Over on the EA forum, KawaiiDulce aka Gatorade3/PathologicalLie had appeared to have calmed down after his recent prima donna antics.
He did send us a gibberish e-mail back on 10th June that read like a bad pastiche of SkyscraperFan aka AceFlamingo23 aka TheCocoaBeans1′s routine nonsense hinting at killing himself attention whoring bullshit, and which we treated in the same manner – roundly ignored.
We tend to find that’s the best way to treat hormonal emo teenagers. That and Snickers (Ritalin Flavour).
It’s the same principle that applies when your parrot goes hyper and you put a dark cloth over its cage until it stops squarking ‘Mummies! Puppies! Lady Gaga!’ and sticks it’s head under its wing/up its wotsit/wherever.
People trying to play the sore paw card for kicks really don’t know us well if they think that’s a way to get our sympathy, and we can think of one forum owner in particular that could tell you how ‘good for the lulz’ using suicide as an online trolling device is…
(SkyscraperFan aka AceFlamingo23 aka TheCocoaBeans1 by the way for anyone that cares less anymore is alive and well and considerably calmed down after being booted out of all but two forums online for trying the same stunts he did on the EA forum this year, including all of the Minecraft ones he was on – can’t say he wasn’t warned. Amazing how his behaviour changed once his options started running out, wasn’t it…)
However, we can’t say we’re exactly impressed with KawaiiDulce doing a regular Innuendo19/Cali_Pier92, etc. routine of making a post he knows is going to cause a furore, in this instance about one of those Sim Secret clones that turns up every once in a while.
Reading between the lines, this is clearly a plug. Whether KawaiiDulce is behind it (which we doubt) or knows the people behind it, we don’t know and don’t care.
What he was doing was openly encouraging it, especially with his ‘submit a burn like everyone else has apparantly’ (a grotesque exaggeration).
However, if he – and those behind it – were hoping for the credibility of dramatic outrage, sore disappointment awaited. Apart from a few squeals of glee, all it got was withering contempt from those EA forum members who could be bothered to respond.
Like the Archivist, Crystal91390 and MelanieLuann, Beaglelover2008 was not impressed, but she dished out a burn of her own to both the perpetrators and to their volunteer PR agent.
Not merely a hit, a hit, a palpable hit, but two for the price of one: accusing him of scrambling to give it relevance whilst missing that under their very noses within Tumblr – a far bigger source of synchronised Simming dummy spitting and dramas than the bumnugget element in the EA forum (thankfully dying of late – hopefully of something lingering and painful…) could have hoped for in their wildest of dreams, to the extent of making such a Tumblr site pointless by default!
After KawaiiDulce’s free plug, all it gained was two extra posts on it, one of those ‘burning’ those behind it.
But let’s examine this Tumblr site in a little more detail and see what the fuss – or rather what fuss there is – is all about.
It’s been going since 21st May this year, but only in June has there been any real posting done, even that has been pitiful for something purporting to come from four Simmers.
Twenty eight Tumbles or whatever it is you call Tumblr posts (or as it is a Simblr, should that be Simbles? Would be quite symbolic that…) to date. Thirty five posts, most of them in two bursts on 16th June and 23rd June, so the four of them are somewhat lacking in dedication.
The four Simmers purporting to be behind it are Amber, Martina, Elliott36 and Nickii – or AMEN for short.
Martina does appear to be the primary instigator of the group as the first to start any form of regular ‘burning’ posts – or should we say publishing others burn posts (which we suspect are one another’s at this stage…).
She has made six in total, as has Amber. Nikkii has made five, whilst Elliott36 has made but one.
They did say they were touting for business and had two ‘admins’. Eh? Six of them and only this tiny amount of activity? Is this the HappehSauceSimmers trying for a comeback?!).
Nickii appears to be someone that uses the Stories and Legacies section judging from the following post by Martina.
Just for good measure Martina also shoots her mouth off that Elliott36′s posts are around the 7000 mark on the EA forum.
So who were the first to feel the loathe at this Sims Burn Book?
Mikezumi would you believe, and boy is it a weird one. Someone complaining that she’s faking being old? Must be one of the Aarinites, only they would get upset by someone faking being a granny!
Another of the Sharkloverplayer haters coming out to play we see. Really, we have to applaud the way he manages to completely wind up some people by being nice to everyone and enthusiastic about the game. No wonder the trolls hates him so much, they must be green with envy!
To be fair, one of them did disagree with another of them swiping at Mikezumi.
There is one rather unintentional funny one in all the cheap bitchery:
JKTee511 aka Mummygaga aka x_MG_x and MadameLee being the same person?
Anyone familiar with the way those two fought with one another like cat and dog throughout the various ‘Comrades’ forums of Sims3Rich aka Comrade Rich, and later also on Simstopia, will see the hilarity to this one.
The comment about Madame Lee did have us thinking whether one of these four could have some connections with the early days of the EA forum.
You see, something we have never mentioned before at The Mare’s Nest (primarily for her own sake due to her tendency to dig her own grave so frequently down the years) is one reason she drew a lot of ire from the outset on the EA forum was the following exchange between her and Aarin over the topic of disabilities was back in the summer of 2009…
MadameLee claimed she was hard of hearing. Never heard (excuse the pun) that claim before, have you?
Then came the following post when she crossed the line.
Reason? Most now suspected she was making it up about being deaf – one post before she’d been ‘hard of hearing’, now she’d given her emotive-club-to beat-people-with an ‘upgrade’
One post later, she was mentally handicapped on top!
Observers will care to note below hers was a post from MsCocoa30 about Asperger’s Syndrome – something MadameLee was later to claim ad nauseum on the EA forum she suffered from, whilst making no such mention in this thread – whilst never bringing up the claim about being deaf ever again.
Said thread soon descended into complete chaos – for once not the fault of Aarin nor for that matter MzThorn of the future Jazz-Hands hordes – as Shadow, Lipgloss (two of the most downright evil bastards the forum ever witnessed) Subucni524, SabsyRinaJackGurl along with Avie and CoffeFreak4Life took turns at pulling MadameLee’s scrunchies out in the battle they all seemed hell bent on having from the off.
(Ah yes, those so-called good old days of the summer of 2009 indeed, eh Haiden?!)
And so now you know why some of the older members of the EA forum cannot tolerate MadameLee and never will. Some boats you burn forever by what you say or claim to be.
Here endeth the lesson.
The rest of those bitched about on the Sims Burn Book however leave little clue as to who is behind it, no real obvious connecting factors: the inoffensive as far as we’re aware Anglidor in one instance, the somewhat confused Erich_Raeder (adamantly against Sims 4 being online but wanting it seemingly for Sims 5 !) in the next. Common factor? You tell us!
They really don’t like MadameLee though – or at least it appears Amber and Martina don’t.
As for the KawaiiDulce connection, he makes it along with the ‘Golden Girls’ of the EA forum for some stick.
Don’t like old ladies, do they?
One possibly significant clue however came from Nikkii getting annoyed at someone being rude to her in what we must assume was the Stories section of the EA forum.
Time for this post was approximately around the 10.10pm mark GMT yesterday, so time to do some snooping as to who were having fallouts on the Stories threads at about this time (subtract five hours for EST!) wethinks and we may find Nickii.
Or may not…
To be fair to them, they have made it clear that they’re intending to be more a scream room for people to let off steam and they won’t post anything they consider bullying, although we’d hardly call referring to someone specifically as a ‘lame ass bitch’ exactly installs us with much confidence this will be the case.
But as KawaiiDulce (Gatorade3/PathologicalLie) says, this does look rather like an attempt at copying the remaining Sims 2 community orientated Sim Secret.
And that along should act as a warning.
Sim Secret we’ve never had any time for. Any site that happily bitches about MedleyMisty of Boolprop Fight The Addiction False fame – one of the nicest souls in the Simmerverse and who will have a book out some day considering their incredible staying power for writing – to the point they left the Simmerverse for a while in near tears has automatically lost the game in our view.
In any case, it’s hardly a secret who is the agent provocateur behind it is – 32 year old Californian Liegenschonheit from Garden of Shadows, Mod The Sims, More Awesome Than You and other points of that half of the Sims world overfilled with people with permanent sneers shuffling around and making hissing noises.
Which primarily is that part of the Sims community and accompanying Tumblrs, LiveJournals, Voxs and other such pseudo-blog sites it was always aimed at.
As Michael Stipe said, ‘see ya, don’t wanna be ya!’
In this instance, rather than pictures, those behind Sims Burn Book hope to receive plenty of Tumblr sent bitchings, which they will have to sift through before deciding whether to post up. They should be careful what they wish for. Having to wade through an endless stream of negativity day after day wears you down very fast, especially when it’s other peoples – try asking anyone working for the Samaritans about how quick ‘burn out time’ occurs for those manning the lines.
So that leaves the other option: simply leaving Sims Burn Book for their own bitchings – much of which we suspect all the initial posts bar those two from last night first in this missive have been. In doing so, they would speed forward the day before they are identified .
As Phantomflex pointed out, they’ve already left a trail of breadcrumbs allowing themselves to be a little less ‘anonymous’ than they appeared (although of course that could equally be a bluff).
Even one of Aarin’s old Jazz-Hands lot from Down Under paused from putting another Grannyburger on the Barbie for a moment to condemn the whole enterprise – and this is one that learned the hard way how matters like this can, let’s just say, get out of hand…
‘This is just pathetic. Instead of encouraging maturity and friendliness, especially on this forum where shit hits the fan on a regular basis, they are glorifying negativity.’
Who are you, and what have you done with the real Mcrashlee?
Silly joking aside, we were relieved at the response to this, showing that despite what’s been happening earlier this year the Sims community has had their fill of the drama queens.
That however may not last should they continue, and they may find themselves creating a monster that could so easily see their own friends falling out with one another over the content posted, or could rebound on themselves if any of them are outed by the people behind it.
Or, quite simply, it could make them very, very unhappy wading through a never ending river of other’s verbal sewage day in day out, reading the very worst of the Sims community on a daily basis when it should be all about fun. How long did the famous Gossip Girl Sims 3 last? Only about two and a half months of 2009. How long did the people involved in running it last in the Sims community? Guess…
So to Amber, Martina, Elliott36 and Nickii, we say but this – Sims Burn Book may prove more a Sims Pandora’s Box. If others want to bitch off about people in the Sims world, maybe you ought to let them do their own dirty work for a change (and face the consequences) while you stick to enjoying the good within it.