

Here are links to the English language media coverage thus far of the release of  Legend of Tarzan tills yesterday by Warner Brothers.

‘Legend of Tarzan‘: First Look at Alexander Skarsgard and His Jungle Abs (Photo)

TheWrap – ?1 minute ago?

“Legend of Tarzan.” The studio released the first look, via USA Today, at the latest adaptation of the classic literary icon from director David Yates (“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”). According to Skarsgård, best known for playing a vampire on …

Who Are We Going To See As The Next Tarzan?

Instinct Magazine – ?15 minutes ago?

Lots of action, adventure and apes are on tap for the next incarnation of the iconic Edgar Rice Burroughs character played by Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood) in The Legend of Tarzan (in theaters July 1). And for director David Yates, it was a way to …

All 8 of Alexander Skarsgård’s Abs Make the Tarzan Cut

ELLE.com – ?15 minutes ago?

As USA Today notes, this version of Tarzan, directed by David Yates (the man responsible for the last four Harry Potter films…), is a bit different: The story begins with Skarsgård?, who plays John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, living in London with …

Sneak peek: ‘Tarzan‘ puts a twist on a legend

WTSP 10 News – ?16 minutes ago?

Lots of action, adventure and apes are on tap for the next incarnation of the iconic Edgar Rice Burroughscharacter played by Alexander Skarsgård (True Blood) in The Legend of Tarzan (in theaters July 1). And for director David Yates, it was a way to …

Alexander Skarsgard’s Tarzan makes debut in first look from ‘Legend of Tarzan‘

TheCelebrityCafe.com – ?43 minutes ago?

On Tuesday, USA Today got a sneak peek at The Legend of Tarzan, which is being directed by Harry Potter’s David Yates. Even though Tarzan is still in post-production, Yates is already working on his next film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Pic: First look at Alexander Skarsgard as Tarzan

Entertainment.ie – ?43 minutes ago?

The David Yates (The last four Harry Potter films) helmed film have a different twist on the tale of the boy raised by apes with the story starting in Victorian London. The plot will then see Tarzanreturn to the Congo with his wife, Jane, to help save …

Here’s Our First Loincloth Look At Alexander Skarsgård And Margot Robbie In…

UPROXX – ?1 hour ago?

The David Yates-directed The Legend of Tarzan stars Skarsgård as the titular human-ape, with Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie as his Jane (Christoph Waltz and Samuel L. Jackson are there to chew some scenery, too). According to USA Today, this …

‘The Legend of Tarzan‘: First Images Tease Alexander Skarsgard and Margot…

Collider.com – ?1 hour ago?

With 2015 winding down, eyes are turning toward the blockbusters of 2016, one of the most anticipated of which is David Yates’ adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ famed tale of Tarzan, entitled The Legend of Tarzan. The film stars Alexander Skarsgard …

‘Legend Of Tarzan‘ First Photos Are Every Bit As Steamy As You’d Expect From …

Bustle – ?1 hour ago?

However, there have been many live action adaptations of Tarzan that I have ignored over the years, and there’s another one on the horizon. Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie’sLegend of Tarzan is coming to a theater near us eventually and, in the …

See Alexander Skarsgård and Margot Robbie in the first look at The Legend of…

Entertainment Weekly – ?1 hour ago?

Warner Bros. has released the first photos (via USA Today) from The Legend of Tarzan, with True Blood’s Alexander Skarsgård (shirtless!) as the title character and Suicide Squad’s Margot Robbie as his beloved Jane. The film, directed by David Yates …

First images of ‘The Legend of Tarzan‘ unveiled

The Statesman – ?2 hours ago?

The first official look at actors Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie in the David Yates-directorial ‘The Legend of Tarzan‘ has been unveiled. Warner Bros has released two photographs which give a look at Skarsgard’s title character and Robbie’s Jane …

First images from The Legend of Tarzan featuring Alexander Skarsgard and …

Flickering Myth (blog) – ?2 hours ago?

Here’s the plot description: “The movie finds John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, a decade removed from his home in the Congo and fully entrenched as a British gentleman in 1880s Victorian London, with his beloved wife Jane (Margot Robbie) by his side.

First Look at “Legend of Tarzan,” Abigail Breslin Tapped for “Dirty Dancing …

STASHED – ?2 hours ago?

David Yates (director of the final four Harry Potter films) is readying the release of his epic jungle adventure based on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ iconic character, Tarzan. The Legend of Tarzan, a Warner Bros. production currently slated for a July 2016 …

These Pictures Of Alexander Skarsgard In The Legend Of Tarzan

soFeminine.co.uk – ?2 hours ago?

For anyone who never watched the vampire TV show True Blood, you may not yet have been swayed by the mystical power that is Alexander Skarsgard. As well as being a soft-spoken Swedish sex bomb, he is also hilarious AND now starring in the …

First peak into THE LEGEND OF TARZAN

TVMuse News – ?2 hours ago?

Remember the boy-eventually-turned-man who climbed trees and roamed the jungle in search of adventures? He’s back in a brand new context. The first images from director David Yates’ upcoming The Legend of Tarzan have just landed online via USA …

First look at new Tarzan movie

Flickreel – ?3 hours ago?

USA Today has provided our first look at Margot Robbie and Alexander Skarsgård in Warner Bros’ upcoming movie The Legend of Tarzan. skarsgard-robbie-tarzan. Margot and Skarsgard as Jane and Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan (Skarsgård) once he …

Alexander Skarsgård is All Abs in ‘The Legend of Tarzan‘

Frontiers Media (blog) – ?3 hours ago?

The True Blood star will play the iconic Edgar Rice Burroughs character in The Legend of Tarzan next July, though it’s a twist on the usual formula. His Tarzan is now John Clayton III, Lord Greystoke, having left the African jungle a decade earlier to …

1st look at Alexander Skarsgard, Margot Robbie in “Legend of Tarzan“

PanARMENIAN.Net – ?4 hours ago?

PanARMENIAN.Net – The first official look at Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie in “The Legend of Tarzan” has been unveiled. Warner Bros. has released two pictures which give a look at Skarsgard’s title character and Robbie’s Jane, AceShowbiz …

Alexander Skarsgard goes shirtless with Margot Robbie in Legend Of Tarzan

South Carolina SC (press release) (blog) – ?4 hours ago?

By Kate Thomas for – : 05:44 EST, 9 Dec. 2015 | Up to date: 05:59 EST, 9 Dec. 2015 The classic tale of Tarzan has-been tailored with various success over the years of time of time.However next summer time’s The Legend Of Tarzan seems set to be a …

Tag Archives: First Image

Odisha News Insight – ?4 hours ago?

Los Angeles, Dec 9: The first official look at actors Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie in the David Yates-directorial “The Legend of Tarzan” has been unveiled. Warner Bros has released two photographs which give a look at Skarsgard’s title …

Tag Archives: David Yates

Odisha News Insight – ?4 hours ago?

Los Angeles, Dec 9: The first official look at actors Alexander Skarsgard and Margot Robbie in the David Yates-directorial “The Legend of Tarzan” has been unveiled. Warner Bros has released two photographs which give a look at Skarsgard’s title …

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