
Jon Stewart has not been idle since he retired from hosting the popular Daily Show. Shortly before his retirement in 2015, he and his wife Tracy bought a 12-acre piece of property in New Jersey called Bufflehead Farm and began preparing it as a shelter for rescued farm animals. As of April 2016, they have also purchased another 45-acre spread with three houses and assorted outbuildings so they can expand their ability to care for abused farm animals.Longtime animal rights advocates, Jon and Tracy purchased their first spread with the intention of housing mistreated animals. They partnered with nonprofit Farm Sanctuary and became its official New Jersey branch. Although their present facility is private, their intention has been to create a visitor’s center and a school curriculum based on the foundation principles of their endeavors, such as sustainable agriculture, healthy feed and consideration for the rights of animals in human care.

The new and larger facility is a significant step in the right direction. The Stewarts expect that the farm can house four to six full time employees and 15 to 20 caregivers overall. A licensed veterinarian would also be on hand to tend to the needs of individual animals. On the property, they hope to provide homes for up to four pigs, four horses, six cows, 10 goats and 10 sheep. Additionally, the plan calls for setting aside 15 acres that can be used to grow crops for animal feed. The facility is dedicated to rescuing farm animals from roadsides, slaughter houses, live markets and kill piles.The Stewarts demonstrate the importance of experiencing joy while interacting with animals instead of viewing them as commodities for consumption. In the Stewart household, animal rescue and rehabilitation is a family affair. Watch this video to see how it all started.

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