ISIS-US govt UNHOLY ALLIANCE = TREASON... "GWOT" global 'WAR on TERROR' a SHAM, the unholy ISIS-US ALLIANCE run by "globalist" GENOCIDAL "international" JEW TRAITORS, ECONOMY WRECKERS, would-be SLAVERS, who HIDE THEIR CRIMES & ATROCITIES behind puppet 'goy' front-men & behind 25 centuries of PROPAGANDA masquerading GENOCIDAL CONQUEST by TREACHERY FROM WITHIN as "victims" !!
see the "ENTIRE POPULATIONS KILLED by RAMPAGING, MASSACRING JEWS" against not only the Romans, but the Greeks as well in KITOS REBELLION(s) / MASSACRES !!
of course - when one party declares a WAR OF EXTERMINATION vs 7 billion
(others, aka non-jews that fundamentalist jews don't even consider human!)
- OF COURSE there will be "innocent" JEWISH VICTIMS of the mass-homicide, genocidal extirpation MEATGRINDER as well -
(see AH & the rise of the Nazis in Judeo financier RAPED post-WWI Germany...)
( note - Great Depression 'Triggered" by DEFAULT of Aust. Rotschchild CREDIT ANSSTALT,
and Austria's LOSS in war vs PRUSSIA exacerbated by Austria's dependence on SOLE ROTHSCHILDS bank?!)
the domestic & global SABOTAGE (aka "globalism" aka "CREATING A CRISIS to do things you otherwise could not do" aka INTERNATIONALISM judeo USURPATION)
WAR(s) not only against the people of the Mideast, Africa, Iran, & Russia...
but AGAINST AMERICA (and the British/English & West Europeans as well!)
is HIDING RIGHT OUT there in PUBLIC view...
it is only that, with 2,500 years of practice, the JUDEO WOULD BE SLAVE-OWNERS and GENOCIDAL PYSCHOPATHS, have MASTERED the Naziesque art of PAINTING THE VICTIMS as PERPETRATORS, and painting the RELENTLESSLY GENOCIDAL judeo slave-traders, financial rapists, & economic saboteurs as VICTIMS !!
The Redirection By Seymour M. Hersh
Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism?
jews HIDE BEHIND "Liberalism", "Enlightenment" and esp. FREEDOM OF RELIGION to PUSH THEIR PYSCHOPATHIC judeo supremacist "ENSLAVE and EXTERMINATE the IDOLATORS" agenda - which is clearly ennunciated right there in the evil jew bible !!
THE judeo WAR AGAINST St. GEORGE Christians !!
The JUDEO CONQUEST "7 countries in 5 years" of the Mideast - the Netanyahu/Yinon/PNAC plans = the JUDEO EXTERMINATION of CHRISTIANS in the region... HIDING BEHIND "Islamic Terrorists" !!
TREASON in the CRIME SYNDICATE that IS the US-Israel govt
NEED MAX - "THREE, 3 ECONOMIC RAPES, SERIAL FINANCIAL THEFT of 'British' ENGLISH people - and any and everyone who held their wealth in Brit. pounds-sterling denominated assets -
STACY IS A GENIUS: Hank Paulson's TRILLIONS dollars ECONOMIC SABOTAGE "butterfly" -
How Paulson, former GS trader > GS CHAIRMAN > U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY used BILLIONS of dollars worth of EUROS in a U.S. Treasury "stabilization" fund to INTENTIONALLY PANIC - "destablize" = WRECK! the Euro - so to make the U.S. dollar look stronger by SABOTAGING an actually stronger, more accurate measure (store) of wealth... oh, and btw, ALL of Paulson's GS & Wall St. BUDDIES, were IN ON THE KILL - the VAMPIRE bankers' FEAST - they were pre-positioned with PUTS (shorts) on Sterling denominated funds, and leveraged LONGS on dollar denominated funds, just immediately in advance of Paulson's massive "DUMPING" of Euros on the global markets..
in exactly such a manner, as polished as GS traders could do, to INCITE and EXTEND the market PANIC that triggered massive, automatic COMPUTERIZED "SELL" ORDERS that created a waterfall > dam-burst effect...
Bibi to Congress – “You work for me and don’t you forget it !” Posted by Preston James, Ph.D on March 21, 2015 vt
Bibi Netanyahu came to America to remind Members of Congress that they work for him and Israel, and better torpedo President Obama's upcoming treaty with Iran or else they will never be re-elected.
Mapping 9/11: The Fort Lee Mystery
Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on January 12, 2015
Top investigators are revealing 9-11 suppressed evidence on Israelis involved in multiple attacks
... the evil JUDEO 'ELITES' want to REPEAT the wealth and ABSOLUTE POWER _they_ AMASSED before and during the GREAT DEPRESSION & WORLD WAR II....
... and to do so, not only are they willing, but they MUST push America in to:
ECONOMIC COLLAPSE (so the jew loan-sharks can 'FORECLOSE ON" the entire Amer. economy - as they did causing the GREAT DEPRESSION)
> then the ultimate end-game, OVERT WAR AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, the imposition of a JUDEO RUN COMMISSAR GULAGS exactly as the JEW COMMISSAR APPARTCHIKS of the judeo financed and run "Communist Revolution" and Red Terror purges did to millions and millions and millions of terrorized and murdered victims in the "Soviet Union" aka former Czarist Russia) - in particular NUCLEAR TERRORISM and BIO-WAR AGAINST the American people which will off course be blamed on other patsies
Cult of Roman Catholicism
How the Crusades SAVED Europe & America yt
Islam - 1,400 years SPREAD BY MURDER Dr. Bill Warner
Media Verdicts on Corrie Verdict - Jews for Justice for Palestinians
pp BACKWARDS Clintons PRAISE SAUDI KING's "Humanitarian Efforts" !!
UKRAINE COUP GENOCIDAL - Julia Tymoshenko, Yarosh Neo-Nazis
Did they WANT MORE VIOLENCE in Ferguson, MO? Ten Coincidences to Glaring to Ignore pp
Top US Mil. Official ADMITS Our Arab 'Allies' FUNDING ISIS Alex Jones
President's Speech Shows Obama an ISIS COLLABORATOR
pp Guess who Aired 7 year old photos of a Different Country
Clinton Foundation’s Deep Financial Ties to Ukrainian Oligarch Who Pushed for Closer Ties to EU Revealed
Michael Krieger Liberty Blitzkrieg March 21, 2015 (pp)
Between 2009 and 2013, including when Mrs. Clinton was secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation received at least $8.6 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, according to that foundation, which is based in Kiev, Ukraine. It was created by Mr. Pinchuk, whose fortune stems from a pipe-making company. He served two terms as an elected member of the Ukrainian Parliament and is a proponent of closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union.
Rand Paul: Foreign donations to Clinton Foundation ‘thinly veiled bribes’
by MIKE ALLEN Politico March 21, 2015 (pp)
Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told POLITICO on Friday that foreign contributions to the Clinton Foundation are “thinly veiled bribes,” and said Hillary Clinton should return any donations from Saudi Arabia or other countries that abuse the rights of women.
“The normal Clinton response is to cover up, deny, refuse to acknowledge,” Paul said in a telephone interview as he was being driven through New Hampshire. “But the question is whether the country will rise up and respond to the unseemly nature of accepting foreign donations. “
Paul said that in addition to Saudi Arabia, the foundation should return donations from the United Arab Emirates and Brunei.
“In countries that stone people to death for adultery and imprison people for adultery, this is the kind of thing you would think someone for women’s rights would be standing up against, instead of accepting thinly veiled bribes,” the senator added. Full article here
file:///C:/Users/user 1/Documents/ROTHSCHILDS at Aix La Chappelle - MORTON/Rothschi.htm
obama's JEW WAR vs America..... "I LOVE America"... NOT !!
Lord Rothschild Warns Investors of ‘Most Dangerous Geopolitical Situation Since WWII’
Head of £2.3 billion trust says wealth preservation is the key
Paul Joseph Watson Prison March 4, 2015
Iraq Arrests ISIS Advisors, US and Israelis Held
Posted by Veterans Today on March 8, 2015? ? ? ?
Busted: Mossad and CIA Contractors Held
Boston Show Trial: Attorney declares patsy “Guilty!”
Posted by Jim Fetzer on March 8, 2015? ? ? ?
In a grotesque miscarriage of justice, she saves the state the impossible task of proving her client did it
2013 Bilderberg Meeting – 82% of U.S. Attendees are Filthy Enemy Jews
New York Times: All the lies they can fit in print
Posted by Jim Fetzer on March 14, 2015? ? ? ?
Their Boston trial coverage demonstrates conclusively that even our nation's newspaper of record is corrupt to the core
Cracks In Washington’s Empire
by Paul Craig Roberts Prison March 18, 2015
Washington’s EU vassals might be finding their backbone. Britain, Germany, France, and Italy are reported to have defied Washington’s orders and applied to join the Chinese-led Asian Investment Bank. Australia, Japan, South Korea, Switzerland and Luxembourg might also join.
The ISIS-US Empire
Posted by Veterans Today on March 11, 2015
- Their Unholy Alliance Fully Exposed
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-348224" src="" alt="11q_061" width="1172" height="606" />
…by Joachim Hagopian
Let’s be perfectly clear. The United States is not actually at war with ISIS. President Obama is simply waging “a fake war” against the Islamic State forces, putting on another propaganda show for mainstream media to keep his flock of American sheeple asleep in echo-chambered darkness.
With a mere cursory review of recent historical events, one can readily realize that virtually everything Big Government tells us is happening in the world, you can bet is a boldface lie.
For over three and a half decades the US has been funding mostly Saudi stooges to do its dirty bidding in proxy wars around the world, beginning in Afghanistan in the 1980’s to fight the Soviets with the mujahedeen-turned al Qaeda that later would mutate into ISIS. Reagan and Bush senior gave Osama bin Laden his first terrorist gig.
Our mercenary “Islamic extremists” for-hire were then on the CIA payroll employed in the Balkans during the 1990’s to kill fellow Moslem Serbs in Kosovo and Bosnia. For a long time now Washington’s been relying on the royal Saudi family as its chief headhunters supplying the United States with as needed terrorists on demand in order to wage its geopolitics chessboard game of global hegemony, otherwise known by the central banking cabal as global “Theft-R-Us.”
The Bush crime family were in bed with the bin Ladens long before 9/11 when that very morning George H W Bush on behalf of his Carlyle Group was wining and dining together with Osama’s brother at the posh DC Ritz Carlton while 19 box cutting Saudi stooges were acting as the neocon’s hired guns allegedly committing the greatest atrocity ever perpetrated on US soil in the history of this nation.
And in the 9/11 immediate aftermath while only birds were flying the not-so-friendly skies above America, there was but one exception and that was the Air Force escort given the bin Ladens flying safely back home to their “Terrorists-R-Us” mecca called Saudi Arabia.
On 9/11 the Zionist Israeli Mossad, Saudi intelligence and the Bush-Cheney neocons were busily pulling the trigger murdering near 3000 Americans in cold blood as the most deadly, most heinous crime in US history. If you’re awake enough to recognize this ugly truth as cold hard fact, then it’s certainly not a stretch to see the truth behind this latest US created hoax called ISIS.
Renowned investigative journalist and author Seymour Hersh astutely saw the writing on the wall way back in 2006 (emphasis added):
To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in
effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has
cooperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are
intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also
taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these
activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of
Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.
The US Empire along with its international partner-in-crime Israel has allowed and encouraged Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates to be the primary financiers of al Qaeda turned ISIS. Even Vice President Joe Biden last year said the same. If Empire wanted to truly destroy the entire Islamic extremist movement in the Middle East it could have applied its global superpower pressure on its allied Gulf State nations to stop funding the ISIS jihadists.
But that has never happened for the simple reason that Israel, those same Arab allies and the United States want a convenient “bad guy” enemy in the Middle East and North Africa, hiding the fact that al Qaeda-ISIS for decades has been its mercenary ally on the ground in more recent years in the Golan Heights, Libya, Iraq and Syria.
As recently as a month ago it was reported that an Islamic State operative claimed that funding for ISIS had been funneled through the US. Of course another “staunch” US-NATO ally Turkey has historically allowed its territory to be a safe staging ground as well as a training area for ISIS. It additionally allows jihadist leaders to move freely in and out of Syria through Turkey.
Along with Israel and all of US Empire’s Moslem nation states as our strategic friends in the Middle East, together they have been arming, financing and training al Qaeda/ISIS to do its double bidding, fighting enemies like Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria while also posing as global terrorist boogie men threatening the security of the entire world.
Again, Washington cannot continue to double speak its lies from both sides of its mouth and then expect to continue having it both ways and expect the world to still be buying it.
A breaking story that’s creating an even larger crack in the wall of the US false narrative is the revelation that Iraqi counterterrorism forces just arrested four US-Israeli military advisors assisting (i.e., aiding and abetting) the ISIS enemy, three of whom hold duel citizenships from both Israel and America.
This latest piece of evidence arrives on the heels of a Sputnik article from a couple weeks ago quoting American historian Webster Tarpley saying that “the United States created the Islamic State and uses jihadists as its secret army to destabilize the Middle East.” The historian also supported claims that the ISIS has in large part been financed by the Saudi royal family.
Interviewed on Press TV the critic of US foreign policy asked why NATO ally Turkey bordering both Iraq and Syria where the Islamic State jihadists continue to terrorize, why can’t Turkey simply use its larger, vastly superior army to go in and defeat the much smaller ISIS, especially if the US and NATO were serious about destroying their alleged enemy.
Again, if ISIS is the enemy, why did the US recently launch an air strike on Assad’s forces that were in process of defeating ISIS? The reason is all too obvious, the bombing was meant to afflict damage to stop Assad’s forces from beating back ISIS that the US is clearly protecting.
Finally, Tarpley reaffirmed what many others have been saying that chicken hawk Senator John McCain is actual buddies with ISIS kingpin Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Of course photos abound of his frequent “secret” meetings with ISIS leadership illegally conducted inside Syria. This confirmed fact provides yet one more obvious link between the high powered criminal operative posing as US senator and the so called enemy of the “free world” ISIS.
Recall that iconic photo from June last year of American supplied trucks traveling unimpeded in the ISIS convoy kicking up dust in the Iraqi desert fresh from the Syrian battlefields heading south towards Baghdad.
It was no accident that they were equipped with an enormous fleet of brand new Toyota trucks and armed with rockets, artillery and Stinger missiles all furnished by US Empire. Nor was it an accident that the Iraqi Army simply did an about face and ran, with orders undoubtedly coming from somewhere high above in the American Empire.
The Islamic State forces were allowed to seize possession of 2500 armored troop carriers, over 1000 Humvees and several dozen US battlefield tanks all paid for by US tax dollars. This entire spectacle was permitted as ISIS without any resistance then took control of Mosul the second largest city in Iraq including a half billion dollars robbing a bank.
Throughout this process, it was definitely no accident that the United States allowed the Islamic State forces to invade Iraq as with advanced US airpower it could have within a couple hours easily carpet bombed and totally eliminated ISIS since the Islamic State possessed no anti-aircraft weapons.
And even now with the hi-tech wizardry of satellites, lasers, nanotechnology and advanced cyber-warfare, the US and allied intelligence has the means of accurately locating and with far superior firepower totally eradicating ISIS if the will to do so actually existed. But the fact is there is no desire to kill the phantom enemy when in fact it’s the friend of the traitors in charge of the US government who drive the Empire’s global war policy.
Washington’s objective last year was to purposely unleash on already ravaged Iraq the latest US-made, al Qaeda morphed into the Islamic monster-on-steroids to further destabilize the Middle East, seek a regime change to replace the weak, corrupt, Sunni persecuting Maliki government in Baghdad and ‘balkanize” Iraq into three separate, powerless, divisive sections in similar vein of how the West tore apart and dissected Yugoslavia into thirteen ineffectual pieces.
The globalist pattern of bank cabal loans drowning nations into quicksand debt and transnationals and US Empire posts predatorily moving in as permanent fixtures always replace what was previously a far better off sovereign nation wherever King Midas-in-reverse targets to spreads its Empire disease of failed-state cancer. After Yugoslavia came Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine.
It goes on and on all over the globe. The all too familiar divide and conquer strategy never fails as the US Empire/NWO agenda. But the biggest reason ISIS was permitted to enter and begin wreaking havoc in Iraq last June was for the Empire to re-establish its permanent military bases in the country that Maliki had refused Washington after its December 2011 pullout.
With 2300 current US troops (and rising up to 3000 per Obama’s authorization) once again deployed back on the ground in Iraq acting as so called advisors, Iraq is now the centerpiece of US military presence in the Middle East region.
Before a doubting House Armed Services Committee last Tuesday, CENTCOM Commander General Lloyd Austin defended Obama’s policy insisting that ISIS can be defeated without use of heavy ground forces, feebly claiming that they’re on the run because his commander-in-chief’s air strike campaign is actually working. How many times before have we heard generals’ glowing reports to Congress turn out to be lies?
As far as PR goes, it appears the lies and propaganda are once again working. With help from the steady stream of another beheading-of-the week posted like clockwork on Youtube for all the world to shockingly see, not unlike when traffic slows down to look for bloodied car victims mangled on the highway.
Apparently this thinly veiled strategy is proving successful again on the worked over, dumbed down, short attention-spanned American population. According to a poll released just a few days ago, 62% of Americans want more GI boots on the ground in Iraq to fight the latest made-by-America enemy for Iraq War III. Incredibly only 39% believe that more troops on the ground would risk another long, protracted war. Again, short attention spans are doomed to keep repeating history as in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
This polling propaganda disinformation ploy fits perfectly with prior statements made a few months ago by America’s top commander General Martin Dempsey that the US military presence in both Iraq and Syria must be a long term commitment as the necessary American sacrifice required to effectively take out ISIS.
With US leaders laying the PR groundwork for more Empire occupations worldwide, of course it’s no accident that it conveniently fits in with the Empire’s agenda to wage its war of terror on a forever basis.
Efforts by Washington to “prep” Americans for these “inevitable,” open-ended wars around the globe are designed to condition them into passive acceptance of lower intensity, “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” conflicts specifically to minimize and silence citizens from ever actively opposing yet more human slaughter caused by more US state sponsored terrorism in the form of unending imperialistic wars.
Every one of these “current events” have been carefully planned, coordinated, timed and staged for mass public consumption, none more so than those beheadings of US and British journalists, aid workers and Middle Eastern Christians along with the desecration of ancient Iraqi history with dozens of destroyed museums, churches and shrines. Obama and the Empire want us all to be thoroughly horrified and disgusted so we fear and hate the latest designated Islamic enemy.
Hating your enemy to the point of viewing them as the lowest of the lowest, sub-human animal is an old psyops brainwashing trick successfully employed in every single war from the dawn of violent man. It effectively dehumanizes the enemy while desensitizing the killing soldier.
For over a year now we’ve seen this same MSM game being relentlessly waged to falsely demonize Putin. The sinister, warped minds of the divide and conquer strategists from the ruling class elite don’t mind the resultant hating of Moslems around the world either. That’s all by diabolical design too.
If only six organizations control the entire planet’s mass media outlet that feeds the masses their daily lies like their daily bread, another winning bet would be that in a heartbeat they could also effectively shut down the internet pipeline that showcases ISIS horror show theatrics on the global stage. But by design, they are willingly, cunningly disseminated for worldwide mass consumption.
In fact the only consistent group that’s even been able to militarily hold their own and actually challenge ISIS, the Kurds, are watching UK ship heavy arms to the same losing team the Iraqi army that ran away from defending Mosul. The last time the West gave them weapons and supplies, they handed them right over to ISIS.
In a recent Guardian article, a Kurdish captain said that the Kurds offered to even buy the second hand weapons from the British used in Afghanistan. But because the West is afraid the heavy arms might empower Kurdish nationalism into demanding their own sovereign nation for the first time in history, the US wants to ensure that Iraq stays as one nation after implanting its latest Baghdad puppet regime.
The fiercely independent Kurds are feared if they were granted autonomy that they might refuse to allow their homeland to be raped and plundered by the US unlike the corrupt current Iraqi government. The Kurdish fighters could sorely use the bigger guns as they plan to launch an offensive in April or May to take back Mosul from ISIS.
But when permitting an ancient ethnic group its proper due by granting political autonomy risks interfering with the Empire’s rabid exploitation of another oil-rich nation, all bets are off in doing the right thing.
The mounting evidence is stacking up daily to unequivocally prove beyond any question of a doubt that ISIS is in fact a US mercenary ally and not the treasonous feds’ enemy at all. From mid-August 2014 to mid-January 2015 using the most sophisticated fighter jets known to man, the US Air Force and its 19 coalition allies have flown more than 16,000 air strikes over Iraq and Syria ostensibly to “root out” ISIS once and for all.
Yet all this Empire aggression has nothing to show for its wasted phony efforts as far as inflicting any real damage on the so called ISIS enemy. Labeled a “soft counterterrorism operation,” a prominent Council on Foreign Relations member recently characterized Obama’s scheme as too weak and ineffectual, and like a true CFR chicken hawk, he strongly advocates more bombs, more advisers and special operations forces deployed on the ground.
But the records show that all those air strikes are purposely not hitting ISIS forces because they are not the actual target. Many air strike missions from both the US Air Force as well as Israeli jets have been designed to destroy extensive infrastructure inside Syria that hurts the Syrian people, causing many innocent civilian casualties, while not harming ISIS at all.
This in turn ensures more ISIS recruits for America’s forever war on terror. Repeatedly oil refineries, pipelines and grain storage silos have also been prime targets damaged and destroyed by the West. Because in 2013 Obama’s false flag claim that Assad’s army was responsible for the chemical weapons attack was thwarted by strong worldwide opposition and Putin’s success brokering the deal that had Assad turning over his chemical weapons, a mere year later ISIS conveniently provided Obama’s deceitful excuse to move forward with his air offensive on Syria after all.
Finally, on numerous occasions the US was caught red-handed flying arms and supply drops to the Islamic jihadists on the ground. According to Iraqi intelligence sources, US planes have engaged regularly in air drops of food and weapons to ISIS. These sighting began to be observed after one load was “accidentally” dropped last October into so called enemy hands supposedly meant to go to the Kurdish fighters.
Realizing the US has betrayed them, as of late Iraqi security forces have been shooting down US and British aircraft engaged in providing supplies and arms to their ISIS enemy. This is perhaps the most incriminating evidence yet in exposing the truth that ISIS is being supported, supplied and protected by the US Empire more than even the Iraqi government forces the US claims to be assisting in this phony war against the militant Islamic jihadists.
Clearly the unfolding daily events and developments in both Iraq and Syria overwhelmingly indict the United States as even more of “the bad guy” than the supposed ISIS terrorists. Recently the US was caught financing ISIS and has all along supported Arab allies that knowingly fund Islamic extremism.
During the six months since Obama vowed to go after them and “root them out,” countless times the US and allies have maintained the so called enemy’s supply line with regularly scheduled air drops. Meanwhile, in both Syria and Iraq after a half year of alleged bombing, ISIS forces are reported to be stronger than ever.
The air strikes have not been hitting jihadist targets because the American and coalition forces’ actual targets in Syria have been vital infrastructure and civilians that are clearly attacks on Assad. All of this irrefutable evidence piling up is backfiring on the American Empire.
The world is now learning just how devious, diabolical and desperate the warmongering, pro-Zionist powerbrokers who are the war criminals controlling the US rogue government really are. Their evil lies are unraveling their demonic agenda as the truth cannot be stopped.
Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/.
by JOACHIM HAGOPIAN March 15, 2015
We currently have a Constitutional Crisis fomenting right here in the United States of America
Treason in the Crime Syndicate of the Israeli-US Government
Posted by Joachim Hagopian on March 15, 2015
We currently have a constitutional crisis fomenting right here in the United States of America.
<img class="size-full wp-image-348825" src="" alt="Jefferson,Hamilton and Madison" width="691" height="561" />
Jefferson,Hamilton and Madison
By Joachim Hagopian
The Logan Act of 1799 forbids a foreign agent or dignitary as well as unauthorized US citizens from engaging in, interfering with or otherwise attempting to influence diplomatic negotiations with foreign governments. Acting on the invitation from House Majority Leader John Boehner, Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu earlier this month arrived on Capitol Hill and before both chambers of the House and Senate delivered a divisive, explosive ultimatum brazenly warning the US to not move forward with signing a treaty with Iran over its status of non-nuclear development.
The Israeli head of state arrived in the US uninvited through diplomatic channels of either the President or the State Department. Instead Netanyahu elected to travel to America as a private Israeli citizen with the express purpose to sway and bully Congress (and the President Obama) regarding US relations with Iran – a clear violation of the Logan Act. Without approval or authorization from Obama, this unilateral power-on maneuver on both Congress and the prime minister’s part blatantly bypassing the standing US president was all planned and executed to make an intended public spectacle to humiliate and shame Obama by willfully sabotaging ongoing delicate US negotiations taking place with Iran.
As if that overt aggression isn’t criminal enough, while Netanyahu was inside the United States, he actively assisted the 47 US senators to author and sign the notorious letter sent to Iran threatening Iran that Congress holds and will execute the power to overturn any agreement made with the Obama administration. Congress is guilty in its attempt to obliterate the separation of powers between the three federal branches of government. There is clear legal precedent in United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp. (1936) with a justice writing (boldface added for emphasis):
The President alone has the power to speak or listen as a representative of the nation . He makes treaties with the advice and consent of the Senate; but he alone negotiates. Into the field of negotiation the Senate cannot intrude, and Congress itself is powerless to invade it.
This additional act of usurping the executive power by sending the letter to a foreign government takes on the level of criminal intent far beyond just violation of an old federal law, but can easily be interpreted as engaging in an act of conspiracy and even insurrection. This level of abject criminality constituting an act of treason involving near half of the US Senate carries enormous implications.
The Iranian foreign minister lectured the indolence of the American senators educating them about international law, something the US exceptionalism knows very little about:
I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.
Meanwhile, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) had this to say about his Republican colleagues:
It appears that for most of my Republican colleagues in the Senate, a war in Afghanistan and a war in Iraq were not enough. They now apparently want a war in Iran as well. President Obama is working with the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Russia and China to try to negotiate a peaceful means to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. These negotiations must be allowed to continue and, hopefully, will succeed. It is an outrage that my Republican colleagues are trying to sabotage that effort.
This present crisis is contentiously unraveling the organized crime syndicate run by the central banking cabal that’s been covertly and jointly operating at the top levels of both the Israeli and the United States government. The fact that Netanyahu commands front and center attendance of near 90% ( 89.16% exactly ) of the legislative branch of government that included every Republican and most Democrats in total defiance of their president is extremely telling.
What it says is Israeli-Jewish organizations like the American-Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC) and the Jewish Anti-Defamation League (ADL) wield such immense power that they effectively buy off and legally bribe virtually every member of US Congress. It also indicates that Congress fears the wrath of the leader from the foreign country Israel more than the leader of their own nation even to the extent of potentially breaking the law. But should an American politician dare to criticize Israel in any way, and not showing up might be construed as such, the powerful Jewish lobbyists ensure that that politician will not get reelected. In this adulterated way Israel owns America.
When a foreign despot spouts lies about how evil Iran is for its willful development of nuclear weapons when all evidence indicates Iran neither has possession nor is moving towards developing nuclear weapons , dictating to the US government his demands that a treaty better not be signed or else threatening nuclear war, then 90% of Congress rewarding him with a standing ovation followed several days later with half the Senate signing off on a treasonous letter to Iran, all this confirms just how much Israel owns and controls America.
The sheer hypocrisy and arrogance is astounding. Here Israel never even signed off on the 1970 international Non-Proliferation Treaty limiting nuclear power to just the five existing nations the US, Russia, China, India and Pakistan. In defiance of 190 other nations, Israel as a rogue state refused and with covert and complicit US assistance it illegally developed a nuclear arsenal . The US acted illegally when transferring nuclear parts and armaments to an outlaw nation that refused to abide by the treaty, enabling its rogue ally by never daring to confront Israel with the truth that to this day it continues to violate the international treaty 20 years ago signed into permanent effect.
Israel has built 80 underground nuclear warheads that is equal to India and Pakistan. Only two nations flagrantly thumbed their noses at the rest of the world – Israel and North Korea. A far stronger case can be made that Israel stole secrets from both Russia and the US while maintaining its inhumane apartheid-genocidal policies against the Palestinian people that US ignores (because it’s owned by Israel), Israel qualifies as a bona fide member of the axis-of-evil more so than even North Korea.
When last year’s complete misnomer called Operation Protective Edge dragged sickeningly on all summer long, the Israeli military firepower created a Palestinian bloodbath of daily heinous war crime atrocities, launching countless air strikes and rockets that resulted in over a third of the casualties being innocent women and children targeted inside their homes, schools and hospitals.
As always, all six of the world’s major international, largely Jewish-owned media outlets showed obvious bias in their coverage in order to justify Israeli genocidal policy toward the oppressed, dying Palestinians. It minimized Israel’s overkill destruction of the Gaza Strip in reputed self-defense while playing up the occasional Hamas rocket that killed only seven Israeli civilians after the US committed $576 million for the construction of Israel’s large protective Iron Dome shield. Meanwhile, the lopsided killing of over 2100 mostly civilian Palestinians had nothing to do with Hamas but everything to do with continuing the carnage toward its objective to eliminate Palestinians from Israel. There is evidence that Israel focused on decimating Gaza’s professional class in the final 51-day killing spree.
Arabs in Israel have been confined to a land space that is but a trace of what they once owned when Israel first became a nation state. This latest land grab, the West Bank settlements of new Israeli homes have stolen its largest