this intermittent nonsense we’re calling shenanigans on it.

Before we go on, we’ll not be taking any crap on this one from anyone accusing us of being ‘insensitive’. Back in 2010 we bust Jarsie9′s sorry hide for accusing Sara Luptowski of lying about being a recovering patient from brain cancer with the evidence that proved it. But that cuts both ways, and one of the most read threads in this blog’s history was about people playing the Sore Paw to act like arsebuckets, so it’s quite evident plenty of you out there feel the same about people you suspect are swinging the lead.

Our first mention about our suspicions about MadameLee lying through her teeth about her disabilities came way back in June 2011, partly instigated by an angry post over at Simpletons by amongst other Yahtzami unhappy over MadameLee playing the Asperger’s Syndrome card when her own daughter had it.

As we said at the time:

‘Every time Madame Lee throws a temper tantrum over people tiring of her spamming General Discussion with her latest house instead of putting it in the Creators Forum where it will be
ripped to shreds like everyone else’s
given constructive criticism, she plays the Asperger’s Syndrome card – despite the fact that in two years of her involvement in the Sims 3 world she’d never saw fit to mention it once, only this year. Funny that (and to be blunt the day being a geek and/or being shy suddenly became autistic or psychological dysfunction was the day the American Psychiatric Association became a bloody world laughing stock ).

(And yes Simpletonians, we’ve bitten our tongues about her behaviour for too long)’

For those wondering about the Simpletons thread we were alluding to in question, go look yourselves, a matter that we also touched upon in a post about the dying Sims Nation two months later. We didn’t post up the screenshots at the time because ‘least said, soonest mended’ along with the dumb hope that perhaps this time MadameLee may have learned her lesson.


So kiddies, the fact is what has happened over the last few days is far from being a new grumble.

It is one that’s been festering around the Sims community for some time, but has got to the stage this year that something needed to be said, and hey, it might as well be us so everyone else can have farts smelling of Chanel No.5. As per bloody usual.

But before we go any further, let us start with one, simple point for you all to ponder – the same point that gnawed with us since 2011.

As you may well know, MadameLee was one of the infamous Comrades, whom we spend a considerable length of time keeping an eye on through their lunacy of 2009-2010 under Comrade Rich (and without him) right until the bitter end of 2013.

In all that time, how often did MadameLee post about her disabilities or Asperger’s Syndrome in any of the Comrades forums?

As far as we can remember, not once.

If the Demon Baby, Retaf, DebBussing, ComradeRich, the recently returned Thunder or any of the rest of the Comrades know differently, they are welcome to get in touch and we’ll stand corrected; but we can’t remember MadameLee ever talking about something she’s used spasmodically since 2009 on the EA forum.

Unless being a Redwall or Disney fandork now counts as a disability or a positive diagnoses tool for Asperger’s Syndrome. Not to mention talking about Sea Monkeys!

So let’s have a look at the evidence of MadameLee’s condition properly. Is it Aspergers, or is it in fact Assburgers – that big meaty whopper you can’t find in Burger King?

Every story needs a start, and for those of you that didn’t see this a few days ago, no matter as we’ll go over it again from the top:

Back in the Summer Of Hate in 2009, having disabilities in game came up more than a few times, one being the following exchange between MadameLee and the
wannabe Reichsführer
‘info-guru’ Aarin over the topic on 8th July 2009…

MadameLee claimed she was hard of hearing. We’re going to bet that most of you never heard that claim before other than from our KawaiiDulce post, or had long forgotten it seeing as she never mentioned it again except for once in 2012.

Then came the following post:

We stand corrected on her claiming to be deaf on this post – what she was doing was proffering one Bfortunaii07 aka Brian Fortuna as some sort of expert witness to her argument. A rather interesting choice of witness, all in all considering his activities online – which incidentally doesn’t include Sims 3:

(And that should keep Cali_Pier92 out of everyone’s hair for the rest of the night! What sort of jeans are gay jeans anyway? Is there a brand called Brokeback Mountain or something?)


But we digress.

One post later, she was mentally disabled on top of being back to hard-of-hearing:

‘I would play a disabled sim because I am mentally disabled.’

Her words, not ours.

Observers will care to note below hers was a post from MsCocoa30 about Asperger’s Syndrome – something MadameLee was later to claim ad nauseum on the EA forum she suffered from, whilst making no such mention in this thread.

Curious? Not half as curious as MadameLee failing to qualify her mental disability in the first place.

Zoom forward a few days later to the 21st July 2009, and now it’s a mental problem, but the disability with her hearing has vanished

‘I know tons of disabled people through the years and I have a mental problem.’

Is the fog beginning to clear now with you, dear readers?

Not a cheap about her having disabilities – only ‘a mental problem’, begging the question that the ‘education assistant’ she had was a common or garden remedial teacher for those with learning difficulties, not disabilities. Big difference.

(But beware: the good old Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders basketcases are doing their best to have ‘learning difficulties’ reclassified into ‘learning disabilities‘ so it can become the next pharmaceutical industries/government grants racket. In the future not only will everyone be famous for 15 minutes, they’ll have a disability on top…).

A few posts down on the same thread came Zeppelin123 mentioning having Asperger’s Syndrome.

MadameLee’s reply?

‘I’m able bodied since my “problems” are inside me where you can’t see them’

How curious! Again, no mention of having Asperger’s whatsoever despite what ought to have been a prompt! Or anything else for that matter – this time she’s able bodied: her words best beloved, not anyone else’s.

That same day on another thread:

Again ‘mental problem’ but no Asperger’s or anything else.

Forward now to 24th August 2009 and MadameLee’s still posting on this thread:

Note well she says:

‘Yes, that is right to them (the disabled) it’s offensive not to have it…’

To them – the third person. Not to us or to me. In this post, she clearly excludes herself from being one of the disabled.

And others like AngelDovePlayer were still bringing up having Asperger’s Syndrome…

…but without any response forthcoming by ‘fellow sufferer’ MadameLee.

Now let’s go forward a little to September 2009, and yet another ‘Disabilities In Sims 3′ thread, with Corymorrison1993 bringing up having Asperger’s Syndrome as part of his argument not to have disabilities in game…

… but MadameLee however mysteriously fails to mention she’s meant to have it too!

Perhaps she forgot all about it mid-dummyspit?

Or – as we suggested a few weeks back – her Asperger’s is merely MadameLee deciding to give her learning difficulties a fashionable upgrade – after all, Asperger’s is the In-Syndrome to have in every classroom, courtroom, industrial tribunal, etc. in the western hemisphere, allowing you to get away with everything – and boy do we mean everything!

From acting like an arse in EA forums to hacking and having child pornography – see Ryan Cleary for details! – play the Asperger’s card and you cannot be touched in a society where daring to suggest someone might be downright bloody making it up even when you have tangible evidence is enough to get you lynched from the hobby hand-wringers.

Only the truly hidebound would fail to concede that Asperger’s Syndrome is the single most abused medical condition doing the rounds – not least of all because there’s considerable controversy about the testing for it having little in the way of standardisation.

If you want to have a go yourself at one, go here and knock yourselves out!

Cloverstardropper tested positive on it.

Whether the desire to dominate people with your crabbiness is a major symptom of Asperger’s Syndrome, we don’t know, but strangely enough a lot of those at Dragoncave doing the test seemed to pass it.

So did we.

Do you find yourself doing the above a lot? Then you may have Asperger’s. Or you may be a cat. We do it all the time, by the way.

To be honest, from the way the test is cleverly worded we think you’d need to be clinically dead to fail it – which is the major controversy of Asperger’s: its abuse by emo types, bullied people and anyone else feeling sensitive, etc. as a lovely big moral club to beat everyone with and get around uncaring authority figures saying ‘unless you’re a special interest group or rich we’re not interested in your problems, go grow a pair!’-  and there’s next to bugger all anyone can do to prove otherwise.

But back to MadameLee.

Now for the most curious part of all – you’ll find some difficulty finding MadameLee make mention of her disabilities from the end of August 2009 until the aforementioned May 2011 affair. One and three quarters of a year they went off her radar.

Strange that.


She did mention it briefly in Simstopia once again in October 2011.

As well as the following in October 2011 on the EA forum – with MadameLee having one of her little turns included:

So she used to have a hearing aid and does need glasses. But back to learning disabilities and no more Asperger’s it seems.

Note, she says she has seen disabilities, not has them mind.

The next time we could find her playing the disability card again however was March 2012!

Now it’s a ‘development disability’. No mention of hearing troubles though. No Asperger’s either.

Later in the same thread:

‘Well some of us who have been disabled since birth.’

Note the ‘us’, thereby she is making the claim this time that she is disabled. No middle ground here. But a distinct lack of what it is she is supposed to have.

Until a few hours later…

So she has a ‘disability’ which means she needs glasses. Like whoop-de-doo.

It’s called needing to go to the opticians, and unless it is so bad you are registered as partially blind, it is not a disability by any stretch of the imagination. The hearing aid requirement of 2009 long forgotten makes a reappearence here we note (although she claims it was plural in her past – ‘hearing aids’)

In reply, Jeanamariex3 states that she has Asperger’s Syndrome amongst other things:

MadameLee’s response?

How curious! No mention of her Asperger’s yet again when confronted by someone saying they had it! What she’d used in May and October 2011 no longer applicable it seems.

And finally (or we will be here all night) getting back up to date with May 2013:

In response to Pheobesmom601 mentioning Asperger’s Syndrome:

Oh ho ho ho, what is this? Now it’s MadameLee saying she might have Asperger’s Syndrome?

Fast forward ten days later and she’s saying that she – most definitely – has Asperger’s and is using it as a full blown excuse to act the complete cow towards anyone daring to disagree with her thereafter.


As Johnny Rotten once said, ‘ever had the feeling you’ve been cheated?’

Our guess for many years has been that MadameLee was simply a bullied kid playing the disabilities card because she’d learned that if you play the ‘special interest group’ card in the real world, authorities have to do something about it rather than ignoring what sounds like another just another whiny kid having an ‘emo’ moment.

The hearing problems, we’ll give her the benefit of the doubt on that one (although it’s no excuse for acting like a bumnugget throughout the Sims community whenever you feel like it).

The Asperger’s though – utter bullshit. You can clearly see she switches that one on and off like a bloody light bulb to illuminate herself at will, and anyone happy to be taken in by it deserves all they get for being one of Paper Collar Joe’s One-Born-Every-Minute.

MadameLee has a problem alright, but we’d suggest the real one is at best some form of mental illness issues from her years of being bullied at school, at worst simply acting like a bumnugget and being argumentative online simply because she can without any fear of real world consequences  – the revenge behaviour of a million bullied kids, students and adults in their place of employment the world over.

If she has ‘learning difficulties’ (before she plays that card) that’s still utterly irrelevent to her conduct. It doesn’t explain how she’s managed to wilfully ‘unlearn’ knowing that threads on created lots, Simmies or machinima for that matter belong in their relevent sections (such as Creative Corner) and not in General Discussion because she knows they’ll get buried – consider that before swallowing any more of her sob stories designed to deflect attention.

Which brings us to the next moot: those of you moaning about RalphaelNinja acting the goat in constantly plugging his lots in General Discussion under the flimsiest of pretexts of late – can you blame him when MadameLee’s so openly allowed to take the rip? We pulled up Ruthless_kk abusing her position as a forum moderator back in 2011 for this sort of stunt, why should MadameLee be any different? Come to that, why the hell should anyone in Creator’s Corner bother playing by the rules when one clown’s being allowed to openly abuse it, day in, day out?

Finally, why didn’t we raise any of this way back in 2009 time? Because she was getting bullied on the EA forum at that time by Aarin’s squad of thugs and tagalongs, and the last thing we were going to do was hand them more ammo on a plate.

We felt sorry for her. Even when she was acting like an arse on behalf of Comrade Rich we still felt sorry for her. She really seemed her own worst enemy at times, and in that situation you hope someone’s going to change. Years have gone by and she has gone through periods of behaving perfectly normally (okay, normal-ish!), inbetween bouts of mind-numbing blatant attention-whoredom.

(And if you lot on the EA forum think you’ve had it bad, try asking any of the former Comrades like Deb_Bussing, Vera/Kelly_Blake/Warlock, etc that threw her off their chat boxes in their umpteen forums because of her inability to behave herself after being told a hundred times to cut it out. Or perhaps those at Simstopia that threw her out…)

But that was four years ago – MadameLee is no longer some little girl still at school but a grown woman needing to accept responsibility for her behaviour, not play sore paw cards as some get out clause for boorishly circumventing forum rules and regulations to suit herself, and to behave shittily to others when they try to help her.

That’s all.

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