
Russia President Putin needs to engage his "inner JFK," and should immediately declare
Mr. Putin should assert that SYRIA is a SOVEREIGN NATION,  and should energetically demonstrate before the U.N.  ISRAEL, U.S., SAUDI, & TURKEY COMPLICITY with vast terrorist 'isis' armies - including DEMONSTRATING that the UNITED NATIONS General Secretary IS A COLLABORATOR with those GENOCIDAL TERROR ATTACKS designed to "ethnically cleanse" SYRIA's ENTIRE POPULATION.  And he should INSIST  that ISRAEL MUST OPEN THEIR NUCLEAR ARSENAL to world inspectors
IF THEY DEMAND THAT IRAN be ATTACKED for having a LEGAL nuclear program
(which "Iran nukes" is simply the latest EXCUSE the insane, genocidal, nations-killing Zio-Nazis are using to goad America in to attacking Iran.)

The days of  5 million Jews in Israel dictating to the rest of the world - while they energetically destroy every nation in the rest of the Mideast, Africa, Asia, Europe, and while they attack & burn down western economies with impunity  -by climbing in bed with "ISIS" terrorists and by staging titanic financial fraud attacks on their host & allied nations' economies - must come to an end, if humanity is to survive the coming months

the 1963 bloody & brutal public execution
assassination  of U.S. President John F. Kennedy...
by DEMANDING  INSPECTIONS of  ISRAEL's ROGUE, WORLD-TERRORIZING, stolen-by-traitors from America  NUCLEAR WEAPONS arsenal !!

The courageous editors & writers at Veterans Today have compiled a long list of articles documenting not only the ISRAELI, jewish state THEFT of BILLIONS of dollars of  U.S. nuclear warhead cores, critical "triggers," and computer code U.S. nuclear weapons technology...
but they, along with InfoWars and others, have documented the COMPLETE HIJACKING and TOTAL CONTROL  of  the entire U.S. military's strategic nuclear command by command & control elements of the israeli, jewish state military, in close coordination with Jewish politicians-bribing billionaires here in America (who OWN and CONTROL much of the U.S. weapons contractor "defense companies" to begin with;  including the Pritzker/Crown family owned nuclear missiles producing General Dynamics corp.;  and the Rotschilds owned  nuclear warheads manufacturing General Electric corp.)
SUCH  that DOZENS if not HUNDREDS of stolen or "hijacked" U.S. nuclear weapons could be set off  - OUTSIDE the CHAIN of U.S. COMMAND - to destroy a dozen cities at a moment's notice by the "CRIMINAL STATE" supremacists.
Yet despite compiling these long lists of articles documenting the ISRAELI CRIMINAL STATE SUBVERSION of America's control over its own NUCLEAR ARSENAL,
and despite documenting ISRAELI, criminal jewish state COLLABORATION with other criminal TERRORIST ROGUE STATES in the PROLIFERATION of  nuclear weapons (including the former apartheid regime of South Africa; and the brutally despotic regimes of   North Korea and Saudi Arabia)
- and despite documenting  ISRAELI,  jewish criminal state PARTICIPATION IN and indeed planning and conducting the treacherous, treasonous,  September 11th, 2001  TERRORIST ATTACKS on U.S. (electronically hijacked) airliners that destroyed the NY World Trade Center towers and attacked the U.S. high command headquarters in the Pentagon -
- the editors and writers of  VT do not resoundingly call for CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS and PROSECUTIONS of those clearly involved in these terror attacks.
This is a FATAL FLAW that will lead to the DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA,  by the above mentioned simultaneous detonation of a dozen+ nuclear warheads in American cities,   which the CRIMINAL STATE  9-11 perpetrating judeo supremacist terrorists MUST CARRY OUT,
to IMPOSE MARTIAL LAW, to avoid the American public coming to their senses about who really perpetrated the 9-11 attacks...


This will be a difficult post to write... because there is so much material to cover, it will be hard to "stay on track" with a coherent, understandable message without veering off into any of a hundred related (and supporting) topics, each of which could fill encyclopedia volumes.

To  begin with,  President Putin, we are huge fans of the writers and editors at VeteransToday.com, who have courageously exposed U.S. government, Israeli, NATO, Saudi, Turkey (et al) support for the 'ISIS' terrorist destruction of Syria, when almost no other media organizations larger than a handful of individual reporters would touch that topic.

Author Jeff Gates, former Senior Counsel to major U.S. Senate committees;  has written about what he calls the "CRIMINAL STATE"  hijacking of the levers and corridors of power within the U.S. government, and he reports, "[without exception, those who hew to this CRIMINAL STATE agenda have close ties and strong sympathies with the Jewish state].    Mr. Gates opens the first chapters of his book by asserting that the assassination of  U.S. presidential candidate Senator Huey Long of Louisiana in 1933 was a conspiracy perpetrated by participants of this "Criminal State" - the Jewish mob; the global Jewish diaspora spearheaded by hyper-wealthy Judeo Supremacist financiers in America and Europe who have an unbroken, 25 centuries record of profiting from the slave trade, financing imperial wars,  and by financing  colonial exploitation,  conquest & subjugation - and elsewhere we have increasingly strong, forceful, and coherent documentation that a younger generation of this  same "CRIMINAL STATE" Judeo Supremacist global diaspora mob was not merely "involved," but was the strongest force behind the ASSASSINATION of  PRESIDENT KENNEDY in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

Mr. Putin, you have already survived at least one assassination attempt - the jet-fighter missile attack on your state aircraft returning from Poland, an attack which downed the Malaysian airliner instead -  by this Judeo Supremacist global diaspora mob, but your luck and your time is running out if you continue to believe that this mob can be dealt with on their terms, i.e. by not CONFRONTING and EXPOSING their crimes and atrocities against mankind.

The GEORGIANS and UKRAINIANS are DISPOSABLE... and so are you, Mr. Putin, and so are all the members of your Russian nation (and so too are we Americans... and Europeans, and everyone else!)  if this metastasizing monster of billionaires run Judeo Supremacy is not confronted.

The Jewish financiers who own, control, and direct the "Federal Reserve" privately owned, monopoly fiat money 'creating' "U.S." Central Bank are currently printing themselves  $85 billion per month - $85,000,000,000 per month! - in so-called "QUANTITATIVE EASING,"  this term is just confusing jargon the judeo financiers and their academic apologists whipped up to paper over what are essentially PERMANENT "BAILOUTS" - the DIRECT extortion, by government, of  real wealth from the American people, handed over to the CRIMINAL FINANCIERS in all their many privately owned "banks" hedge funds, and criminal financial syndicates.
This is the INSTITUTIONALIZATION of  all the other frauds the financiers have concocted and whipped up over the preceding 2 centuries, in particular the pre-planned and instigated "Black Thursday" market crash in America on Wall St. in October of  1932,  which served as "cover" for those same financiers to push millions of Americans in to gross poverty and despair.    Perpetrating national economy killing economic sabotage was as easy as artificially "pumping up" the financial markets by extending cheap, almost free credit; "bulling" individual stocks that incited greedy land-rushes by "investors" using that cheap credit,  and then simply "dumping" those same high-rising stocks while closing the credit spigot, triggering "must sell" margin calls.  As  narrator Mr. Bill Still explains in his 3 hour "Money Masters" financial history video,  the Wall St. October 1929 (and later) financial crashes were merely the EXCUSE the financiers behind the 'Fed' and other central banks used to  rationalize their DRACONIC CONTRACTION of the entire U.S. money supply - with the intention of bringing financial misery, destitution, desperation, and life-threatening dispossession to tens of millions of Americans citizens.
Well, in the above paragraph we are wandering off in to an extended discussion of the intentional, premeditated causes of, and mass-murderous consequences of the INTENTIONAL ECONOMIC SABOTAGE of the  entire U.S. economy during the lost decade of the "Great Depression",

but what is important for the moment is that the EIGHTY-FIVE BILLION dollars the Judeo financiers are 'printing up' - digitally creating and distributing to themselves - each and every month,  is the kind of money that can not only BUY the CORRUPTION and ASSASSINATIONS of  EVERY POLITICIAN ON EARTH...  but that kind of "HOT MONEY"  flowing through the world economy can distort and disrupt every government on earth with ease.

Mr. Putin,  no one in America (besides Dr. Michael Hudson and Dr. Paul Craig Roberts) seems to understand the impact of this  EIGHTY FIVE BILLION DOLLARS being 'printed up'  (created as digital entries on mega-bank balance sheets) and distributed to the Judeo Supremacist financiers:   this vast amount of money (over a trillion dollars a year; a 10% "commission" charged by the financiers right off the top of the entire U.S. economy, whose GDP is +/- $13 trillion per year)
acts like water pressure at deep depths; or acting on a weakened dike; or raging floodwaters pounding a weakened levee:  these newly created billions and billions and billions of fiat dollars in the hands of the Judeo financiers is all directed towards EXPANDING THEIR CRIMINAL EMPIRE.... and you,  President Putin, are the #1. TARGET of  all that  CRIMINAL SYNDICATE money, you and Russia are the one and only obstacle to the evil Jewish agenda of  DESTROYING SYRIA, waging a war of ANNIHILATION against Iran, and  FLOODING EUROPE with millions of terrorized refugees - including thousands of Israel, Saudi, & Turkey directed TERRORIST CELLS -
all of which insane policies, from the insane Jewish state,  Judeo Supremacist billionaires point of view,  would allow fundamentalist Jews to achieve what they have sought for over 25 centuries,  undisputed Jewish control of the known world;  the Jews taking up where the past great empires of  Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Persia,  the Hittites, the Ottomans, Spanish, & British left off.

Author and researcher Michael Collins Piper wrote "FINAL JUDGEMENT,"
about how  ISRAEL, the JUDEO SUPREMACIST criminal state, was the major motive force and ruling power behind the PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY ASSASSINATION in 1963,
and he also wrote "The High Priests of War" about how the JEWISH WAR LOBBY were
the SOLE authors and beneficiaries of the illegal, mass-murderous, genocidal (infrastructure destroying) U.S. attack, invasion, and occupation of Iraq in 2003 under the 9-11 perpetrating Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz-Chertoff-Libby-Zackheim (et al) administration.
Mr. Piper was probably killed, almost certainly assassinated by MOSSAD, the judeo CRIMINAL STATE mob's government backed assassinations branch;  for writing his hard-hitting books & exposes of Judeo criminal, treasonous conduct.
While one may DISPUTE some of the details and conclusions of Mr. Piper's research,
some facts can NOT be disputed: that U.S. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE  Senator HUEY LONG was MURDERED by a JEWISH ASSASSIN in 1933,
and that alleged President Kennedy assassin LEE HARVEY OSWALD mas MURDERED by another "lone nut" JEWISH GUNMAN,  JACK RUBY.... aka CHICAGO JEWISH MOBSTER JACK RUBENSTEIN.
IN FACT,  JEWS are the ORIGINAL "SUICIDE BOMBERS - aka suicidally determined extremists  "ZEALOTS"
and these 2 JEWISH ASSASSINATIONS - Huey Long in 1933, and Oswald (to COVER UP the KENNEDY ASSASSINATION in 1963) are at the core of  everything that is wrong with America today.
Jack RUBENSTEIN was ORDERED to KILL OSWALD in the Dallas County Jail, because the gunman who had been assigned to KILL OSWALD had MISSED his target - that CIA/mob gunman had been approached by Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippet while the "hit-man" was walking the streets looking for Lee Harvey Oswald  in Oswald's Dallas neighborhood - and the hit-man shot Officer Tippet rather than be searched and arrested (for carrying a concealed gun).
This FAILURE to "take out" Oswald quietly and anonymously FORCED the CRIMINAL CRIME SYNDICATE  BEHIND the Kennedy Assassination to go through the much more perilous (and dramatic) route of  having Jack Ruby shoot Oswald at the very first chance that could be arranged - live on public TV in the Dallas police station.   But - even in 1963, when the American South was still an overtly "Christian" and White supremacist run region (segregation era),
the JEWISH CONTROL of the CORPORATE MEDIA was SO STRONG,  that ANY MENTION of  Jack Ruby's  JEWISH ROOTS, ISRAEL (judeo supremacist) sympathies,  and  ISRAELI HATRED of  President Kennedy were ALL WHITEWASHED, "scrubbed,"  CENSORED from what the clueless American public were told and heard on TV, on radio, and in the pages of the Jewish billionaires CONTROLLED 'American'  "news" papers...


the 9-11 'PNAC'  TRAITORS   told us 350 million Americans that
before and after the stolen election of 2000...
in the long summer of 2001.
to  SUPPRESS ANY attention in Bush-W's first 9 months in office to the
OCTOBER 2000  (allegedly) AL QAEDA ATTACK on a US Warship in a Yemen harbor,
the USS Cole bombing.   THIS WAS NO ACCIDENT:  ANY attention on "HIJACKERS" or "SUICIDE BOMBERS" in the summer of 2001 would have ALERTED AMERICANS and reduced the trauma of the 9-11 attacks.
BOTH the  USS COLE BOMBING, and  the 9-11 attacks,
WERE PERPETRATED BY  MOSSAD,  Criminal Judeo State special forces TERROR CELLS...
and the consequences, if they are not stopped, will make 2001-20015 look like a warm-up act in comparison...
and treat AMERICANS they way they treat Palestinians, or the U.S. military treated Iraqis after the U.S. occupation:  as DISPOSABLE...


President Putin's 'strategy'  of  ALLOWING the JUDEO CRIMINAL STATE to CONTINUE TO FUND TERRORIST ARMIES in SYRIA is  ENABLING these HUMANITY HATING "American' Judeo Supremacists to REGROUP... and  DIRECT AMERICAN resentment and insecurity TOWARDS HATRED of IRAN & RUSSIA.

BILL KRISTOL SHOULD BE IN PRISON for LIFE for his role in COVERING UP MOSSAD PERPETRATION of  the 9-11 terror attacks...

...but here he is AGAIN,  playing his  SUBVERSIVE, corrupting,  "chose idiots like Sarah Palin & John McInsae" KING-MAKER role for the Republican Party and "American Con-servatives"...

these judeo supremacist "HIGH PRIESTS of WAR" to
DIRECT American public resentments & insecurities
Funded by BILLIONS... . commanding TRILLIONS of dollars from the abjectly
controlled economies of Europe and America,
AND WAR AGAINST RUSSIA, if you continue to empower them with your
misguided "good faith" - "feed a starving python a rabbit" strategy...

Russia President Putin's strategy of trying to deal with the Judeo Supremacist Criminal State (israel) in regards to their, Israel's, MASSIVE TERRORIST PROXY ARMIES waging GENOCIDAL "ethnic cleansing" WAR ON SYRIA -

-  by dealing in good faith and making concessions regarding Syria's sovereignty in HOPES of  obtaining some similar concessions from the Jewish state is misguided if not totally foolish -
Mr. Putin's strategy is akin to TRYING TO PACIFY a STARVING 500 lb. PYTHON, by hand-feeding it a rabbit!   (A 200 lb. python could kill and swallow an adult human with ease.)
Including not only the nations on their OVERT "targeted for KILL" list like LIBYA, SYRIA, IRAQ, SUDAN, EGYPT, IRAN, & Lebanon...
but INCLUDING EUROPE, RUSSIA, and the United States as well!

The "PNAC"  'Neo-Cons'  MASQUERADED as  "AMERICA's NATIONAL SECURITY EXPERTS" -  the very name, "Project for a New AMERICAN Century"  asserted as much -
but they were really an ISRAEL OVER America  mob;  who did NOTHING to PROTECT AMERICA from WELL KNOWN TERRORIST THREATS in the summer of 2000.
Not only have these LIARS, TRAITORS, thieves, and SABOTEURS  never apologized for their "incompetence" leading up to 9-11...
...but they are back in the news today, ONCE AGAIN CALLING FOR WAR AGAINST IRAN.

IT WAS ISRAEL,  NOT IRAN, or Saudis, or Arabs, or Afghans, who ATTACKED AMERICA on 9-11 2001.   In order to continue the COVER UP of this CRIME & ATROCITY, these INSANE JEW WARMONGERS will bring on the DESTRUCTION of not only IRAN & SYRIA... and RUSSIA and UKRAINE and EUROPE...
...but the NUCLEAR TERROR ATTACKS on AMERICAN cities are an INEVITABLE consequence of the Jew War lobby attaining its war vs Russia & Iran aims;  because as the American people begin to ask questions when those wars (AGAINST RUSSIA & Iran... AND CHINA!) start getting costly (!!!) - the Zio-Nazi traitors  MUST DO WHAT IT TAKES to ASSERT MARTIAL LAW,
an overt, brutal, mass-murderous, and genocidal  Jew-Nazi DICTATORSHIP
...exactly  as they exert over the Palestinians in occupied Palestine.


The insightful, perceptive, and outspoken Dr. Paul Craig Roberts has some advice for Russia President Putin:  if you allow the  CRIMINAL JUDEO STATE run "U.S." government to SUPPLY TERRORISTS to NIBBLE SYRIA TO DEATH...   you will be responsible for not only YOUR OWN ASSASSINATION,  but for the NUCLEAR EXTERMINATION of RUSSIA and of every other "civilized" nation on earth....
Dr. Roberts should be happily retired, instead of having to put pen-to-paper to document the LATEST ATROCITIES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY of the  CRIMINALLY HIJACKED
(by insane Zio-Nazi traitors and genocidal psychopaths) U.S. government...

Americans Send The World A Plea For Help -


May 18, 2016

As The United States Descends Into a


Gestapo Police, PERPETUAL WAR State,

Americans Send The World A Plea For Help:

RESCUE US From Our Criminal Government

By Ceasing To Aid And Abet Washington’s Crimes


Dr. Roberts has more advice for Russia President Putin:

WHATEVER "concessions" you THINK YOU ARE GETTING from the JUDEO SUPREMACIST Zio-Nazis (israelis) and their PUPPET, STOOGE government officials in the U.S. & European governments... are a FALSE MIRAGE, a FRAUD, just another FRAUD, SCAM, CON, & LIE.

RUSSIA SHOULD TRADE its vast resources DIRECTLY WITH CHINA to improve Russia's economy and standard of living:  ALL the JUDEO FINANCIERS (in U.S. & Euro governments) have to offer Russia, are products manufactured elsewhere - from China & Asia!!

In the NORMAL, SANE, RATIONAL world  Russia (population 154 million) SHOULD BE ALLIED with "the west" - Europe, Britain, France, America - in an economic alliance against China (Russia's hungry neighbor: population ONE BILLION hungry, energetic,  ambitious, and increasingly educated Chinese) becoming too rich and powerful

...but with ZIO-NAZI  INSANITY having become such an IMMEDIATE THREAT TO HUMANITY
- the genocidal jews have turned Gaza in to an IN YOUR FACE open-air DEATH CAMP
- and AS THEY ACTIVELY SEEK to BURN DOWN the ECONOMIES of  GREECE, CYPRUS, SPAIN.... and even their most critical host nations,  Britain, France AND AMERICA! -

SANITY, RATIONALITY,  'normality' and any notions of civilization, humanity, or RESTRAINT of  power have gone flying in the cruel wind...


Will Russia Succumb To Washington’s Economic Attack?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 25, 2016

...the risk involved [in COOPERATING with CRIMINAL STATE run U.S. government financial strategy & economic policies]  is to Russia. Here are some of the risks:

When a Russian company does business with an American one, the American firm obtains economic information about Russia which is given to the CIA.

When the Russian Central Bank sells Russian bonds, Wall Street, acting for the CIA, can purchase the bonds and then dump them at inopportune times to embarrass Russia by
driving down their price. The price decline will then become propaganda that Russia is
failing and its bonds are worthless.

When the Russian government allows the ruble to be traded in currency markets, the Russian government enables Washington to speculate against Russia’s currency and to drive down its value. The decline in the ruble is then reinforced by propaganda that the ruble is worthless.

When the Russian government permits foreign investment, Washington can have the money pulled out of Russia at inopportune times and, thereby, destabilize the Russian economy.

The Russian government should forget all about Washington’s sanctions. In fact the sanctions have helped Russia tremendously. Prior to the sanctions, Washington had Russia set up in the global economy as a Third World supplier of raw materials and dependent on foreign imports. This was Washington’s way of controlling Russia. As a result of sanctions, Russia has become more self-sufficient and focused on producing for its own needs instead of for the needs of the West.

Rather than worrying about Washington’s sanctions, the Russian government should put sanctions on Russian companies for doing business with the US. In their activities abroad, American corporations are agents for the CIA, and they are agents in behalf of Washington’s policy of destabilizing Russia and China....

Russia’s goal should be to insulate itself from the West, not integrate itself into the West.

To be integrated into the West means to be a vassal state. Together Russia, China and India comprise by far the largest potential market in the world and also the largest geographical area.
These three countries should focus on integrating their economies and insulate themselves against the West.

Modern Monetary Theory, which is associated with outstanding economists such as Michael Hudson, makes it clear that countries should finance their infrastructure and any productive investment by creating money not debt. The use of government debt simply allows private banks to create the money, and the debt has to be serviced with interest paid to the banks, which drains the economy of spending power. Moreover, the debt can end up in hostile hands and be used to destabilize the economy.

If Russia is going to allow the West to control its economy, it may as well allow Washington to control its armed forces.

Unfortunately for the Russian government and the Russian people, Russia’s Central Bank and neoliberal economists are too naive and gullible to be able to protect Russia from destabilization. Until Russia finds much better economic advice, the country’s future remains uncertain.
In the below editorial, Dr. Roberts lays out
tries to "cooperate" with the CRIMINAL STATE financiers & their puppet government officials in the west,
Russia President Putin
is  SOWING THE SEEDS of  a COUP against him...
(which would certainly involve his assassination)


There Has Been A Coup In Brazilby Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 29, 2016

In Brazil the country’s largest newspaper has published a transcript of a secret recording leaked to the newspaper. The words recorded are the plot by the rich Brazilian elite, involving both the US-corrupted Brazilian military and Supreme Court, to remove the democratically elected president of Brazil under false charges in order to stop the investigations of the corrupt elites who inhabit Brazil’s senate and bring to an end Brazil’s membership in BRICS. The Russian-Chinese attempt to organize an economic bloc independent of Washington has now lost 20% of its membership.

Democracy has been overthrown in Brazil as in Ukraine, Honduras—indeed, everywhere the dirty evil hand of Washington falls, including the US itself.

Glenn Greenwald reports on the extraordinary leak of the 75-minute recording of the conversations between Brazilian elites laying out the plot to frame the President of Brazil in order to protect themselves. https://theintercept.com/2016/05/23/new-political-earthquake-in-brazil-is-it-now-time-for-media-outlets-to-call-this-a-coup/

The Government of President Dilma Rousseff was dealing with the corrupt Brazilian elite in a legal, not a revolutionary, way. This was a strategic error, as neither the Brazilian elites nor their backers in Washington care a hoot about legality. For them power is the only effective force.

They used their power to remove Rousseff from the presidency, demonstrating to Brazilians that their votes are powerless to determine the government.....

important note;  in his frustration at America's TSUNAMI of corp. media & government LIES,
and METASTASIZING agenda of global death and MASS-MURDER destruction,  Dr. Roberts actually invokes and brings up LENIN and the Communists:    "The world has seen this so many times. That is why the French Revolution, Marx, Lenin, and Pol Pot concluded that change was impossible unless the elites were exterminated."

Here Dr. Roberts severely underestimates the JUDEO supremacist,  genocidal ETHNIC component to all this spreading death, misery, &  "burn down their own house" global destruction chaos & insanity:   LENIN was a YIDDISH speaking, PRISONERS MASSACRING brutal despot "SELECTED" by the Euro JUDEO BILLIONAIRES as the PUBLIC FACE of the "Communist Revolution" - the JACOB SCHIFF financed LEO TROTSKY
(born and raised the very Jewish Lev Davidowitz Brostein)
actually ran the JEW BILLIONAIRES funded "RED ARMY" that was the CORE of  the Communists' power, and it was widely expected that TROTSKY would INHERIT THE LEADERSHIP of  Communist "USSR" when Lenin died
(he was forestalled in this by Stalin... in close alliance with another PRISONERS MASSACRING, CIVILIAN POPULATIONS  executing JUDEO COMMISSAR TERRORIST,  Lazar Kaganovich,
"IRON LAZAR" aka "THE BUTCHER of the Ukraine" - 13 millions tortured, terrorized, executed, massacred, or "ethnically cleansed" ENTIRE VILLAGES shipped off to frozen DEATH CAMP gulags)

FAILING to understand that the RELENTLESSLY GENOCIDAL  Judeo CRIMINAL STATE psychopaths can KILL YOU, wipe out your family, and DESTROY YOUR NATION from
EITHER the "radical right" OR the  "RADICAL LEFT" is a FATAL FLAW that will lead to your destruction....

At the SAME TIME they were profiteering from the SLAVE TRADE, slave plantations, and COLONIAL RAPE of Europe, Africa and Asia - all in the name of  RADICAL RIGHT-WING "free market" economics and  BIG BUSINESS  (East India Tea Co.; China OPIUM TRADERS;  American cotton growing SLAVE PLANTATIONS; Rotschilds owned  DeBEERS  diamond mines and Rotschilds financed CECIL RHODES led BRITISH proxy CONQUEST of South Africa....

jew billionaires like the Warburgs, Schiffs, Rotschilds, Montefiores, and Oppenheimers WERE ALSO FUNDING the most RADICAL of "LEFTISTS" -   MARX, ENGELS, many other JEWISH SUBVERSIVES in Europe, Russia & America....
just as Israel is home to KIBBUTZES (the most "socialized" of all communities) AND the MOST INCOME INEQUALITY in all of the "Western" world;
and just as the JEWISH, Hebrew BIBLE  portrays  MOSES AS CONFISCATING GOLD from his tribe... while Jewish autocrat SOLOMON (allegedly - he never actually existed as the bible depicts him)  OSTENTATIOUSLY DISPLAYED HUGE AMOUNTS OF GOLD  in form of very heavy shields hanging all over his palace walls;
it's not whether they are "LEFT" or "RIGHT" that the genocidal, fundamentalist jews are concerned about...
ITS WHETHER THEY have ABSOLUTE, DESPOTIC CONTROL over YOUR nations' government that they are concerned with!!!

ONCE THEY OBTAIN THAT CONTROL, whether from the QUEEN ESTHER "right-wing" or the KAGANOVICH, TROTSKY,  LENIN, & MARX "left" - they can SEND OUT THEIR ARMIES of  GENOCIDAL GOONS to ROB YOU of EVERYTHING YOU POSSESSES,  TORTURE YOU TO DEATH, and throw you family and children into the SLAVE-TRADE GULAG... or just rape & murder them on the spot...

and DESTROY your community & nation.... for EITHER the RADICAL,
"private property" and SLAVE OWNING "RIGHT"
"Commissars"  RADICAL LEFT.
Either way, IF THEY HAVE POWER of LIFE & DEATH over you...
it doesn't matter whether it's from "the right" OR "left"!

Every time someone starts to notice & PAY ATTENTION to the JUDEO DESTRUCTION of their nation... the Judeo Criminal State apparatchiks  MERELY PUSH FORWARD  someone to push RADICAL POLICIES as "the solution" - and when THOSE POLICIES FAIL  -
- as inevitably they must (they are designed to fail) -
whichever "wing" of the political spectrum GETS THE BLAME !!!!


De Beers group of companies  currently sells approximately 35% of the world’s rough diamond production through its Global Sightholder Sales and Auction Sales businesses.

The company was founded in 1888 by British businessman Cecil Rhodes, who was financed by the South African diamond magnate Alfred Beit and the London-based N M Rothschild & Sons bank.[3] In 1926, Ernest Oppenheimer, a German immigrant to Britain who had earlier founded mining giant Anglo American plc with American financier J.P. Morgan,[4] was elected to the board of De Beers.[5] He built and consolidated the company's global monopoly over the diamond industry until his death in 1957. During this time, he was involved in a number of controversies, including price fixing, antitrust behaviour and an allegation of not releasing industrial diamonds for the US war effort during World War II.[6][7]

If you want ACTUAL EVIDENCE of  JEW FINANCIERS COOPERATING with the NAZI WAR EFFORT - even DURING World War II !!! -  you need look no further than the mention of ERNEST OPPENHEIMER in the above wiki entry,  WITHHOLDING  INDUSTRIAL DIAMONDS from the U.S. war industry during the war against the Nazis !!!   

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