
Everyone , be it a man or a woman, would love to have a healthy hair.There are many different treatments that promise fast hair growth and improvement of the quality of your hair, but most of them are costly and usually don’t provide effects.


This recipe will help you regrow your hair in a short period of time.

You will need: ½ glass of beer, ½ of banana, One tablespoon of organic honey, One egg yolk.

Place this ingredients in a blender.Mix until the mixture has a smooth and even mixture that can be used with your hands.

Put this mixture on the affected areas with your hands.Keep it like that for 2 or 3 hours.Don’t be surprised if you notice heat on your heat. This shows that mixture is penetrating the skin and actually works. Wash the hair in a regular way.

To experience the best effects, you must do this treatment once a week.

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