
note: this is the first in a series of posts we hope to write over the coming week,
documenting 9-11 DECODED, about the TREASON / terror attacks against New York, against Washington, against the American flying public,  and against the entire American nation on that awful, infamous day 14 years ago, September 11th, 2001.


- or 'gwot' - "global war against terrorism" -

that was planned and put in motion _long before_  the terror attacks
of 9-11 2001 went down.

This clever image captures the true horror of the "War on Terror" -NETANYAHU = ISIS TERRORISM !
that is, the JEWISH STATE
(israel & its P.M., "king bibi" Netanyahu)
of the evil "GLOBAL TERRORISM" WAR -

They - the Jewish war lobby,  the Israel and "American" Jews -


in Libya, in Egypt, Lebanon, & in Iraq

via the Jews SAUDI, KUWAIT, QATARI (et al)

_and_  they CONTROL the AMERICAN,

"U.S." government "WAR ON TERROR"

as well, via their BRIBED, BLACKMAILED, EXTORTED, & bought of SENATORS ,
Con-gress Critters, presidents, and other elected and non-elected officials
As our below  "Inquisition" article explains,
the PURPOSE of all this _is_ MURDER!

The TERRORIZING and DESTRUCTION of  _millions_ of people

just exactly as the JEW COMMISSARS did in the RED TERROR, 'Communist revolution/civil-war,  and DEATH-CAMP GULAGS ruled "Soviet Union"

Resistance to the Catholic Church's many abuses of power & ruthless,
mass-murder terror and ATROCITIES of the INQUISTION
led directly  to the Protestant Reformation - and bloody civil wars.Here French Queen Catherine d'Medici (upper left corner, in black)
surveys  the grisly results of her mass-murderous handiwork:
the CORPSES of Protestant "Hugenot" victims MASSACRED by Catholics
in the infamous St. Bartholemew's Day Massacre

of  the INQUISITION was the main cause of the Protestant Reformation...
and of the bloody and horrific RELIGIOUS and CIVIL WAR that ensued.

JEWS CELEBRATE SIMILAR bloody, murderous massacres:
- their PURIM celebration celebrates the MASSACRES of over 75,000 people!
- they exult in the bloody,  alleged conquest of Jericho and the Canaan Valley
(the bloody core of the Jews' "promised land" MYTH)
- and even their seemingly benign "HANUKAH" festival _actually_ CELEBRATES
the MASSACRES of not only the 'Helenic'  Greek soldiers who had been ruling the region...
...but the MASSACRES and enslavement of  ANYONE not part of the Judeo revolt
who was captured after the Greek army was defeated.


In fact the 9-11 terror attacks were only the second and more visible part(s) of

a bloody and OVERT  'Neo-Con'  JUDEO SUPREMACIST

"commissariat" HIJACKING of America,

with the stolen election of 2000  putting  top  "DUAL CITIZEN"  ISRAELI-(american)  officials in to  the highest positions in the entire U.S. government  in the Bush-Cheney-WOLFOWITZ-LIBBY administration...
where they could diffuse, derail, and destroy _any_ opposition
to their  treacherous  'Neo-Con' agenda,  by a well-coordinated campaign that involved government officials, entire government agencies, and the jewish dominated corporate-press media and academia  SMEARING _ANYONE_  who dared asked legitimate questions about the 9-11 attacks
as "conspiracy theorists."

Before we start getting down to the nuts-and-bolts of the 9-11 TREASON / terror attacks,
we'll first  highlight some of the historical and philosophical forces that contributed
to  the formulation and implementation  of this huge, murderous, and sinister conspiracy.
Hopefully, this first post in our "9-11 DECODED" series will be a simple one!

We will simply point out that  JUDAISM is today, under its many guises:
- the Jewish controlled "Federal Reserve," ECB, Bank of England" and other privately owned "central banks";
- the Jewish controlled "American," British (Canadian, Australian, & etc. ) and European corporate media;
- and of course the overtly  Jewish supported and Israel directed lobby groups like AIAPC, ADL, JCC, and  AJC  that are all are  HUGELY POWERFUL FORCES in America,

organizations with aims that are NOT  always
synonymous with what is good for America or for Americans;
a powerful political, financial, social, media, cultural, and religious force

- often exerted by FOREIGN agents -
that simultaneously brags and gloats about its influence....
while criticizing any inspection much less criticism of that influence as "anti-Semitic"!

and for Jews to claim that THEY have  "the right to freedom of religion" -

- while simultaenously trying to  IMPOSE their "chosen,"
"right to own slaves" and "greater israel" racist,
bronze-age ideology and intolerant, homicidal theology  on America and the world,
is hypocritical, murderous, & treacherous in the extreme!

- Lord Acton,  1867
- a practicing (and intellectually courageous)  Catholic!


"Once accused by the  Catholic inquisition..."
(in all its various manifestations: against Christian "heresies" in AD 400;

against the Cathar heresy in the 1200s,

against the Muslim (or jewish "CONVERSOS" in 15th century Spain,

or by the Roman Inquisition that terrorized much of Europe)
"...no one got off without some form of punishment."


THAT was easy!

Despite knowing that there are dozens of  JEWISH RUN COMMUNITY, activist,
and lobby groups in America - spearheaded by  AIPAC, ADL, JCC, and AJC,

when we went to find a list of some of these groups,
we were directed by google to a wiki page that was part of their...

"anti-Semitism" series!

JEWS - who, in their fundamentalist and orthodox practices
BELIEVE THEY are _ALWAYS_ A NATION _within_ a nation
(a separate and ultimately "sovereign nation"  loyal _only to  g-o-d";  living  among
any other HOST NATION they may dwell among on only a temporary or non-permanent basis)

feel they have the right to organize as many lobbyist, activist, and (exclusively!)
JEWISH community groups as their numbers and social standing can command...

but if we Americans wish to inquire about the power & influence
of those groups on OUR politics and OUR politicians...

why,  WE are being "anti-Semitic"!


Merely  to ask about the influence of  Jewish community groups in America...
much less to inquire  about the well orchestrated, well funded,
- is to be 'ANTI-semitic' ?!!!


Merely  to ask about the influence of  Jewish community groups in America...
much less to inquire   about the well orchestrated, well funded, and
ISRAEL LOBBY  in America -
is to be  'ANTI-semitic'  ??!!!


Here we found



for  _BLACKS_ in America!!

But EVERY ONE of these  RACIST, hyper- HYPOCRITICE  jewish groups
are ZIO-NAZIS:   masking their  _support_  for RACISM, APARTHEID,
and not only VIOLENT SEGREGATION in israhell... but advocating
in _the_vicinity_ of  the infernal jew state to make way for "Greater Israel"
as  their entire religious & cultural  upbringing directs them to !!!

racist, segregationist, violent apartheid-in-Israel supporting N.Y. jew hypocrites...these racist hypocrite scum here
SHED CROCODILE TEARS _pretending_ they are concerned with the plight of  BLACK Americans...
actually as a means of IMPOSING the  DHS,
EVERY DIME  spent on foreign wars and defrauded by jew financier perps
STEALS from America's minority, working-class, and Black communities...

Jewish pseudo "support" for Black Americans
is actually part of their  well coded INQUISITION against not only "White Americans"
(accused - by these racist jews! - of  "racism" against Black Americans!)

but against _all_ Americans -
this is  JEWISH COMMUNITY  expressing SUPPORT
for the JEWISH COMMISSARS  run "war on terror" & DHS -

_masquerading_ as jewish support for  Black civil rights!

Just exactly as  Jewish community groups in America EXPRESSED SUPPORT for the COMMISSARS REIGN OF TERROR in "atheist" and pretend "for the workers"
but actually racist JUDEO Commissars RUN 'Communist' Russia/"the Soviet Union"!

If these demon jews DON'T SUPPORT CIVIL RIGHTS for  "white" Americans,
they can't possibly support civil rights for Black Americans!!

In fact, these FUNDAMENTALIST JEWS HATE _EVERYONE_ not part of their little demon "chosen" cabal

- and if they ever did succeed in exterminating, extirpating, and eliminating
_all_   non-jews from planet earth.. they would immediately start KILLING EACH OTHER,

as  King David's sons were so quick to kill each other, and as the "great" king  David was himself DRIVEN OUT of  Jerusalem in disgrace by his OWN (jewish) people -
-  who HATED & DESPISED him for his tyranny!

TREASON! The ENTIRE "War on Terror"
- funded by their SAUDI, QATARI, Kuwaiti, and other
Sunni head-chopping PARTNERS in big-OIL  global FINANCE -
in Syria, in Lebanon, in Libya, in Egypt, IN IRAQ -
as a prelude to their own insane, demonic plans to ANNEX
nations on to 'GREATER ISRAEL'!

America's infernal, treacherous JEWISH RABBIS

_SUPPORTED_ the MURDERS of 50,000

Black Africans _MASSACRED_   in Libya
during and after  the ISIS = al Qaeda TERRORISTS took over that brutalized nation...
under a hail of MURDEROUS, Jew war lobby directed NATO bombs!

But these same vile, evil  New York Jews
SHED CROCODILE TEARS for  Blacks here in America!


who HATE everyone around them...

exactly as their bible, their evil Talmud, and their lifetime "Chosen ones" religious INDOCTRINATION and training instructs them to....

...just exactly  as the Dominicans and other Church officials were REWARDED for being SADISTIC MASS-MURDERERS
by promotions & power in the Catholic Inquisition
for over 1,000 years...


The CORE of  the JEWS' "CHOSEN" identity:

ABRAHAM sends his concubine and his own son by her (Ishmael)

to DIE in the desert... in his RACIST PREFERENCE

for his other, younger son Isaac.

According to this horrible bible story,  "g-o-d" hears Hagar's crying... and saves her and her son from certain death in the desert.    Nevertheless,


their alleged "superiority" over all other peoples;  and  they are instructed throughout their lives to "to be like Abraham" - WILLING TO KILL THEIR OWN CHILD

- much less other people's children! -
in order to save the "racial purity" and primacy  of

"g-o-d's CHOSEN RACE"...

Bible patriarch Abraham sends his own son, Ishmael, out in the desert to die... Genesis 21-14

14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba. 15 And the water was spent in the bottle, and she cast the child under one of the shrubs. 16 And she went, and sat her down over against him a good way off, as it were a bowshot: for she said, Let me not see the death of the [my] child. And she sat over against him, and lift up her voice, and wept.

Jews regard this passage -
a man condemning his own son to DEATH
in the desert for purely RACIST reasons  -
as INSTRUCTIONS for how they
should treat _all_  NON-JEWS...!


Like Jewish priests, prophets, kings, and later rabbis who came before them,
officials of the Catholic ('Catholic' merely means "Universal") Christian church
were all about WRITING RULES...

and ENFORCING THEM ruthlessly,
claiming the power of g-o-d to punish, seize property from, or execute  _anyone_
brought to the attention of those Church officials... for any reason _they_ deemed sufficient.

This MURDEROUS ENFORCEMENT of  religious, theocratic rules was essentially
with powerful church officials getting away with the exact same 'crimes' that 'lesser people'
were tortured, humiliated, dispossessed, disinherited, terrorized, & EXECUTED  for.

According to Jews, Christians, _and_ intolerant Muslims,

the "g-o-d" of their  "holy book(s)"

who eliminates "his" human creation  "mistakes" and "errors" by BRUTAL MEANS:
by stoning, by beating to death with clubs,  by hacking with swords, by burning, or by other even more sadistic & imaginative forms of torture,  brutal executions, or deaths in war, fighting, and trauma inflicted "at god's direction" by brutal enforcers - by warriors or church officials or  government appartchiks - of "god's will".

The notion of a     powerful and infinite "CREATOR G-O-D"
- powerful enough to  "CREATE THE UNIVERSE" but  who also COMMANDS
the serial and repeated cold-blooded, violent, and brutal  KILLINGS of CHILDREN in large numbers
should be repugnant to all rational and sane humans...

but this notion is precisely the foundation

of the "NOAHIDE"  or  Abrahamic based "faiths"

A quick glance at the below description of the horrors of the  French, Spanish, Roman & other Catholic INQUISITIONS reveal that

these are PRECISELY the POWERS
(to massacre, torture, and murder)
COVETED by treacherous, treasonous, sadistic, and scheming "FIRST LOYALTY to a FOREIGN POWER" officials in  the "United States" government...

...and that long before the CATHOLIC CHURCH arose,

...JEWISH OFFICIALS  wrote the Hebrew bible to CODIFY and INSTITUTIONALIZE all those horrific powers - see the infamous bible story of  Moses  instructing his brother Aaron and Aaron's sons to  "strap on their swords" and MASSACRE  the very people who had been prancing around the Golden Calf...

EXODUS ch. 3232 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods[a] who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”2 Aaron answered them, “Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.” 3 So all the people took off their earrings and brought them to Aaron. 4 HE took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool. Then they said, “These are your gods,[b] Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.” 22 “Do not be angry, my lord,” Aaron answered. “You know how prone these people are to evil.  [not their cowardly, vacillating, back-stabbing, hypocrite, idol-worshipping  'leaders'!!]   23 They said to me, ‘Make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.’ 24 So I told them, ‘Whoever has any gold jewelry, take it off.’ Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!”  25 Moses saw that the people were running wild and that Aaron had let them get out of control and so become a laughingstock to their enemies. 26 So he stood at the entrance to the camp and said, “Whoever is for the Lord, come to me.” And all the Levites  [Aaron and his sons... the very people who had cast the Golden Calf and LED the procession around it!] rallied to him.27 Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.’” 28 The Levites did as Moses commanded, and that day about three thousand of the people died. 29 Then Moses said, “You have been set apart to the Lord today, for you were against your own sons and brothers, and he has blessed you this day.”

the bible oily glossing-over the fact that

the treacherous, cowardly, backstabbing Aaron and his sons HAD BUILT the golden calf and LED the Hebrew exiles in worship around it,
after Moses went missing on his climb of Mt. Sinai...

In that infamous passage we see

the bible  SPECIFICALLY ENCODES the MASSACRES, MURDERS,  torture, and terrorizing of others

as a means for JEWISH OFFICIALS to
"resume their good graces in eyes of g-o-d" !!!!


Christianity and its concept of justice


The principle of the Inquisition was murderous ... The popes were not only murderers in the great style, but they also made murder a legal basis of the Christian Church and a condition for salvation.   Lord Acton (1834-1902)

The name Inquisition is somewhat misleading in that over the centuries there have been a number of Inquisitions. They have been directed against all of the groups we have looked at - pagans and supposed witches, dissenting sects, Cathars, Moslems, Jews and members of other religions. They have also been directed against freethinkers, apostates, atheists, and blasphemers.

In 1184 Pope Lucius III and the Emperor Frederick formulated a program  for the repression of heretics. This document, Ad abolendum, is sometimes known as the charter of the Inquisition, because it set the tone for future developments. The Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 ordered all bishops to hold an annual inquisition, if there was a suspicion of heresy in their See. But these Episcopal Inquisitions were found to be inadequate to the task.

The Medieval Inquisition.
A roving papal Inquisition was set up in 1231 by Pope Gregory IX. He extended existing legislation against heretics and introduced the death penalty for them - indeed for anyone who dissented from his views. This Inquisition was initially intended to be temporary, and was used to extirpate surviving Cathars in the Languedoc. Anyone accused or "defamed" was treated as guilty, and no one once defamed got off without some punishment. After 1227 inquisitorial commissions were granted only to the friars, usually to the Dominicans.  The Inquisition was now the "Dominican Inquisition". Dominic Guzmán's threats of slavery and death for the citizens of the Languedoc were fulfilled for a second time. First the massacres, now the Inquisition. The bishop of Toulouse marked the canonization of St Dominic on his first Saint's Day (4th August 1234), by burning a woman for her Cathar beliefs. She had confessed to him as she lay sick in bed with a fever. She was carried to a field, still on her sickbed, and consigned to the flames .

All of the legal apparatus of the Inquisition was developed during this period. Elsewhere, courts followed at least the basic rules of justice: the accused knew their accusers, they were allowed legal representation, in some places judgement was delivered by a jury composed of peers of the accused. The old bishops' Inquisitions had been public hearings, but these papal inquisitions were different: now secret hearings took place before clerical judges and prosecutors. Guilt was assumed from the start. There were no juries, no legal representation for the accused . No habeas corpus. No disclosure of any evidence against the accused. No appeal. Inquisitors were allowed to excuse each other for breaches of the rules - which meant that in effect there were no rules.
There were secret depositions and anonymous accusations, torture and unlimited detention in appalling conditions for those who failed to confess. People were immured, walled up, chained, with no light and given only bread and water. Dead people were tried along with the living. When found guilty their children were disinherited. At least half the estate generally went to the Church - so that the Church had an direct material interest in a guilty verdict. Children and grandchildren of those found guilty were all debarred from any secular office.

Gregory's immediate successor died before assuming the reins of office, but the next Pope, Innocent IV, made the Inquisition into a permanent institution. In 1252 he issued a bull Ad extirpanda which explicitly authorised the use of torture, seizure of goods and execution, all on minimal evidence. Torture was to be administered by the secular authority, but when this proved impractical the inquisitors were allowed to administer it themselves (and to absolve each other for doing so). Thereafter it was an exceptional man, woman or child who could not quickly be convinced of his or her heresy.

In theory torture could be applied only once, and could not be such as to draw blood, to cause permanent mutilation or to kill. Boys under the age of fourteen and girls under twelve were excused. In practice there was no-one to enforce any of these safeguards, and they were all ignored. The accused were imprisoned, often for many months, before being examined. They were often kept in solitary confinement, in insanitary conditions, in a dark dungeon, and without adequate heating, food or water. This was deliberate, and designed to ensure that most of the accused would already have broken by the time of the first examination. Only the strongest characters were able to face a tribunal of hooded figures who claimed to have heard witnesses and seen incriminating evidence. Most were prepared to admit anything, even though they did not know what the accusations were. Those who failed to admit their crimes were taken to torture chamber and shown the instruments of torture. This too was designed to terrify and break them - the dark chamber, the horrifying instruments, the torturer-executioner dressed and hooded in black. If they still failed to admit their guilt they were then subjected to torture: men, women and children alike. Some people were tortured for years before confessing. Only the most exceptional could resist. Every day they risked being tortured to death .

Tortures varied from time to time and place to place, but the following represent the more popular options. Victims were stripped and bound. The cords were tied around the body and limbs in such a way that they could be tightened, by a windlass if necessary, until they acted like multiple tourniquets. By attaching the cords to a pulley the victim could be hoisted off the ground for hours, then dropped. Whether the victim was pulled up short before the weight touched the floor, or allowed to fall to the floor the pain was acute (this was the torture of the pulley, also known as squassation. It was also called the strappado, by which name we have already encountered it at Bamberg). John Howard found this still in use in Rome in the second half of the eighteenth century . The rack was a favourite for dislocating limbs. Again, the victim could be flogged, bathed in scalding water with lime, and have their eyes removed with purpose designed eye-gougers. Fingernails were pulled out. Grésillons (thumbscrews) were applied to thumbs and big-toes until the bones were crushed. The victim was forced to sit on a spiked iron chair which could be heated by a fire underneath until it glowed red-hot. Branding irons and red hot pincers were also used. The victim's feet could be placed in a wooden frame called a boot. Wedges were then hammered in until the bones shattered, and the "blood and marrow spouted forth in great abundance". Alternatively the feet could be held over an open fire, and literally roasted until the bones fell out; or they could be placed in huge leather boots into which boiling water was poured, or in metal boots into which molten lead was poured. Since the holy proceedings were conducted for the greater glory of God the instruments of torture were sprinkled with holy water.

Whole families were accused. Family members would often be induced to incriminate each other in order to minimise the suffering of their loved ones. Minor heretics who confessed might escape with light sentences, whereas denial invited trouble. The Inquisitor Conrad of Marburg burned every victim who claimed to be innocent. Hearings of the Inquisition denied every aspect of natural justice, and became ever more prejudiced as time went on. They were held in secret, generally conducted by men whose identities were concealed. In the Papal States and elsewhere Dominicans acted as both Judge and Prosecutor. By papal command they were forbidden to show mercy. There was no appeal. The evidence of embittered husbands and wives, children, servants and persons heretical, excommunicated, perjured and criminal could be used, secretly and without their having to face the accused, their charges being communicated to him only in summary form.

No genuine defence could be sustained. For example, if a husband provided an alibi, saying that his wife had been asleep in his arms when she was alleged to have been attending a witches' sabbat, it would be explained to him that a demon had adopted the form of his wife while she was away. The husband had been duped. There was no way for him to prove otherwise. Spies were employed with the incentive of payment by results. Perjury was pardoned if it was the outcome of "zeal for the faith" - i.e. supporting the prosecution. Loyalties were over-ridden so that obedience to a superior was forbidden if it hindered the inquiry, and those who helped the inquisitors were granted the same indulgences as pilgrims to the Holy Land. Any advocate acting for and any witness giving evidence on behalf of a suspect laid themselves open to charges of abetting heresy. No one was ever acquitted, a released person always being liable to re-arrest and a condemned person liable to a revised sentence with no retrial, at the discretion of the inquisitor. In theory torture could be inflicted only once, but in practice it was repeated as often as necessary on the pretext that it was a single occurrence, with intervals between the sessions. Confessions were virtually guaranteed unless the victim died under torture. Then came the sentence, and execution of the sentence:

..The obdurate and relapsed were taken outside the church and handed to the magistrates with a recommendation to mercy and instruction that no blood be shed. The supreme hypocrisy of this was that if the magistrate did not burn the victims on the following day, he was himself liable to be charged with abetting heresy....

Almost everyone fell within their jurisdiction. People were executed for failing to fast during Lent, for homosexuality, fornication, explaining scientific discoveries, and even for professional acting.

In order that blood not be shed the favoured methods of execution did not involve the cutting of flesh. So it was that burning was popular, the stake having been inherited from Roman Law. The estates of those found guilty were forfeit, after the deduction of expenses. Expenses included the costs of the investigation, torture, trial, imprisonment and execution. The accused bore it all, including wine for the guards, meals for the judges, and travel expenses for the torturer. Victims were even charged for the ropes to bind them and the tar and wood to burn them. Generally, after paying these expenses, half of the balance of the estate went to the inquisitors and half to the Pope, or a temporal lord. This proved such an efficient way of raising money that it became popular to try the dead as well as the living. Bones were dug up and burned, even after many years in the grave. As in trials of the living, there were no acquittals, and the heretic's property was forfeit. In practice this meant that the heirs of the deceased were dispossessed of their inheritances.

The trial of the Templars demonstrates how unjust the Inquisition could be. The charges of heresy against them were almost certainly fabricated. No real evidence was ever produced to support the accusations. The best that could be managed was hearsay evidence such as that of a priest (William de la Forde) who had heard from another priest (Patrick de Ripon), that a Templar had once told him, under the inviolable seal of confession, about some rather improbable goings on . The most damning evidence was obtained by Inquisitors through the use of torture. In countries where torture was not permitted the Templars denied the charges, however badly they were otherwise treated and however long they were imprisoned. As soon as torture was applied the required confessions materialised . Inquisitors refused to attach their seals to depositions unless they included confessions , so that only one side of case appeared in official records. In France, where torture was applied freely there were many confessions, and also many deaths under torture. Anyone who retracted their confession faced death at the stake as a relapsed heretic.

Under torture, the Grand Master himself confessed - though it is likely that his confession was fabricated or at least added to, since he was dumfounded when it was read out to him in public. When he tried to mount a defence on behalf of the Order he was told that "in cases of heresy and the faith it was necessary to proceed simply, summarily, and without the noise of advocates and the form of judges" . Since all of the Order's assets had been seized there was in any case no way for him to mount an effective defence. By asking to do so he invited death at the stake, as a number of churchmen pointed out at the time.

When no English Templars could be induced to confess, the Pope insisted that torture be applied. When the Archbishop of Mainz delivered a verdict f

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