
Eevee is unique in Pokémon Go for its numerous split evolutions. You can get Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Floreon, or Jolteon — and there's even an easter egg to let you choose!

Updated February 2017: Pokémon Go Gen 2 is here which means Eevee can now evolve into the dark-type Umbreon and psychic-type Espeon. And here's the easter-egg trick to force it!

You finally catch or hatch the [Pokémon](/./pokemon-go] you've been waiting for — and Eevee with wicked high stats (IV) and CP (Combat Power). You're ready to evolve but you really want the all-new Gen 2 Umbreon or Espeon, or the game-defining Vaporeon. No, you want a Jolteon to counter Vaporeon or a Floreon just because. But you don't want to leave it to random chance. Well, you don't have to! Screw RNGeebus with this one neat easter-egg!

BREAKING: Pokémon Go 2 now LIVE!

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Update: How do you evolve Eevee into Gen 2's Espeon or Umbreon?

Many of the Gen 1 to Gen 2 split evolutions require the new "evolution items" to force the old Pokémon into its new form. Not so Espeon or Umbreon. Instead, the same easter egg that worked for forcing a first-time Eevee-lution into Vaporeon, Floreon, or Jolteon also works for forcing a first-time Eevee-lution into a psychic-type Espeon or dark-type Umbreon.

All you have to do it re-name the Eevee you want to evolve after its trainer from the original Pokémon animated series.

Sakura for Espeon

Tamao for Umbreon

Remember, it only works for the first Espeon and Umbreon you evolve, so choose wisely — your highest stat (IV) and CP Eevee's!

How do you evolve Eevee into Gen 1's Vaporeon, Floreon, or Jolteon?

Eevee is different than the other Gen 1 Pokémon: Instead of a linear evolution, its Eevee-lution is split. That means, when you hit the Evolve button, you random chance decides if you get a water-type Vaporeon, fire-type Floreon, or electric-type Jolteon.


You have the ability, once and once only, to force Eevee to evolve into each of its split evolutions. That's one Vaporeon, one Floreon, and one Jolteon, guaranteed. All you have to do is use this magnificent easter egg:

Rename the Eevee you want to evolve after the name of its trainer from the original Pokémon animated searies. That's:

Pyro for Floreon

Sparky for Jolteon

Rainer for Vaporeon.

Remember, it only works once for each. After that, you're back to random chance. So, choose wisely. Pick the highest stat (IV) and highest CP Eevee you can for each one.

And since Vaporeon is the most powerful Eevee-lution in the game, and Jolteon can counter Vaporeon (and Gyarados!), make those your first and second best respectively! (Sorry Floreon!)

Any Pokémon Go Eevee evolution questions?

If you have any questions about evolving Eevee into Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Floreon, let me know in the comments below!

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