
Okay, confession: I read A LOT.

Okay, second confession: I do not like to read at all.

I do however, like to learn.  I also want to be continually growing as a believer and as a Youth Pastor.  So…I read.

I get asked often, what books I would recommend.  While there are many books I could and would recommend to you, I have chosen to narrow to five books that you likely have not read and should.  Here are 5 books every Youth Worker should read:

But first…

Why did I chose these books?

1. They have all had a profound impact on my life and ministry.

2. They are all books you have most likely not read.

3. They are not all specifically aimed at Youth Ministry.

4. I find myself reading these over and over again throughout the years.

5. I REALLY believe they will be a help to every Youth Pastor and Youth Worker.

So what are they already?!

Okay, here they are in not particular order…

1. The Ministry of Nurture by Duffy Robbins

This book is somewhat dated now, but is probably one of my top two all time favorite books on Youth Ministry.  It has had a greater impact on my ministry than almost any other book I have ever read (other than the Bible of course!).  The principles found within this book are still applicable to today.  Your ministry as a Youth Worker will be GREATLY helped by what you find in this book!

2. Leading on Empty by Wayne Cordeiro

This book is an honest look inside the dangers of ministry burnout.  Filled with life examples, warning signs, ways to prevent, and ways to recognize ministry burnout this book is an absolute must read for anyone serving in ministry of any capacity.  Youth Pastors and Youth Workers alike can easily fall victim to burnout.  Do yourself a favor…read this book.

3. The Coffee Shop That Changed A Church by Steve Parr

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book.  I read it last year after being given a copy by Steve Parr and it quickly became one of my all time favorite books ever.  I could not stop reading it. I devoured this book within 2 days only to immediately reread it through again.  The book approaches practical evangelism strategy through the form of a novel.  This book is a must read for every believer. Did I mention that I LOVE this book?! Read it…bet you cannot put it down, and you will miss the characters when it is over.

4. Raising the Bar by Alvin Reid

A tremendous book for Youth Workers.  This book is filled with practical tools and challenging helps to ministry more effectively to this generation of students.  You really cannot go wrong with any book by Alvin Reid.

5. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni

This is a great book for every team and especially for those who lead teams.  While this book is written from a corporate perspective, the principles found within it are priceless for anyone leading or a part of a team.  Like the Coffee Shop that Changed a Church, it is written as a novel.  It is a worthy read and that is why it makes the list!

Bonus: Is God Calling Me by Jeff Iorg

This is, in my opinion, the best book out there for those who are struggling over a call to vocational ministry.  I recommend this to anyone wrestling with this and everyone who is currently in ministry.  Such a practical book that is filled with incredible wisdom I could not leave it off of the list.

So there you have it!  Five (six) books every Youth Worker should read.  Leave a comment and let me know what you think.  What other books would you add that I have not included?  Have you read any of these?

Photo credit: ginnerobot / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)

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