There are some foods which seem healthy and should not be consumed on an empty stomach. Let us see which foods need to be avoided and which foods should be taken as their alternatives so that you can start your day healthy.
-Don’t: High sugar fruit juices – Classic fruit juices are full of refined sugar leading to a sharp spike in your blood sugar levels leaving you less satisfied and vulnerable to energy dips and cravings throughout the day.
-Do: Oatmeal – it creates a protective coating inside the lining of the stomach, preventing hydrochloric acid from damaging the walls of the stomach. Oatmeal also contains soluble fiber that lower cholesterol levels, improves digestion and metabolizes the important minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. It will keep you full longer than yogurt.
-Don’t: Tomatoes – If you suffer from acid reflux or stomach ulcers currently, avoiding (or largely reducing) tomatoes is a must. Tomatoes may taste great in our omelets or grilled on the side of a Sunday fry-up, but they contain very high levels of tannic acid, also increasing acidity in the stomach and worsening your reflux symptoms.
-Do: Eggs – they are filling and healthy no matter if they are scrambled, poached, or boiled. Eggs cut the daily intake of calories.
-Do: Berries – one of the healthiest fruits on the planet are believed to be blueberries. They are low in calories and have the power to improve blood pressure, memory, circulation, and metabolism. Put them in oatmeal, eat them in a fruit salad, or pick at them on your own.
-Do: Watermelon – Watermelon is an excellent option for those who crave their fruit fix in the morning. It provides you with a good amount of fluid when consumed on an empty stomach, and improves the health of your eyes and heart, due to its high levels of lycopene.
-Don’t: Coffee or Tea – make sure to pair your morning coffee with something else. If you consume tea on an empty stomach it can result in nausea and stomach discomfort, while coffee cases increased stomach acidity and worsen the symptoms of gastritis and reflux.
-Do: Nuts – they are high in healthy fats and proteins, thus if you consume them for breakfast they will help you improve your digestive health by normalizing the pH levels of the stomach, an also decreasing the risk of ulcers and excess stomach acid.
-Don’t: Citrus Fruits – Although this may not apply to everyone, citrus fruits such as grapefruits and oranges can irritate an already inflamed lower esophagus and may need to be limited or avoided, especially when having them on an empty stomach.
-Do: Papaya – it releases a powerful enzyme named papin that aids digestion and reduces the risks of colon cancer through clearing free radicals from the digestive tract. Papaya is high in fiber as well, vitamin E, and vitamin C which are good for digestion.
-Don’t: Short Crust/Puff Pastry – croissant and Danishes may sound like a tempting start to your day, however, they contain yeast, a type of bacteria which irritates the stomach lining and can cause flatulence.
-Do: Buckwheat – Opt for buckwheat, as it gently stimulates digestion. It is a great source of protein, iron, and vitamins, and is incredibly malleable, add it to smoothies, make pancakes and waffles, or make them into buckwheat bars for breakfast on the go.
-Do: Wheat Germ – if you consume 2 tbsp. of wheat germ you will get 15% of the recommended daily dosage of vitamin E and 10% of the recommended dosage of folic acid. It will help your digestive system run smoothly.
-Don’t: Carbonated Drink – even the sugar-free carbonated drinks are not recommended on an empty stomach as they damage the mucous membranes and reduces blood supply to the stomach, making the food digest more slowly and cause constipation.
-Do: Whole Grains (no yeast) – Whole grains contain complex carbohydrates, which are part of a healthy diet. The best time to eat this product is early in the morning, so you can spend your day burning off those carbohydrates. Whole grain toast or whole grain pancakes or waffles are the most common examples.
-Do: Whole Grains (no yeast) – they are complex carbohydrates that are great for your health and the best part of the day to consume them is in the morning and in this way you can spend your day burning off those carbohydrates. Make wholegrain toasts, pancakes, or waffles.
-Do: Cornmeal Porridge – Cornmeal porridge removes toxins and heavy metals from your system. It normalizes intestinal microflora and keeps you feeling full and satisfied for a long time.
It would be much better for you to ensure stomach acid levels as in this way you will protect your stomach and get the proper nutrients.