
What's the next event for Pokémon Go? Here's what you need to know!

Pokémon Go is intended to get you out and about, both on your own and with family and friends. One of the ways Pokémon Go tries to bolster activity is with events. Some of the events get splashy announcements and coincide with big public holidays. Others are quieter and more regular.

So far, events have only ever been announced a couple of days in advanced. Still, based on past events we can make some good guesses about future events, and we can also keep track of the behind-the-scenes events that don't get announced. In other words, bookmark this page and check back often!

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Next Pokémon Go Event: Nest Migration on January 25

The next Pokémon Go nest migration is expected to occur at 7 p.m ET / 4 p.m PT on Wednesday, January 25 (midnight UTC on Thursday, January 26). Pokémon Go never announces nest migrations but they occurred every two weeks at exactly the same time for months. There's always a possibility something will change but, until it does, the nest migration is a safe bet.

Nests are fixed locations, sometimes at PokéStops or Gyms, that spawn the same Pokémon over and over again throughout the day, sometimes two, three, or even four at a time. The exact Pokémon they spawn changes every two weeks following the Migration.

What should you do to prepare for the next nest migration?

Visit your local nests and stock up on the existing spawns while you still can. That includes any you might need to complete your medals and any that might help you prep for the Gen 2 evolutions. Namely:

Zubat or Golbat for Crobat

Oddish or Gloom for Bellossom (split)

Poliwag or Poliwhirl for Politoed (split)

Eevee for Espoen and Umbreon (split)

Slowpoke for Slowking (split)

Onix for Steelix

Scyther for Scizor

Horesea or Seadra for Kingdra

Porygon for Porygon 2

Chansey for Blissey

Porygon and Chansey don't have nests but you never know what'll spawn while you're out playing.

What should you do when the next nest migration happens?

Nest migrations are seemingly random, so after it happens get out and discover what your local nests are now spawning. Sometimes a previously great nest will go bad, and sometimes a common nest will start spawning rares. The only way to tell is to visit it a few times and see what pops up frequently or in number.

Then, do all your fellow players a solid, and report your findings.

2017 Pokémon Go Events: The potentials!

Based on past events, there are a few guesses we can make about future events. First, regional holidays don't mean regional events. Halloween isn't an internationally observed occasion but the event was worldwide. The U.S. Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the U.S., but was likewise a worldwide event. Granted, Pokémon Go is developed by a U.S. company, but it does indicate that other regional holidays could provide the impetus for other worldwide events.

Also, Pokémon Go has multiple levers to pull. They can increase rewards, like candy, XP, and stardust. They can decrease requirements, like walking distance. They can increase spawn rates for all or specific Pokémon and create limited edition Pokémon just for events. They can also give away items or increase their duration.

Lastly, Pokémon Go can have events to aid in charitable causes, like the highly localized tsunami-relief event in Japan that features almost exclusive Lapras spawns, and the Daily Bonus event that tied into a new, international game mechanic. So, if they want to maintain momentum and there's too long a gap between proper occasions, Pokémon Go can invent their own.

Pokémon Go Chinese New Year Event

That Pokémon Go currently isn't available in China might reduce the chances of a Chinese New Year Event, but Chinese New Year is a huge deal in many Asian countries and celebrated by many Asians around the world. Pokémon Go could easily use that as an excuse for an event.

Many of us might hope for increased Dragon spawns but 2017 is Year of the Rooster, so birds might be the safer bet. Coins could also play a part. Regardless, a Pokémon Go Chinese New Year event would be a great way to maintain momentum following the western New Year.

Pokémon Go Valentine's Event

Valentine's is similar to Halloween in that, while it's not celebrated everywhere, it is celebrated in enough places that making an event around it makes sense. There's code in the Pokémon Go game to suggest genders are coming, and in the classic games, breeding Pokémon was part of the mechanics.

That might be a little too complex, or on point, for the more casual play style, so we could also see something along the lines of increased spawns or hatches for Valentine-appropriate Pokémon, and some other forms of bonus.

I'd love another shot at double XP, but it's hard to expect that more than once a year.

Pokémon Go Easter Event

An Easter event for Pokémon Go would be a great mirror for the Holiday Event. Eggs seem like the most natural fit, including longer-lasting lucky eggs or greater frequency for Pokémon eggs. Perhaps even lower walking distance to hatch them?

A special edition Chancey or WigglyTuff would also be fun.

Shiny Event

There's also code in Pokémon Go for "shinies", or color variant Pokémon like the red Gyrados. If and when Pokémon Go decides to put those ultra-rare mons live, a short event around the launch could give it some extra luster.

The Great Birds

Then, of course, there are the last remaining Gen 1 Pokémon still unseen in the game: The Great Birds, Mew, and Mewtwo.

The Great Birds sound like they'll be saved for a real-time event, where they're released at a specific time and place for those who gather for them. When that'll happen, and how Mew and Mewtwo will be handled, remain huge questions.

Past Pokémon Go Events

The best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. So, to look forward to the next Pokémon Go events, it's helpful to look back at the events that have already run.

Pokémon Go Holiday & New Year Events

The Pokémon Go Holiday & New Year Events overlapped, the holiday part running from December 25 through January 3, 2017 and the New Year part, December 30 through January 8.

During the holiday part, it offered and increased spawn rate for limited-time Santa Pikachu, an increased chances of hatching Gen 2 babies Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Smoochum, Elekid, or Magby, and a free 1-time Incubator from the first PokéStop spin of the day.

During the New Year part, it offered Increased spawn rate for Gen 1 Starter Pokémon and their evolutions, Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise, and Lures lasting twice as long.

More about the Pokémon Go Holiday and New Year Events

Pokémon Go Thanksgiving Event

The Pokémon Go Thanksgiving Event ran from November 23rd through November 30th. It offered Double XP and Stardust for catching, hatching, and evolving Pokémon.

More about the Pokémon Go Thanksgiving Event

Pokémon Go Halloween Event

The Pokémon Go Halloween Event ran from October 26 through November 1. It offered double candy for catching, hatching, and transferring Pokémon, and cut the distance for walking Buddy Pokémon down to 1/4. Increased spawn rates were also offered for Zubat, Golbat, Drowzee, Hypno, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Cubone, Marowak, Meowth, and Persian.

More about the Pokémon Go Halloween Event

What Pokémon Go events do you want to see?

If you were planning the next big Pokémon Go event, when would you have it and how would you handle it?

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