
There are four new t-shirt designs over on Saltopus Apparel from illustrators we really love at the LCS. They’ve done a brilliant job and the actual t-shirts are an awesome quality too, even if we do say so ourselves.

The Killer Kitten women’s cut tee was designed Jesse Schaller and is the first of Saltopus’ girly collection. Graffiti artist SPZero76 created the gang of futurists badgers for the Raygun Space Badgers tee, we really love those badgers! The third design is from David Habben with the last being a combination of Brian Allen’s logo and Michael Hacker’s skulls.

In case you were wondering, Saltopus Apparel is an LCS business and we’re always on the look out for new talent to bring new designs to life for the brand. We find most of our illustrators at hireanillustrator.com, so get onboard if you’d like to work for Saltopus designing awesome t-shirts.

If you love illustration and think the t-shirt are a bit of alright, head over to saltopus.com and pick one up! They ship internationally and the postage is reasonable, but if you’re UK based you can get free postage on everything until Monday with the coupon code SUMMERLOVE. All sales will help Saltopus grow, which means they can hire more illustrators, and you’ll be supporting The Little Chimp Society with every purchase you make, win-win. :)

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