
Greetings and welcome to Kevin’s Korner. America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

The common reaction from Iowa GOP politicos upon learning of Rick Perry’s indictment: “Yikes” …

Upon further reflection though, I’m not so sure this will be Perry’s Waterloo … The charges appear cooked up and seem like a dramatic overreach by Texas’ most fervent liberals …

Perry defiantly vows to fight the charges that he abused his power by threatening to veto funding for a county prosecutor’s office after the district attorney was busted for drunk driving with a BAL almost three times the legal limit. The truly embarrassing video of her arrest shows this lady is one class act. Governor Perry calls the indictment against him “partisan political theatrics”:

Of course, this news came on the heels of a very good Iowa trip for Perry that bolstered his prospects in the 2016 GOP presidential primary …

Does Rick Perry’s indictment harm every Iowa candidate he helped out last week? In a word, yes … Regardless of the facts, Iowa Democrats will try to smear Republicans for being attached in any way to Perry … That’s their modus operandi (“Mo” for those of you in Lee County)…

It doesn’t matter that Governor Perry is innocent until proven guilty. It doesn’t matter that Perry was totally justified in wanting an embarrassment of a county prosecutor removed from office …

It doesn’t matter that Perry had every right to veto the funding to that office … Smearing and lies is how Democrats win, because they know they can’t win when it comes to issues and character.

Of course, if the Dems really want to play the guilt by association game, we can play that too … For instance, we can just drag out this clip of Bruce Braley offering a wholehearted endorsement for fellow ambulance chaser (and noted sleazeball) John Edwards for president:

You’ll recall John Edwards was indicted too, on campaign finance violations. He was found not guilty of those charges, but is guilty as charged of being a cheating, lying, disgraceful husband, father and human being. For starters. And Bruce Braley endorsed him for president. Twice.

Jack Hatch and his band of merry sycophants think he won Thursday’s gubernatorial debate. Or, at least they want you to think Hatch won. He didn’t … Then again, Hatch didn’t make any major gaffes or spew any racial slurs, so that probably passes for a victory in Hatch land …

Hatch, the self-admitted liberal Des Moines politician, stumbled and bumbled his way through the first half of the debate. He was better in the second half, but overall, this debate changed nothing and it exposed what a flaming liberal Hatch is …

Kathie Obradovich’s writeup in the Register was a friendly gesture from the liberal rag to a flailing campaign. Of course, the Register is also banking on a close gubernatorial race to help sell newspapers. They aren’t gonna get it …

Speaking of the Register, my clandestine, ubiquitous informants tell me another round of layoffs is coming as soon as October. Current employees are being told they need to reapply for their jobs. Staffers are rightly concerned …

The Register’s State Fair Soapbox was thankfully without incident this year. The foaming at the mouth CCI lunatics likely took the meds or stayed locked in their rubber rooms. Expect them to unleash the idiocy next year when the GOP presidential hopefuls take the stage …

The congressional Democrats’ speeches were as predictable as the sunrise. Every single one of them claimed they would protect Social Security and Medicare, but not a single one of them said they would change anything to protect the systems from going insolvent, which they will both do before most of us can collect on the money we’ve invested our entire adult lives …

It’s pretty obvious Staci Appel has never spent much time at the State Fair. Surrounded by a horde of staffers, the liberal millionaire tried to blend in with the common folk and buy some cheese curds…with a credit card. Of course, most vendors don’t take credit cards and anyone who has spent any time at the fair, or watches the news, would know that … Appel had to borrow cash from a staffer to pay for her food …

Perhaps Staci Appel should get tips from Bruce Braley on how to blend in with the common folk. Apparently, he has mastered talking down to Iowans “in terms they can understand” …

Of course, Braley picked up tips on how to be an elitist snob from his sugar daddy: liberal, billionaire, environmental hypocrite Tom Steyer. He believes people don’t buy his global warming propaganda scam because they’re not sophisticated enough. You see, only the “super-sophisticated” pay attention to the news and bow to the god of global warming:

“I think if you were to go around to most of the — what I would think of as super-sophisticated people who think about politics and policy more than five minutes a month — we are doing really well,” Steyer said today at a conference in Aspen, Colorado, hosted by the American Renewable Energy Institute.

Tom Steyer is behind those recent, ridiculous and false attack ads on Joni Ernst:

It shouldn’t be any surprise than while Ferguson, Missouri burned, President Obama danced the night away …

And where was the president when Major General Harold Greene was laid to rest? During the funeral of the highest-ranking American officer to be killed in combat since the Vietnam War, President Obama was golfing …

This behavior shouldn’t surprise anyone. Obama stopped pretending to care a long time ago …

One bright spot from the Ferguson fiasco, race hustler Jesse Jackson was reportedly booed offstage when he asked the crowd for donations.

The first Iowa presidential straw poll of the 2016 caucus season takes place next Sunday at the Polk County GOP’s Summer Sizzle event. Dr. Ben Carson headlines the event in what will be his first speaking engagement in Iowa since bursting onto the national scene with his speech, and smackdown of Obamacare, during National Prayer Breakfast in February of 2013.

Kudos to Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz for working with the state librarian to make the Iowa Constitution available in digital form online. The document, originally scribed in 1857, was previously only available for viewing under glass in the secretary of state’s office …

BTW, I told the libs celebrating his defeat in the congressional race that they would not get rid of Matt Schultz easily. He is running for Madison County attorney this fall.

Finally, I wonder if some of Facebook Pharisees are experiencing cognitive dissonance due to their support of a pro-choice gubernatorial candidate. Some of these same people opposed a late term abortion ban because they felt it would codify abortion into the Iowa Code. Now, they’re supporting a candidate who openly says she will codify abortion in the Iowa Code if that’s “the will of the people” … No, it doesn’t make sense to me, or any rational thinking person, either …

These phonies have reached the highest possible level of hypocrisy and have all sold out on what was supposedly an issue with which there was no compromise … Why? Because they carry an irrational hatred for a man they know they can’t beat.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for dropping by. The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.

Photos by Dave Davidson, Prezography.com

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