
Immigration Minister Alexander Announces Application Process Is Closed Until 2015!

SURREY –Immigration Minister ChrisAlexander announced that 34 days into2014, the Conservative governmentwon’t be reuniting any more families untilnext year, said the federal NDP.“A month into the new year, and theConservative government has alreadyclosed its door on families,” said NDPEmployment and Social Developmentcritic, Jinny Sims (Newton-North Delta).“While Minister Alexander continues toboast that his approach is clearing thebacklog, people living in Surrey andDelta are still waiting to hear about applicationssubmitted in 2007.”In addition to drastically reducing thenumber of applications it accepts eachyear, the Conservative government alsomade significant sponsorship changes tothe country’s family reunification program.Sponsors are now required to demonstrateincome levels that are 30 per centhigher than sponsors in years past, and apromise to look after the financial needsof their loved ones for 20 years, insteadof the previous 10-year commitment.Canada remains a competitive option forbright and talented prospective immigrants,in part because it offers familyreunification; but, the low number ofapplications processed annually couldhinder Canada’s appeal.“First they freeze the program altogether;now it’s supposedly open, but to aminiscule number of applicants, and onlythe most economically advantaged,” saidSims.“This personally affects my constituentsby the thousands. I, along with my NewDemocrat colleagues, am fighting hard tomake family reunification a top priorityfor immigration.”While the NDP was criticizing, the immigrationminister was boasting aboutreceiving 5000 new applications for theparent-grandparent program.

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