Thanks for meeting me here to talk about these 5 Secrets more...
Before we start, can I make a request?
My request is simple. Please clear your mind of any preconceived ideas you have about anything. Your ability to do this is the key to your success. You need to be ready to think differently. Why? Because:
If you keep doing what you've always been doing, then you'll keep getting what you've always been getting!
Ready for a change? Then open your mind! The way you've been 'trained' to think is your biggest enemy if you want wealth, personal power and freedom.
Why should you challenge the "norm"? Why don't we just accept things the way they are?
Well, where would we be now if the great people of the past had chosen to just accept things? Suppose the Wright brothers had chosen to just accept the fact that man was incapable of flying? Suppose Edison had listened to all the many skeptics who laughed at his invention of light from electricity? Suppose the great naval pioneers had just accepted the popular belief that the world was flat??
Worried about not being like everyone else? Well, if you think like everyone else does, you'll have what everyone else has, which is years of hard work and lifetime of debt!
If you want to be wealthy, you have to think like someone who is wealthy, and that means thinking differently without caring about what the rest of the world thinks about it. That's what this first level is about.
The wealthiest people in the world became so for the simple reason they were prepared to think "out of the box". Throw me the name of anyone who made themselves wealthy by their own means, and I'll explain it's because they thought differently than most other people. In fact, they thought the OPPOSITE way than most people.
This is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
It's all about seeing through the web of illusions you've been spun since you were born. Once you see the truth, the path to wealth becomes clear.
Do you remember, perhaps when you were a child, trying to discover "the hidden picture" within another picture? You know, in those puzzle books? It was almost impossible to see until you were told what to look for. The artist had painted it in such a way to deliberately hide the true picture. The people you get your information from today are no different from those artists. The 'hidden picture artists' of the world itself are the mass media, corporations and politicians.
Millions of Americans are concerned and frustrated over events in our nation. They feel as though something is very wrong, but because of the 'hidden picture artists' distorting everything, they can't quite put their fingers on it. Maybe you're one of them? Something is bugging you but you can't quite tell what. You keep electing presidents who promise the world, yet nothing changes. Republican or Democrat, it makes no difference.
The League of Power will show you the 'hidden picture'. You will see through the camouflage to become wealthy, powerful and free if you complete your training here.
Why do so many lottery winners and other people who inherit wealth, seem to lose it all? Why is it even when the average person makes some money they find themselves back where they started soon after? Why are the worlds wealthy in such a minority?
Money has a homing instinct. It always finds its way back to its master.
The 'master' is someone who knows the truth about money and the world it exists in. The 'master' questions things the mass population just accepts blindly. Someone who only believes something if there's hard evidence to support it. Someone who asks 'Why?'
I ask you to make a choice now. Before you venture any further, do you fully understand the fact that to live differently, you have to think differently?
This reminds me of a classic movie scene from "A few good men", when Tom Cruise shouts at Jack Nicholson: "I want the truth!" to which Nicholson shouts back: "You can't handle the truth!"
Are you prepared to put the information you've been spoon-fed since birth in the witness box?
Yes or no? It's really that simple. Go along with the crowd or the wealthy few, your choice.
The masses will say not swallowing everything you're told is 'cynical'.
The masses are also one paycheck away from bankruptcy!
So why would you listen to their advice about anything?
You stand at a fork in the road at this moment of your life, maybe the most important moment of all. One path is clearly marked out for you, the other is deliberately hidden. I have trodden the hidden path and currently enjoy the riches it leads to, and I'm offering to guide you to the same.
Which do you choose....?
The 5 Secrets
I am extremely excited for you! Why? Because I know, you will soon be one of the few people in this country that is awake. As the rest of the population bumbles through life aimlessly, you will be free of the grindstone and happy. You will become fearless and free to a point you could never have imagined.
Through this journey, you will discover the best kept secrets of all time. That's no small claim is it? However, I have no qualms in making it because these secrets have been deliberately kept from you and are stopping you from leading a life of freedom.
Don't you think it's strange how most people have only just enough money to live from month to month? This is no accident.
It's like driving down a tunnel with no sign of light at the other end. The only thing that keeps people going is the fact that one day they hope to retire with a pension to support them through the remaining years of their lives. Depressing or what!
I've always had an inquisitive mind. Throughout my school years I was constantly in trouble for daring to question why to everything, and fortunately, it didn't matter how often teachers told me to just accept things, I didn't stop asking questions later on life.
This is how I discovered the fact five secrets have been kept from the population to deliberately ensure that they stay at the grindstone forever. A bold statement, but it is the truth. The revealing of this truth is the key to your financial survival in the coming years.
By the way, 'The Five Secrets' is just a name I have given this concealed information. To different bodies of people, they will have different names for it, or maybe no name at all. The point I'm making is that there is not a secret document hidden in the vaults of The White House marked 'The Five Secrets'! But they exist all the same.
Incidentally, I am a published author accredited with international book sales from Iceland to Singapore (No, this isn't how I made all my money) but this is by far the most important topic I have addressed. I have no special talents, I reached this situation through using the very same five secrets that this course will enlighten you to. If you want the truth and genuinely want to know how to make enough money to retire decades before everyone else, then you have come to the right place.
If you want to spend the rest of your life dreaming of getting rich quickly, then carry on watching the TV and clinging on to all the false hopes others try to lure you with. I wish you well in your life of wage slavery and state charity that will probably not exist in twenty years time. Please don't think I'm being harsh, but ain't it the truth?
The American population has three sources for its information: the politicians, corporations and the media. None of these three will tell you the truth you need to know for reasons that will become clear.
A series of illusions and con tricks have been created to ensure that the majority of the population stay poor and in the dark. The American Dream is denied. The very fact that you will not read this information in the press is no coincidence.
Are you prepared to sit back and let this happen to you and your family?
No? Then things are about to change.
The hardest part for you will be trying to believe the chilling truth behind these secrets. It's time to start thinking on a different level, forget your daily routine, take a step back from life and see with fresh eyes.
We will uncover the Five Secrets and all the illusions and con tricks that have been fed to you to stop your discovery of them.
These Five Secrets form parts of a puzzle. We will put them together and look at the picture they give us. A picture that spells very bad news for those who are ignorant of them.
Ready? Good, now make yourself comfortable, you're about to make a journey into uncharted territory...
The Search for the Truth
A great injustice has been done. Lies have been told. Five secrets have been covered up by a minority through centuries of myth. A web of untruths has been spun and the masses have been caught up in it.
Why have a minority kept these five things a secret?
Put yourself in their shoes. If one day you stumbled across an undiscovered diamond mine, would you stand outside it waving a banner saying "FREE DIAMONDS HERE"?
No, I thought not. But it goes much deeper than that and far more sinister.
Corporations, the media and the politicians have been keeping you in the dark for many years, each with different motives to further their cause. They have systematically spun falsehoods to keep the majority of the population living from month to month.
Why should they do this? Let's look at each one's motives in turn.
The Media
Our beloved media?! Surely these people are the messengers of truth and have the interests of the population at heart, don't they?
The 'scoop' of the century will never be published. Why?
Because the only thing the media is concerned with is selling newspapers!
They are businesses and therefore by definition their sole purpose is to make a profit. To believe otherwise is extremely naive. By the way, the media covers a wide range of areas, from the internet to TV. They're all the same thing.
We like to think the media exposes any and all secrets out there. Yeah, right! The media is a major part of your problem!
· The Media would be flat-broke without the truckload of money they receive from other large corporate advertisers who have a lot to lose from the public becoming wise!
· Every day, corporations sponsor the nightly news. Is the media going to bite the hand that feeds it?!
You have to understand that the vast majority of the population is not as brave as you are. You have become a student of this course to learn the truth in order to create wealth. But the majority of people are afraid and would become angry and confused if they were told about The Five Secrets.
In other words, a newspaper that told people what they didn't want to hear would not sell any copies!
No, what the public wants is snappy slogans and 'sound-bites'. They don't want to know about the things I am telling you because it would unsettle them and would mean that they might actually have to wake up and do something. It's much easier to have someone else make your mind up for you. I'm relieved that you clearly do not fit into this category. As Jim Rohn once said: "Nourish your mind like you would your body. A mind cannot survive on junk food." Amen.
You will not see a television documentary about The Five Secrets for the same reasons. It would not make enjoyable entertainment because people would prefer to be spoon-fed a constant diet of topics that tear them away them from reality so they can bury their heads and live in denial and justifiable poverty.
The media keep the population in a constant state of panic and guilt by reporting on the latest 'hot issue' and many times the facts are completely distorted to sensationalize the story. They have played their part in keeping you in the dark by not addressing the key issues. We will come back to the media in a later lesson.
The Politicians
Bill Clinton once said: "It's not acceptable for an American to love his country and not respect its government."
What a strange logic! Of course you can love your country and dislike the government that runs it, that's what being a democracy is all about!
Just as he didn't know what sex was when he had it with Monica, he also seems to have a problem with elementary logic and history. Just as much of a problem as George Bush Jnr. has with geography....Africa is a country rather than a continent according to him.
Whatever. Governments look after your interests though don't they?
The first thing to stop clinging to is the naive belief that governments are interested in the people that elected them. This is the first myth they have let you believe. The one and only thing a government exists for is to stay in power. People only become politicians so they can control other people. Period.
The greatest achievement any government ever made was making its people believe that they actually care for them.
How can they achieve this? Well quite simply by giving the voters what they want. In other words, by spending money. A government is only popular as long as they have fat coffers to play their power games.
And where does this money come from? You and I in the form of tax!
Now where do you think the government would be if too many people wanted to escape the 'rat race' and more importantly, they knew how to?
Down the creek without a paddle springs to mind!
The government has a vested interest in ensuring that you are a wage slave for your entire life. No income tax = no government. Undeniable fact.
They have to get the balance just right though. If you became too poor, you would revolt and overthrow the government by force. To quote an extreme example, The Tsar of Russia made this mistake in 1917 and it cost him his life. On the other hand, if too many people gave up work and retired, the government would also be out of a job.
Why do you think the government is constantly adjusting the economy through interest rate changes?
If too many people start to get too wealthy, you're told the economy is "overheating" and interest rates are raised to effectively take away many peoples' spending power (by increasing the cost of mortgages). And vice versa if too many people start to get too poor. If you start thinking this is 'cynical', 'unpatriotic' or any other such nonsense, I urge you to re-read the introduction to this level. A different life requires different beliefs!
Knowing The 5 Secrets enables a person to give up work. If too many people paid off their debts and retired, the global economy would collapse. Period.
How would the voters like them apples come election time?!
Did you know that the most profitable investments, investments that do equally as well in recessions as in boom times, are banned from the majority of Americans?
These investments are only available to the top few percent in the country. Why would that be? I'll be exposing a perfectly legal loophole that will allow YOU to benefit from these profitable investments in this course!
Is reality setting in? The government looks after its own interests and they are often in direct conflict with yours!
This is no conspiracy theory garbage. Governments aren't vindictive, they just turn a blind eye. It's convenient if you slave away paying taxes to them your whole life. It's convenient if large corporations rip you off, because they contribute to political campaigns (and many are part-owned by politicians too).
Nothing personal. Just a game of musical chairs, with YOU left standing!
An interesting fact for you. The first thing an elephant trainer teaches a baby elephant is not to escape. He does this by chaining the infant's leg to a large log so if the baby elephant tries to escape, he gives up, realizing the log is too big for him to pull. Even when the elephant becomes adult, all the trainer needs to do is chain it to that same size log, even though the elephant is so large it could easily pull it along and escape.
Why? Because of the conditioning the elephant received as an infant: that it would be hopeless to try and escape. It becomes a prisoner of the past.
Do you see the similarity? You've been conditioned since childhood to get a job and pay taxes until you die. The government has trained you (via the education system) to never escape the rat-race. You just need to appreciate that you're big enough and strong enough to throw off those chains now!
Most people have a fear of money stemming from a lack of understanding about it. It is not a chance happening either.
It is no coincidence that The Five Secrets are not taught in schools!
No, the government thinks 16th century basket-weaving is far more useful than alternatives to 'the rat race'. I wonder why? As Mark Twain said: "I never let schooling interfere with my education." The three most important things in life: how to build wealth, run a successful marriage and raise happy kids, aren't taught in school!
You see, if you can keep people in a permanent state of despair about their bank balance, the politicians can feed from their fear. You have been conditioned to fear poverty more than to crave wealth. If you take a deep look at yourself within, I'm sure you will agree.
Here's an interesting thought. The government encourages you to get the largest mortgage you can on your home. They do this by giving you a tax break on the interest you pay on the loan. All the time you're in debt, you have to work to pay tax to them! Plus, a larger mortgage usually means a larger house which means more property tax so it's the not the tax-break everyone thinks it is.
Isn't it funny how you get a tax-break for getting into debt?
Governments & Money
Please take a dollar bill from your wallet and hold it up. Done? Great, now please could you tell me what it is?
Well, what's the answer?
The answer is: paper with patterns printed on it. Nothing more. What you're essentially holding in your hand is an "IOU" from the government. You're saying that you trust the government to honor the value of that "IOU" note.
Once upon a time, money was gold coins and actually worth something. In those days, your dollar really would be worth a dollar.
As the financial system became more sophisticated though, paper notes were issued based on government's PHYSICAL holding of gold bullion. However, in 1930, this system (known as The Gold Standard) was dropped. Here in the land of the free, gold was even confiscated from anyone known to be holding it.
Why was this perfectly honorable system dropped? Because it meant politicians could only spend what they owned. By dropping The Gold Standard, governments created their own credit cards in the form of printing presses. They quite literally gave themselves a license to print money!
The result? Inflation (inflation is defined as the quantity of money in the system). This is why you hear about stories from Germany in the 1930s where a wheelbarrow full of cash was needed to buy a loaf of bread. Since 1930, governments, in their quest to win votes by printing their way out of their incompetence, have systematically destroyed wealth of generations.
Your dollar bill buys far less than it did in 1900 right? However, an ounce of gold pretty much buys today what it did 100 years ago! Can you see how powerful belief is?! Belief enables the whole world to think that paper money is actually worth something!
Governments want you to believe that gold is a barbarous relic. Why do you think that is?
Paper money is a huge house of cards, and every now and then, those cards tip over and the price of gold rises. The house of cards has not yet fallen though; it's just started tottering.
How about the money the government promised you later in life in the form of Medicare and social security? Well, social security is expected to be bankrupt by 2042 and Medicare by 2019.
Why? Politicians all claim to want to save social security and yet still carry on raiding it! That's right, all that money you pay in tax isn't going to social security, it's just the government's credit card! As an insider, Senator Ernest Hollings, pointed out: "Obviously the first way to save social security is to stop looting it."
No Conspiracy Theory
At this point it's possible you're considering accusing me of behaving like some paranoid maniac who has watched too many episodes of "The X-Files"!
What I am saying is simply that governments only think of staying in power by whatever means possible. It just so happens that this involves keeping the population fast asleep and working away earning them tax for as along as possible to pay for their games to stay in power. Fair enough?
What I state is FACT not theory. I am not writing this to impose my personal opinions upon you. I am writing this to tell you the way it actually is. I conform to the school of logic and evidence, not speculation.
Despite the fact that we live in a land with freedom of speech, unfortunately, anyone speaking against politicians at such a deep level is labeled to believe in the 'conspiracy theory' and are therefore labeled to believe in alien landings at Roswell etc. Such people are probably rightly seen as zany.
But it would be extremely naive to deny the fact that as long as humans have been around, there has been conspiracy of some kind at all levels. So before you rush to ridicule conspiracy at high levels of power, let's look at the dictionary definition of "conspiracy": A secret plan to commit an act with political motivation.
Now can you honestly tell me that doesn't go on all the time at all levels of government, media and corporations. P-L-E-A-S-E!
Have you seen the film "JFK"? I'm sure you have, but if you haven't, it's a great movie based on a true story. Anyway, here lies an historical example of how even in the face of overwhelming evidence against a government guilty of conspiracy, the population choose not to believe it.
The population believed the government when they said a single bullet managed to cause so many holes from so many different angles. If the government says 2+2=5, the masses swallow it...just like in George Orwell's apocalyptic novel, "1984".
Why? Because it unsettled them to believe that their beloved leaders could have committed such a crime- it's not possible- the guilty ones must be those who try to attack our government in this way! The government will always win because the majority of its people are sheep and don't want to believe the truth. Republican or Democrat, it makes no difference. Politicians all have the same motive.
Are you one of the sheep or are you ready to wake up and become financially free?
I don't want to launch some sort of revolt against the government! I just want you to see the truth, because strange as it may seem now, this opens the door to financial freedom.
Large Corporations
Large corporations have a large influence on the running of this country (remember, governments can easily be bought because they 'need' money to play their games). For the record, I am not a socialist or anti-capitalist that seeks to share the wealth out to the people by some sort of perverted justice!
The mega-wealthy have become so mostly due to the fact that over the years, many illusions and con tricks have been spoon-fed to the masses by them to ensure that they stay poor. Why?
The reason they have done this is that they need to have the masses competing to work in their companies so they can pay the minimum wage possible.
Their closely guarded investment strategies rely on the fact that the masses are afraid, uninformed and lazy.
Their businesses rely on the fact that the masses are easily manipulated through the media and advertising.
Where would they be if too many people were in the position of never having to go to work or could make investment decisions at the same intellectual level?
A strange thing about human nature is that we insist on believing that the amount of money we earn must be proportional to the amount of labor we have put in. NOT TRUE! As a Leagoe of Power Graduate you will learn to use your brain rather than your muscles. Superior knowledge makes all the difference.
Corporations of course, want you to spend money!
Will a stockbroker stop you constantly buying and selling shares?
Is a drug company going to admit to a natural cure for cancer?
Is a bank going to spell out the clause in the loan that means you get charged twice as much as you thought?
Do employers spread rumors about downsizing to make you work harder?
Will a lawyer divulge the 7 specific methods they employ to cost you more money then necessary?
Will an "investment adviser" tell you if he knows of a simple way anyone can send their kids to college for FREE instead of buying his poor-performing, yet high commission, products? (and yes, there is a way)
I'll expose the truth behind all of this to YOU in the coming pages.
Once you know The 5 Secrets you become too powerful for corporations to play their dirty tricks on you!
This isn't about living like a cheapskate and having no life! It's about reclaiming personal power and freedom!
The Great Insurance Con
Let's take a baby-step example of how seeing the truth puts you on the road to financial freedom. Right here and now I'm going to tell you how you can easily slash anywhere from $50 to $500 off your monthly bills! No, it doesn't involve starving for a week or any other ridiculous cheapskate plan.
This is a simple and very basic demonstration of how you're deliberately fed misinformation by corporations to rip you off. Remember, if we eliminate your unnecessary monthly expenditures and increase your monthly income, all for little effort, you've won half the battle for financial freedom!
Insurance is big business in America right? Just add up how much you spend each month on all the different types of insurance if you're uncertain! The average American family spends around 10-15% of their hard earned income on insurance. It adds up to thousands each year......a large portion of which is completely wasted!
Why? Because confusion is deliberately created about insurance leaving people as easy prey for insurance salespeople. They prey on the fear caused by the confusion of honest folk. Insurance companies are simply bookies!
Unnecessary insurance is just one of MANY ways you're deliberately kept living paycheck to paycheck, driven into debt and ripped-off!
Most people buy what they don't need, and few don't know how or why to buy what they do need!
A great deal of insurance you buy isn't applicable to most people and/or is duplicated. Insurance companies won't pay out twice! (Please re-read the disclaimer on page 1. You should also check this against any state or Federal regulations that may require certain minimum insurance as applicable.). Here's how I save thousands every year by not participating in the Great Insurance Con:
Auto Insurance:
This is broken into different components as you know and the minimums vary depending on the state you live in.
If the value of a car drops below $2-3000 it's time to consider if collision and comprehensive coverage is worth it. Look at your premiums for this component and seriously consider dropping it if this is the case.
If you already have medical/hospitalization insurance, additional medical coverage on your auto policy is most likely duplicate insurance that you can't collect on, in which case it's a waste of money!
No-Fault insurance is usually a legal requirement depending on the state you're in, but check you're just paying the minimum, because this is most likely duplicate insurance again. It covers medical (not needed if you already have medical insurance), reimbursement for lost income (other policies should cover this,but we'll talk more about this in a second) and compensation for death (again, you most likely already have life insurance). Property damage is covered under your collision portion of your policy if you have it. Weigh it all up.
Uninsured motorists coverage is to cover injury to you and others apparently. But again, if you already have medical/hospitalization insurance this is just duplicate insurance and a waste of money.
Check out how much your premiums fall by if you raise the deductible to $500 or $1000! You'll see them fall drastically! Low deductibles don't make any sense- small claims mean your premiums go up next year because the cost to process a small claim is as much to process a big one.
You get the lowest premiums with the following: no commuting or commuting less then 10 miles to work, multi cars in same family, advanced driver training at state approved facility (costs no more than $40), good history, alarms, senior citizen. Check you're getting all these discounts and remember to ask for the discount with your existing company too. If you don't ask you don't get!!!
Shop around! Fewer than 25% of drivers will get more than one quote for auto insurance and the insurance corporations know it! You'll see this if you shop around. Prices will vary wildly from one place to the next.
Rental cars are a HUGE rip-off with insurance. The sales people at check-in are paid commission to sell you a bunch of stuff you just don't need. CDW is usually already covered by your existing car policy under the 'occasional driver clause' and the rental company policy must cover fire and theft anyway. Accident and injury is usually already covered by your medical insurance and personal effects insurance by your home contents. Check your policies.
Homeowners Insurance:
Some policies charge for the following: removal of debris, damaged property removal, fire department surcharges, temporary repair to prevent further damage to the property, trees and shrubs and stolen credit cards. If you think about the chances of this event and then compare that to the cost of having these things done yourself, you'll discover this part of the premium is a rip-off usually. Ask your insurer what the premium would be without this and see if you think it's worth it.
Another way you'll be ripped off is if you try to make a claim and can't prove you ever owned it, they'll deny the claim. So be sure to video/take pictures of all your belongings.
Also, be sure your possessions are covered at REPLACEMENT value, NOT market value. Another scam they use to avoid paying out.
Loan Insurance:
One of the biggest rip-offs in the industry. I never bother with insurance on car loans or any other type based on the fact that there is more profit made on the insurance for the loan than the loan itself! If you borrow $10,000, and get loan insurance, you'll pay about $1,000 for the privilege. Around 60% of the premium goes in commission to the loan provider.
I'm not saying not to insure yourself against the worst. It's all about value for money. You see, if you want to insure yourself against not being able to pay off the loan, you can get no-frills term-insurance that covers you for about 70% less! You may never have heard of term-insurance? There's a good reason for that: it pays very little commission to the salesperson!
Mortgage payments insurance represents equally bad value and can be replaced with low-cost term-insurance for a fraction of the cost! Mortgage insurers have been known to regularly pay out less than 30% on the dollar. Furthermore, if you died, your heirs would get the pay-out with term insurance, not the mortgage company!
Medical Insurance:
As much as 50% of your medical insurance premium is to fund the first $1-2,000 of pay out from the insurance company. A small claim costs as much to process as a large one, so it often makes sense to raise the deductible on your medical insurance to $1,000 in most cases. Ask how much your insurance would be with that deductible and see the difference. Even if you pay occasional hospital fees due to the higher deductible, you would still come out ahead most likely.
Disability insurance is good value only if you're in poor health or very accident-prone. In any case, you are covered by law by your employer if injured at your job! If you look at other benefits you might receive, you'll often find disability insurance is included again. Remember, duplicated insurance is wasted insurance!
Avoid hyped and TV advertised life and health insurance plans such as low cost life insurance for the ages 55-75 or that insure against a particular disease etc. They usually have a bunch of restrictions, are expensive, and play on your fear.
Life Insurance:
Life insurance is HUGELY profitable for the insurance companies. Again, circumstances will vary with the individual, but you'll often find that most people have too much/duplicated life insurance. 30% of the life insurance market is young singles with no assets! Now, why would they need life insurance? They have no dependents! Another waste of money.
People are often sold life insurance on children even! In the highly unlikely and extremely tragic event of that happening, what would you need life insurance for apart from final expenses? The chances of this happening outweigh the cost, which is why it's sold to you. You'll be sold this by playing on how much you love your kids. Truly shameless.
What about if your kids have grown up and you've no debts? What would you need life insurance for? Who are your dependents? More money wasted.
More sales myths: "You can borrow your cash value at low interest rates", but all this offering is charging you interest on your own money! "You can borrow tax-free". ALL loans are tax-free anyway!
Universal life insurance is another costly method. This loses about 30% of the premium to fees.
Okay, but many of us DO need life insurance, so what's the answer? Again, term-insurance does the job for a far lower cost without all the fancy packaging. This will often result in 70-80% less in life insurance premiums! If you shop around for the best term-insurance deals, you'll find that the insurance companies actually take a LOSS on those policies as a way to tempt you in to buy more expensive policies like the ones we've discussed, don't be tempted!
Liability Insurance:
This is to protect your assets if someone sues you. Do you need it? In the coming lessons I'll be showing you how to become secure against lawsuits so, in that case, it becomes a waste of money.
No-one can touch my assets, no-matter who they are! I'll be empowering you with such knowledge too. All these insurance tips are to be used at your discretion. Remember, I am NOT saying you shouldn't have insurance, but rather to make sure you get the best value for your insurance needs and that you don't duplicate any insurance policies. Check your policies to make sure. If all that doesn't slash at least $50-500 off your monthly bills I'd be mighty surprised!
If you earn $15 an hour and you pay $200 a month more than you have to in insurance, that's over one and a half days you're working for nothing!
The 'Work Ethic'
The work ethic is held very dear by the sheep (Is it held dear by you?). This states that there is underlying merit in work for work's sake. The inventors of this myth lived many years ago and they genuinely had no choice but to believe in this.
So do you believe that you are better off doing any job rather than doing exactly what you want to every day, even if that means sitting at home watching TV?
It is no accident that we all believe our purpose in life from an early age is to make ourselves as attractive as possible to potential employers so that they may pay us a measly wage for the maximum amount of work possible.
We believe that being a 'wage slave' is normal. In fact, not to be one is frowned upon greatly. A job is a short-term solution to a long-term problem!
The sheep demand the opportunity to be a wage slave. Governments are judged on their ability to provide equal wage slave opportunities.It just so happens that the government get a pay-off from this one too because wage slaves are good for income tax revenues, unemployed folk are not!
Your life is precious and irreplaceable. Do you really want to spend the large part of it making someone else wealthy?
It never ceases to amaze me how enthusiastically people pour their life energies into the improvement of another person's bank account getting stressed about some meeting and faxing memos to each other. The only explanation for this can be that they have not questioned the illusion of the work ethic and choose to drift through life following the path most traveled.
In the same way that governments want to keep you busily living from month to month, so do employers. The wealthy need a hungry work force to keep them wealthy. If too many people discovered the fact that they too could easily free themselves from the grindstone, they would not have any staff or customers so the wealthy constantly harp about how it isn't worth all the stress.
How many times have your employers told you that they weren't making any money? This does two things. Firstly it makes you believe that the boss isn't as wealthy as you think so you are less resentful about not getting a pay-rise. Secondly, it makes you work harder because you are scared about the company going under! Meanwhile the boss chuckles to himself over another bottle of champagne. If you employ people currently, be honest with them and let them share in successes; you'll get far more from them!
Perhaps you have noticed some of the other tricks bosses use to ensure that you remain hungry and loyal to them?
All it takes are 'leaks' from the management about redundancies and suddenly everyone keeps their heads down. Phrases such as "If things don't improve around here....." are banded around to have the same effect. This is actually taught on some management courses.
Are you happy about the fact that you can be controlled so easily? No? Then what are you going to do about it?
This myth of the 'work ethic' is nothing short of a deliberate ploy to justify what is effectively slavery. If the sheep believe in this myth, it gives them the perfect excuse to allow themselves to be fleeced their whole lives.
The Sheep
So, you now know the people responsible for keeping the Five Secrets from you and what their motives are. You can see that they only get away with it because the vast majority of people don't question anything and believe everything they're told for fear of being called 'cynical' or 'un-patriotic'! Fear of not being the same as everyone else.
I have referred to these masses as 'sheep'. Not from an ivory tower, but simply in terms of a fact of life. They just blindly obey any instruction that is thrown their way without questioning why. Their choice to bury their heads in the sand leaves them vulnerable to manipulation by the government, the large corporations, the media and any other group that feels like it.
The majority of people live as:
1) Employees, making their bosses rich.
2) Borrowers, making banks rich.
3) Taxpayers, making the government rich.
4) Consumers, making corporations rich.
Is it any wonder why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?!
The sheep are disadvantaged by their preconceived ideas about everything. They blurt out a pre-programmed response to every situation in life. They swallow these lines whole without even considering whether they are truthful because it suits them to think this way. Upon questioning, their frail arguments crumble immediately.
Their principles have no coherent logic. "This is the way things have always been" is good enough for them. They then wonder why they never achieve anything. Think back to what I was saying in the introduction about just accepting things.
They have no views of their own. They would prefer a 'pre-packaged' set of values.
From time to time while you have been reading, you may have labeled me an 'anarchist', a 'fascist' or a 'socialist', Republican or Democrat. Did you blurt out any of these conditioned responses? As I have said, I do not have a 'pre-packaged' set of values, my values are based on pure logic and evidence. I don't need a "leader" to tell me what my views should be. And I certainly don't care about The Sheep trying to categorize me as something.
The sheep want to be told what to think, do you?
Of course, if there were no sheep, the Five Secrets would not be secrets and the global financial system would collapse. I understand this reality, I just want to ask you which group you want to belong to.
If you were to confront them with some of the logical truths I have written about here they would become angry and confused because you would be unsettling their existence.
The Sheep do not want to be woken up!
And I don't want to wake them up. It is the very fact that the sheep are fast asleep that will enable you to make vast sums of money using The Five Secrets.
Maybe this all sounds a little selfish? Why shouldn't we share this knowledge? That is a natural reaction, but consider these two things:
1) The exact definition of 'selfish' is "concern with one's own interest". Is that such a bad thing? The Five Secrets does not involve exploiting anyone else.
2) You would be wasting your time trying to wake the sheep up and inform them of the Five Secrets. They are happy this way and would react angrily and even violently if you tried. Are you a self-appointed moral crusader? This would be an extremely arrogant act.
A Graduate uses their brain rather than bleating out a dogmatic and uninformed comment. Prepare yourself. A lot of the things I will be telling you are hard to believe.
The sheep are skeptical about new opportunities. That is why they are mostly powerless and poor and use disbelief as an excuse for their lack of conviction.
The question you must ask yourself is if you want to be one of them? Or are you fearless enough to be told the Five Secrets and how to use them to your advantage?
The sheep amongst you will have been outraged by the things I have said here and will throw this down in disgust. If you're one of these people, you'll desperately be looking to discredit all I've told you here ("Please let it not be true!") so you can carry on life with your head in the sand. Becoming a Graduate will mean going to a place that is too alien even though you know deep down that I speak the truth.
If you cannot free your mind from the controls and illusions that have been inflicted upon you to keep you living paycheck to paycheck, you will never be free of wage slavery. How you think is far more important than you could ever imagine. Once you can see through these illusions they lose their power over you and you will have taken the first and most important step to true freedom.
So if you fit into the category of being one of the sheep, please do not read further as you would be wasting your time and mine.
Excuses, Excuses!
You know, whenever I address a group of people about various opportunities, it never ceases to amaze me how the response is invariably a bombardment of irrational fear of risk. If I suggest buying a property to rent it out, I just wait for the standard responses: "But...what if the pipes burst one day?...what if I can't find a tenant for a while?....what if the property market crashes...? Blah, blah."
All very real and proper concerns mind you and worth considering, but the problem is that people take the downside out of perspective and lose any rational sense of probability due to lack of knowledge and unfamiliarity.
I've been a landlord since I was 23 and not once have I had a problem that outweighed the rewards from the venture. I just said a very important thing; rewards. We tend to focus purely on the downside due to our ancestral programming for survival, and ignore the upside. By coldly rationalizing the upside against the downside we can identify a good and bad opportunity.
And this is what separates the pros from the wannabes. Over the years I've developed three simple tricks to eliminate risk from investment and business almost completely (remember there's no such thing as 100%). As well as all my knowledge gained on the shortcut paths to wealth, I'll be telling you about these tricks to stack the cards in your favor.
Wealth is nothing to do with luck! Forget this idea about luck if you want to break free financially. This belief obscures the truth because it separates an event from its cause. When we say someone's fallen on bad luck, we relieve that person of any responsibility for what has happened;
"Oh poor Carol- she's in so much debt she got behind on her repayments and now can't get a mortgage."
But why did Carol get into so much debt in the first place?
"It's not her fault! She was made redundant and couldn't get another job!"
Why did she continue to live beyond her means even when she had no job? Why did Carol take the risk of relying on that company to keep her employed? Every time I encouraged her to become financially independent she shrugged it off!
Similarly, when we say someone has had good luck, we deny that person credit for the effort that led to the happy outcome.
Correct risk perception is the difference between rich and poor. The key lies in maximizing the areas where we have some control over the outcome whilst minimizing the areas where we have absolutely no control over the outcome. Cause and effect plain and simple.
Carol's story raises an interesting angle on how flawed the average person's perception of risk is. Simply relying on an employer to support you indefinitely is a huge risk and the feeling of security it gives is an illusion! As always, the masses are clueless when it comes to rationally assessing risk and suffer accordingly. What, you think your employer could never go under? Don't you think the employees of Enron thought that too?!
The fact is that you, as an employee, are a liability by definition. If your employer could do without you they would, regardless of what they may say to your face. Mr. and Mrs. Average are in for some nasty shocks in the coming years and I wish I could help them all, but I can't. The time to escape the grind is now, before it's too late.
Who said the world was fair anyhow? Have you seen that film 'Unforgiven' with Clint Eastwood? If not, see it because it's a real masterpiece that won several Oscars. Clint plays an evil gunslinger, but in this film the bad guy wins! In the final scene the Sheriff (Gene Hackman) lays wounded on the floor, and Clint Eastwood holds a rifle pointed at his throat- just as he's about to finish him off, the Sheriff says, "I'm a good man. This isn't fair!" to which Clint replies, "Fair ain't got nuthin' to do with it." And promptly blows his head off.
I love that film because it makes a very valid point. Sure, every once in a while governments stick their noses in and try to create a 'fair' system where all people are equal like in Communist Russia, but just look what happened there! I really wish it was possible to create such a system but I don't think it can ever be due to human nature. It's not selfish to improve your own life though.
People are not equal. A minority- that you will soon belong to- know how to rationalize risk and prosper at a far greater level.
I know it doesn't sound very 'politically correct' to say, "life's unfair and that's just too bad." but I'm only stating a fact. Please don't get the impression I enjoy the fact that many people don't have enough money to live as well as others! As a family man I can't tell you how it grieves me to see the daily amount of human suffering in our very own country.
There's no point in beating yourself up with guilt about wanting a better life for yourself though. Besides, history has proven many times that interfering in the lives of others only makes matters worse. My wife once gave a beggar some food in India. He threw it on the floor in disgust! Why? Because we were ruining his business! He wanted cash and no-one would give it to him if they thought he had just eaten.
If charity's your calling in life then that's great, as long as it really is your calling. But just think how much time you'd have on your hands to do good in the community if you were financially free! That would do far more good than the occasional $50 'conscience check'.
Still don't believe me when I say that if I can gain financial freedom you can? If you're a logical person you simply must conclude that luck and fairness are irrelevant. Ahhh, I see what you're getting at....that maybe I just have that certain 'something' that propels me forward. Well you're right! Okay, okay I admit it- I do have something else apart from correct risk perception that the vast majority of people don't.
Want to know what it is?
Determination and self-belief. The self-belief part we'll work on another time, but what about determination? Anyone can possess this, it's just a question of choice! So make a choice right here and now:
Are you going to throw your irreplaceable life away complaining about how it isn't fair that others have more and how you 'deserve' more? Are you going to moan your way through this course always looking to pick holes and try to invent a 'catch' that stops you from following my advice?
So Are You In Or Out?
Knowledge is worthless unless you act upon it. If I told you what the lottery numbers were for next Saturday, what would you do? Why you'd run to the closest convenience store to buy a ticket!
This is exactly the same principle here. I will gladly tell you what The Five Secrets are but they are worthless and meaningless unless you learn how to use them. By the time you graduate you will understand how to use The Five Secrets to gain immense personal wealth and freedom.
Please resist the temptation to draw your own conclusions from what you are about to read. We have already discovered that to blurt out a pre-programmed response through complete dogma would be an act of one of the sheep!
To help you to avoid this temptation allow me to show you what the classic sheep responses (myths) are to reading The Five Secrets:
Myth 1) "Well if it's that easy why isn't everyone doing it?!"
I wish I had a buck for each time I've heard this ridiculous question. It's ridiculous because it's completely hypothetical. The wealthy will always be a minority and they will always be so because the majority are too busy making silly excuses for inaction like this one!
Do you see? The masses are so busy being skeptical about opportunities they miss all the opportunities that come their way. And so they become even more skeptical about the next opportunity and the whole thing becomes a downward spiral.
The question is do you want to be one of the financially free?
Myth 2) "Oh I already know that!"
Please! You may think so, but if that is the case, why are you not already wealthy? If you're hoping to skim through looking to pick morsels out here and there you will not gain anything.
Myth 3) "That won't work- you can't beat the system!"
The only way you are qualified to say this would be if you had already tried to use the knowledge I will be giving you in the true sense and knew what the outcome was. As you do not yet know what the true sense is (because I have not yet told you) it logically follows that you are not qualified to say this.
The argument of a skeptic is often destroyed immediately by the use of logic. Beat the system? If you call the system something that forces us all to go to work in some form or another every day then you're wrong. Myself and many others are a living testimony to the contrary!
Myth 4) "My friends say this is a waste of time."
Are your friends all wealthy? Have they used the information I'll be giving you here before? No? Then how on earth are they qualified to state this garbage?
There are two types of people in this world: Eagles and Chickens. Eagles are fearless and chickens live up to their name and live by fear. An eagle's first step to living the life of an eagle is to face all fears. And an eagle's number one fear is: What will my chicken friends think if I start to live differently?
The skepticism of others close to you is something I cannot help you with so it is best that you don't tell anyone what you are studying, their skepticism is contagious and threatens to condemn you to mediocrity.
The sooner the eagle flies the coop, the sooner the eagle lives the life of power and freedom he was born for!
Remember, the system is designed to keep the vast majority at the grindstone through lack of education. So it stands to reason that the majority of people you mix with will think all this to be a waste of time (read: "I can't be bothered to change my life and you're unsettling me by making an effort to change yours"). A wise man once told me to always mix with people who are more successful than you are. He was right.
Myth 5) "Money doesn't make you happy"
Oh, people lap this one up, which is why so many films and stories try to portray this image. So often we're told this myth by storywriters; how poor people are so much happier than rich people and how money corrupts people. Story lines like these have subconsciously conditioned you into feeling some sort of guilt or hesitation about becoming wealthy. True, money isn't everything- happiness is everything and money plays a part in happiness by taking the pressure off, allowing you to leave a job you dislike and follow your dreams. That's happiness.
The purpose of your life is to find the purpose of your life, and financial freedom is your key to this goal.
So often people (who are stuck in the rat-race) say to me: "Oh, I don't care about money." Say what?! So you spend the vast majority of your irreplaceable life working for money and then tell me you don't care about money?!
That's more than a contradiction. That's insanity!
Myth 6) "Rich people have had to be dishonest to get there- I haven't got much money but at least I got it honestly"
This self-righteous falsehood is said very often by people who have mostly never even met truly wealthy people. I have on the other hand met many such people, and they are all simply very hard working and dedicated (myself included!). Indeed, to become successful, honesty and integrity are of utmost importance especially when it comes to customer service and business. They are prepared to make calculated risks but know that it would be foolish to short-change anyone.
Of course, there are some dishonest rich people just like there are some dishonest poor people, but this is just