
5:57 AM

Dear Entrepreneur:

Most business entrepreneurs and business owners buy advertising at “rack” prices.  Rack prices are also known as FULL retail.  You can go broke paying full retail!  There’s a better way to play the advertising “game”.  In fact, if you learn how to play the “game” you could make out like a bandit.

Here’s the plain truth about advertising in the real world.  Nobody wants to talk about it…or even believe the “game” has changed. But it’s true. We both know it.

Just look around…..newspapers, magazines, weekly shoppers, trade publications and even online publications are going bankrupt (or merging with other losers) in droves!  Granted, some publications are surviving, but most of them are just treading water.

The reality is it’s a buyer’s market.  You can name your price when it comes to certain types of advertising and marketing services.  What’s more, you can buy advertising at huge discounts by utilizing little-known insider’s approach called “remnant-advertising packages”.

What is a Remnant Ad Package?

A remnant advertising package is typically a “bundle” of unsold advertising space and/or time.  Remnant packages often discount rack rates (retail prices) by up to 70% (or more!).

I recently developed a remnant ad package for a long standing client. He was able to reach more than 900,000 eBusiness owners over a 45-day period for less than $3,500.  Granted, my client used typical banner ads which I dislike. But my client is doing back-flips from the response thus far.

There’s a misconception about remnant packages. People assume they’re only available to large corporate advertisers, agencies or to big “Fortune 500” spenders.   But that’s a misconception – not fact. All you need to know is how the game is played and develop a few contacts and relationships.

On top of that, most people wrongly believe remnant packages are space or time nobody wants.  Look…..publishers are NOT going to publicize the fact they have time or space “left over”. This would imply they’re unable to sell everything which lessens the value of their pub.

But publishers need advertising sales revenue!  Publishers or advertising networks (such as TV, radio, billboards, online publications, websites and even blogs) will often accept deep discounted cash offers for advertising “bundles” , and especially at the last minute.

Publishers will even accept discounts months in advance!  However, these deals are NOT typically available to people “off the street”.  You need to know what you’re doing, and how the game is played.  On top of that, you’ll need to apply the PRIMARY principle of negotiation, which is you must always be willing to walk away.

I’ll show you how to obtain remnant-advertising packages at deep discounts – by using four magic words.  But first here are some examples remnant advertising packages:

Email newsletter remnant advertising package – 2.5 million opt-in subscribers (over thirty-days) – $2500

IT Ezine remnant package – 152,000 qualified opt-in subscribers (over forty five days) – $1250

Email newsletter remnant ad package – 150,000 opt-in subscribers (professional webmasters) – three times – over forty-five days – $950

High Traffic Consumer Website – 4 million unique page views (over sixty-days) – large banner 468 x 60 – $4000

High Traffic eBusiness Website – 1.5 million unique page views per month

(Thirty-day package) – large banner – $1000

(6) Fifteen second TV commercials – (FX satellite channel) – est. 150,000+ viewers – $1850

(6) Ten second TV commercials (Food Network) – est. 395,000+ viewers (late night) – $3000

(3) Fifteen second commercials (Comedy Central) – 170,000+ viewers (late night only) – $3000

25 word classified ad – 10 metro newspapers – 300,000+ circ. mid-week – $950

Full page print ad remnant – 2 top metro newspapers – 150,000+ circ – Saturday – $2500

Dedicated email promotion sent to 500,000 active eBusiness site owners – $5000

Card deck (direct mail co-o) to 595,000 business opportunity seekers – $2100

This is only a small fraction of what’s available!  You can also combine different types of media for extremely powerful and cost effective advertising campaigns.

The single greatest advantage of using remnant ad packages are the deep discounts you receive.  What’s more, you’ll often receive substantial exposure to targeted audiences as well.

4 Magic Words for Landing Deep Discount Remnant Ad Packages

The 4 magic words are, “I Will Pay Cash.”

Most publishers and media sales people are not stupid. They know everybody wants a discount or a deal – so they’re prepared.

But publishers and media ad sales people can’t sell the quality of their audience and subscribers if they’re always discounting ad space or time. This would make it appear their audience is not in demand.

This is one of the great principles of advertising sales taught by William Ziff of the Ziff-Davis publishing empire.  So don’t insult them by saying, “I’ll pay cash – so give me your best deal”.  You’ll need a bit more savvy for this tactic to work properly – it won’t hurt to conduct yourself as a professional media buyer.

If you find an audience that’s a nice fit for your product or service – then you can approach the publisher or ad sales person.  Tell them you would like to advertise in their publication and/or media outlet, but mention your company has a different approach to advertising.  This will start the conversation.

Tell the publisher you would like to submit a proposal. Obviously they can reject it. But in most cases an effective proposal will get the ball rolling.  An advertising proposal should simply state the what, why, where, when and how much you are willing to pay.  In the proposal you can mention you prefer to pay cash – via wire, PayPal or a cashier’s check for the full amount.

However, in your proposal state you’re only interested in a remnant-advertising package.  In other words, you’re willing to purchase a package of unsold ad space or time for cash – in exchange for a nice discount.

If you submit a proposal along these lines to enough publishers and ad sales people you’ll have more offers and counter-proposals than you can handle.  Best of all…. Many publishers will often extend discounts of up to 70%!

Most entrepreneurs won’t take the time or energy to do this because they’re in a hurry, or because they’re only interested in “premium” ad space.  That’s fine. And “premium” ad space can be extremely powerful.

Premium Ad Space Defined

Premium ad space varies from publisher and network, but generally speaking here are the premium ad spots:


Between 6:00-9:00 PM


6:00 AM to 9:00 AM & 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM

High Traffic Websites

Top half of the main page

Email Newsletters
Top quarter of the page below the header

Interstate highways with 100,000-250,000 plus drivers per day

Search Engines

Top half of page (you’ll notice Google’s premium space is not for sale)


Full page – front or back


At the middle fold (where inserts force the reader to see the ad) and back page

Print Newsletters

First page (in the content) or insert

The bottom-line……

You can buy advertising and marketing services at deep discounts by proposing to pay cash in advance for remnant packages only. You’re not interested in premium advertising space or time.  This tactic will enable you to acquire advertising and marketing services at deep discounts up to 70% (or more!).

Your humble host,

Marc Charles

(Editor’s Note:  Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)

****** Valuable Resources *******

Remnant Advertising Package Resources

Cable and Satellite Remnant Advertising Packages

Time Warner Cable


Dish Network

Rainmakers International

FC Media Brokers

Newspaper Remnant Advertising Packages

Star Media Network

US Newspapers Network

Working Media Group

Universal Media Syndicate

Advertising Results

Email Newsletter Remnant Advertising Packages

Mark Smalley Direct

Classified Ad Networks


ePage Classifieds

AOL Advertising

Wildfire Classifieds


Microsoft Ad Network


Radio Networks





Mobile Phone Advertising



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