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A few months ago, I was approached by two of the artists that attend my show, they asked if I minded if they did a themed gallery style show based on my market. All the artists they would invite would be art market artists.

How amazingly cool is that? Something I created and now others relate to so much that they have “ownership.”

The two talents are metal smith Chrissy Doolen from Magnolia, and Heights resident and Winter Street Studio artist April Murphy. I’ve mentioned Murphy here many times. Her iconic, whimsical style of painting has turned her life around and her enthusiasm is contagious. It’s no wonder these two became friends.

I’m flattered about the art show, titled ArtNival – a combination of art + carnival, and plenty appropriate for Halloween, but what got me was that Murphy will reveal a painting based on the art market that she titled, 1st Caturday Bark Market. It is seven feet wide, and features all the usual suspects in cat or dog persona. I’m in there, wearing my big hat and pulling an ice chest.

Chrissy Doolen is one of those people that can make everyone smile. She is non-stop creating, designing, decorating, talking and just getting a laugh out of everyone. As a trained metal smith, Doolen points out she is not a jeweler, rather creates jewelry from her metal.

Doolen, originally from New Orleans, found her passion for art at just 7 years old with a Polaroid camera. She studied photography in college and after working her way through various art mediums, including painting, found her true passion in metal-smith school. Her funky and fun metal works will be available at ArtNival. Let’s chat with Doolen.

What is your background in art?

I studied photography in college, as I found my way into other mediums, including painting, I kept pushing myself to create. I wanted to do anything and everything that pertained to making something beautiful. I wanted to create something from nothing and venture into places I’d never been before. I was hooked and all I wanted to do was create art in any way shape or form.

Then, while living in Colorado, I came home from a day’s work of creating classes and I told my husband Chris I wanted to go to school to become a metal smith. His reaction, I will always remember, “of course you do.” I started classes almost immediately and was so hooked. I wanted to create things and create techniques I had never seen before. I also ventured into classes in Resin and Precious Metal Clay, I love the variety of different mediums in all art forms.

How did you get involved with putting on ArtNival?

I met April Murphy a little over a year ago and was drawn to her shy but colorful personality and her gorgeous works of art. We shared a booth last December at First Saturday Arts Market and started brain storming about many things. Then One day April asked me for some input about an idea she had to produce a show at her studio. We chatted and came up with some really fun ideas. We were both so excited at the possibility of creating a new outlet for First Saturday Arts Market artists to show and sell their wares and to do a unique thing in the Heights that helps promote our love of art. We also wanted to do something that could benefit a charity near and dear to our hearts for animals. We came up with the name while texting back and forth and while both of us consider ourselves carneys it was fitting to put on an ArtNival!

ArtNival is free, plenty of parking nearby, and costumes are encouraged! The event is Saturday on Halloween from 6 – 9 p.m. at the Winter Street Studios located at 2101 Winter St., 77007, between I-10 East and Washington Ave., just off Taylor St. The gallery is upstairs. More information is available at firstsaturdayartsmarket.com/artnival

Cohen is the founder and manager of First Saturday Arts Market. Contact him at ArtValet@gmail.com or visit him on the web at ArtValet.com

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