
Greetings and welcome to Kevin’s Korner. Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

How is it the Iowa attorney general’s office can afford to just create a $131,000 a year job, out of thin air, with our tax dollars? And the job is going to former Dem House Leader Kevin McCarthy, who voted against giving our tax dollars back to us, even though we were overcharged for it … He will be A.G. Tom Miller’s new “assistant” …

It is past time for Miller to go. He’s seeking a ninth term. And Dems complain Terry Branstad has been there too long … I have heard rumblings of some potential Republican challengers for Miller, but nothing concrete. Yet …

Just in terms of their campaign machinery, from what I’ve seen, Joni Ernst and Sam Clovis have been the most impressive candidates in the ever-growing GOP U.S. Senate field. So far …

Ernst’s launch included stops in all of the state’s top media markets, earning her plenty of publicity. She’s rolled out endorsements every few days, the only candidate to do so. And most importantly, Ernst is stressing her conservative beliefs, much more so than some politicos expected her to. That is vitally important in a Republican primary …

While Sam Clovis’ initial fundraising report was less than impressive, he has garnered tons of free media with routine press releases, blasting Bruce Braley, who is the real opponent. Republicans like Marco Rubio have not escaped Clovis’ wrath either … Regardless of how many votes he collects, Clovis’ unrelenting conservatism and knowledge of the issues will make this primary race better for all the candidates involved.

I went to the immigration forum sham put on by Commie Tommy Harkin (D-Iowa) and Dick Durbin (D-Bag) in Ames on Friday. If you’re to believe their propaganda, apparently no illegal immigrants are drug smugglers. And committing a crime does not make you a criminal … Yes, really … That’s liberal logic for you. More on this tomorrow …

If he runs again, state Senator Hermie Quirmbach will face a strong Republican challenger from the Ames area next year. We will have all the details…soon…here on TIR.

There is a new theory to the JFK assassination: the Secret Service did it. Accidentally … Much like the never-ending search for Jimmy Hoffa’s body, a new JFK theory pops up every few years … After reading several books and viewing several documentaries on the subject, I have my own wacky theory about who killed Kennedy. It was…Lee Harvey Oswald.

Apparently, the folks at CNN aren’t picking up what Obama’s putting down with his “phony scandals” crap in regards to Benghazi. They found out dozens of CIA agents were on the ground there on the night four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack. What they were doing, and why, remains a mystery …

CNN also managed to track down and interview Ahmed Abu Khattala, one of the suspected terrorists in the attack, who says no one from the FBI or Libyan authorities has interviewed him. How in the blue hell does that happen? There is a lot more going on here than the American people are aware of …

The Obama administration is scrambling to keep the facts about Benghazi hidden. Why? The election is over. You won, Barack. Now, it is time for you, Hillary Clinton and the most transparent administration ever to give us the truth.

It looks like the all or nothing crowd has already run out of options for 2016. Rand Paul believes in “thousands of exceptions” for allowing abortions, Rick Santorum was the leader in the partial birth abortion ban, while Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are among those pushing for a late term abortion ban … Remember that when the holier-than-thou crowd starts endorsing candidates …

The folks at Mandatory.com have an interesting idea for the next president: 16-time world champion Ric Flair. He is a Republican …  We’ve definitely had worse candidates …

You have to love the irony of Obamacare call center employees not qualifying for Obamacare because they are part-time employees … That’s almost as rich as President Obama boasting last October that he “refused to let Detroit go bankrupt” … Oops …

If we continue along the path we’re on, cities, states and the federal government are all going to find themselves in the similar situations as Detroit.

The Congressional Black Caucus recommended Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to head up the Department of Homeland Security, replacing Janet Napolitano … Yes, really … This woman is perhaps the foremost race hustler in Congress and would be an absolute disaster in that role  …

A few examples of Jackson Lee’s ridiculosity: Republicans disagree with Obama over raising the debt ceiling? Must be racism … She even complained that hurricanes should have more ethnic sounding names, like “Keisha, Jamal, and Deshawn” …

On top of that, she has a history of cozying up to dictators like Bashir Assad, Saddam Hussein and Hugo Chavez … But according to the CBC, she would be a “voice of reason” in the DHS … Let me guess: I’m racist for thinking this is one of the stupidest ideas in U.S. political history. And that is quite an accomplishment.

Finally, I used to be a baseball fanatic, but have not cared much about the game since the strike of 1994. While the game remains tainted by players like Alex Rodriguez and Ryan Braun, there is something to feel good about this year … It’s August and my beloved Pittsburgh Pirates are in first place in the NL Central and own the best record in Major League Baseball …

The Pirates haven’t had a winning season in 20 years—the longest drought in professional sports history … So, yes, I’m a baseball fan again. It makes it even better that the Bucs are winning at the expense of the Cardinals and Cubs.

That’s it for this week. Thanks for dropping by. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.

Photo by Dave Davidson

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