
I’m so sick and tired of people telling me what health decisions to make, what spirituality to believe in, or which company to buy products from. The constant upheaval critics cause online is nauseating! If you’re going to spend your whole damn life cutting people down then what kind of mental health do you really have? Blowing a trumpet to cause a war over personal decisions is intrusive to our freedom to decide for ourselves. Don’t you just want to yell, “Back the hell off!” ? They think they’re “teaching us what is true”, but their hostile tirades kill off everyone near them. If our schools teachers behaved like these critics do, they’d be fired. If they want to actually TEACH us something then they should get some mental health support from their shrink first.

We all need good, responsible, and fair teachers in this world, but let those teachers nudge us toward knowledge and inspire us to improve our intellect. The best teachers in history are the ones who truly care about their students and the topic they are experts in. There’s always going to be critics, but they don’t have to be such assholes.

We are all connected to this earth and can learn so much about ourselves, our emotional health, physical health, and spiritual wellness from each other and from plants. Some religious folk are either opposed to science or hesitant in trusting it, but I favor embracing science and what the earth has to offer. A friend of mine continually asks me where I get my analogies from. We often meet at the local coffee shop or sit at the beach and discuss life, our emotions, and our health. I’m both a philosopher and a science junky so my take on life is always inspired by science and spirituality. I actively use essential oils in my life and each one can teach you something about yourself.

But lets look at some of the critical things said and believed by the western medical community and why they contradict themselves all-the-freaking-time.

Are essential oils a placebo?

Essential oils are created through distillation of plant life. Each plant, from which these essential oils are taken from, have all had some kind of mystical power attributed to them. Even in ancient Egypt, spirituality was a main part of their medical practice. Every medical treatment (made with plants) required some kind of prayer or spell to insure it’s success in bringing health to their patients.

Old world healers were usually women who grew herbs and practiced home remedies in their communities. Their work was eventually outlawed by the government who favored the work of their religious leaders. The earliest hospitals in England were at churches where the monks were the only, legal sanctioned, health care providers. People often sought out the minister for physical and spiritual healing. It’s still often believed that our physical wellness is connected to our spiritual well-being. .

Our belief in a remedy does play a role in our healing. Whether it’s a spiritual belief or just a marketed commercial aimed at inducing a belief, belief is definitely a key player in wellness

Even medical scientists KNOW that placebos do play a role in a person’s wellness journey. This is why they have to conduct their research with blind placebo studies. They KNOW that telling a patient the little white pill can help them get well actually works for some people. They conduct these studies to find out which medicines work on their own without the belief in it’s healing properties. And regardless of the placebo studies, Big Pharma drug manufacturers STILL rely on their marketing to move their products off the pharmacy shelves and into the bodies of their consumers. They do this with testimonials, video clips of happy kids, and grandparents jumping for a Frisbee. They still use the placebo promises in their advertising claims.

Whether you think spells or prayers are just placebos or not doesn’t change the facts. I am a firm believer in adding ANY amount of confidence to a wellness routine to get the best possible results. You can believe essential oils are just a placebo or trust in the scientific break throughs using essential oils, but make no mistake about the power of essential oils.

We had fun the other day figuring out which type of Essential Oil Enthusiast you are, now lets take a look at which essential oil you are and why it matters. Each essential oil offers support in different areas and your personality may fit with any number of these. Whether it’s one or a combination of several, let us know in the comments. If you feel your oil isn’t listed, then please share which essential oil you feel you are.

Each essential oil is labeled with a T, A, and/or I for usage suggestions.

T= Topical

A= Aromatic

I= Internal

For a more in depth recommendation for (and safety of) these essential oils, stay tuned toward the end of the article.

Birch, the oil of support: You offer support to those in need, even when they don’t ask. You assist those in dire straits, from moving their home to consoling a heart break. You’re a tall tree with the strength to withstand a storm. Birch is often embraced for being a symbol of rebirth, so also do you believe in giving life (and people) a second chance. You’re a keeper of long honored traditions and place great value on togetherness. If you’re a part of a spiritual community, you’re most likely the best example they’ve got. Usage: T, A

Clary Sage, the oil of vision & clarity: You’re a visionary with insightful wisdom and can see through a murky situation when others are blinded by it. Your gifts include helping others to have a clean canvas from which their creativity can freely flow. You’re a spiritual mentor that guides others to discover their spiritual gifts and mentors them as they sharpen their skills. You’re goal is to help people and rarely accept any kind of monetary compensation for your help. Usage: T, A, I

Coriander, the oil of loyalty: You understand the importance of self-care as you are loyal to yourself before others. In caring for yourself, you’re able to offer your best to those around you. Although you serve others, you remain an individual and refrain from being a slave to chaos. You are courageous to step out of the box and blaze a trail for your authenticity in life. You remain committed to trusting your intuition and by being your true self, you offer a unique gift to the world. Usage: T, A, I

Eucalyptus, the oil of wellness: You’re often found at the hospital, convalescent home, or bedside of a sick loved one. You offer spiritual and physical wellness through your presence and touch. You don’t hesitate to pray or cast a wellness spell for those in need and enjoy making soup to heal the body. You believe in the power of faith and offer hope to others through your own personal stories of healing. Usage: T, A

Frankincense, the oil of truth telling: You’re such an honest person that people have difficulty lying to you. You’re often able to discern when someone isn’t telling you the whole story. You speak positive truth over people’s lives and in doing so offer healing as people learn from you that confession is good for the soul. Due to this powerful force in your soul, you have an in depth relationship with the Divine and are known to have insight that could only be miraculous. Be sure to exercise wisdom and discretion when truth-telling in the presence of people who disagree with you. They might burn you at the stake. Usage: T, A, I

Geranium, the oil of love and trust: You believe in the goodness of others even when critics don’t. You have a mission to restore relationships and help others learn to rebuild trust. You feel a need to protect others through practicing love in all of it’s forms, even when it has to be tough. Your heart is in the home and others profess to feeling welcomed at your table. Usage: T, A, I

Ginger, the oil of empowerment: You’re a cheerleader for most people, especially your family. You have a strong belief in the equality of human beings, both in this physical plane and the spiritual. Everyone knows where you stand and you give people the confidence to stand with you. You take complete responsibility for your life and encourage others to do the same. You believe that what goes out will come back to you. If someone comes against you or someone you love, you’re likely to verbally kick their ass into next week. Usage: T, A, I (can cause skin sensitivity to the sun)

Hyssop, the oil of identity: You cut through the chaos of life and help others find their true identity. In doing so, the death of this world passes right over since you’re confident in who you are. People rarely take you on in any battle, because they know your confidence makes you a winner. Your wisdom has been known to bring cleansing to the lives of others and in yourself. Usage: A

Lavender, the oil of communicating: Most trouble relationships stem from a lack of proper communication, but you seem to have a knack for establishing better communication skills among those in turmoil. Your gifts and talents with communicating can help just about anyone. You’ve broken free from your own inner conflict and are passionate in helping others find liberation. Through healthy communication, you’re able to relax from the chaos of the world. You know that shutting the cell phone off at bed time is a key part in getting a good night’s rest. Usage: T, A, I

Lemon, the oil of  happiness: Logical conclusions help you find clarity and through that you find your happiness. You lift the spirit of others and bring an upbeat ambiance to any group activity. You help bring clarity when others seem to be in a fog. You’re naturally playful and avoid anything that can bring depression. Your personality is like a sprite dancing on leaves in the summer and livens up the mundane. Usage: T, A, I (can cause skin sensitivity to the sun)

Lime, the oil of zest: You’re the life of the party! Whether friends are enjoying a midnight Margarita or Taco Tuesday, you’re usually the first the show up and the last to leave. If it weren’t for you, your friends would have a boring existence. Your presence brightens the work place and schools and you remind people that there’s more to life and show them how to reach out and grab it. Usage: T, A, I (can cause skin sensitivity to the sun)

Melissa, the oil of light: You have a talent for illuminating dark places and bring spiritual enlightenment to those who are blind to their spiritual potential. You bring the message of hope to others and teach them about their own divine spark. You don’t need to discuss the darkness with others, because your focus is on setting a candle on a hill and helping others to light their own. You teach best by example as you shine your light to all around you. Usage: T, A, I

Myrhh, the oil of mother earth: You have a deeply profound connection with nature love and actively pursue environmental care. From whales to recycling, your heart belongs to the planet. You recognize the lessons that nature teaches and often speak in metaphors about how our lives are connected to her. You take the role of motherhood seriously and regularly reach out to other mothers too. Usage: T, A, I

Wild Orange, the oil of abundance: You’re the kind of person that sees the glass as half full and practice gratitude on a daily basis. You pay very little attention to critical people, if at all. Your life is so full of appreciation that you don’t take time to mess with those who grumble. You’re not likely to hoard anything and more likely to donate any extras you have, because you know someone will be blessed by it. Usage: T, A, I (can cause skin sensitivity to the sun)

Patchouli the oil of grounding: People often say you’re down to earth and easy to get along with. You make it a practice to align your body and soul through physical practices like yoga.  You release judgments and shake anxiety off your shoulders. You’re an affectionate person often attracting physical touch from your lover. Usage: T, A, I

Rose, the oil of love and romance: Your life conveys the epitome of love. You tend to hold a high emotional vibration that effectively influences others to catch the spirit. You have a tender heart and are known to hold a high priority on commitment. You inspire giving and compassion in others and support charity organizations. You aim to keep an open heart and extend a helping hand to those less fortunate than you. Usage: T, A, I

Rosemary, the oil of knowledge: You’re a  studious sort, spending quality time on improving your intellect. You’re known to spend time assisting others with academic projects. You enjoy sharing what you’ve learned and are known to be a walking encyclopedia. People see you as a wealth of knowledge and equipped with vast resources. Usage: T, A, I

White Fir, the oil of generational insight: When people feel like their past is haunting them, you know how to break strongholds and tear down curses that tend to stick with families for several generations. You can see the way out of a victimizing cycle and teach others how to break free. Usage: T, A, I

These essential oils tend to induce the personality traits described above. If you feel more inclined to one you may want to introduce using that essential oil into your everyday lifestyle. Below are some suggestions for how to use essential oils to help inspire your personal growth.

These are three methods of using essential oils:

*NOTE: Some of the above essential oils are NOT recommended for all three types of usage. Each one is marked with either a T, A, or I (or a combination of these). Please refer back to the essential oils listed to determine which method is safest. Do not use internally if pregnant or nursing.

1. Topical: Applying the essential oil to your epidermis.  Dilute 1 drop of essential oil per every 4 parts carrier oil. This is the MINIMUM suggestion. You may find that your skin is more sensitive than average consumers and may want to increase the dilution.

2. Aromatic: Drop 5-10 drops of essential oil into a diffuser (or according to diffuser product instructions).

3. Internal: Drop 1 drop of essential oil per every 4 parts carrier (oil, alcohol, honey, vegetable glycerin,or other type of fat) + water. *NOTE: Some consumers have no trouble using a 100% pure essential oil in water without a carrier to blend it with. HOWEVER, it is often recommended by some to dilute first and see how your body responds. If you have any adverse reactions, stop immediately. NOT ALL ESSENTIAL OILS can be taken internally. I can only confidently recommend CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade© Essential Oils due to my experience with them. I do NOT have experience taking other brands internally.

*Disclaimer: I have no evidence that taking essential oils internally will make any difference in improving your personality, character, or spirituality. Always consult your wellness professional prior to taking essential oils as supplements.

The following locations are suggested for topical use:

bottom of feet



back of neck

Recommended carrier oils for topical use are as follows:

fractionated coconut oil

whole organic coconut oil

almond oil

jojoba oil

*Note: Some essential oils may cause your body to respond unfavorably, depending on how sensitive your skin is.

Suggested foods for internal use (1 drop EO for every Tablespoon)


olive oil


coconut oil

Always use caution when taking internally. While many aromatherapists discourage internal use of essential oils, CPTG© Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils are categorized as supplements and as such should not exceed 25 drops per day. Personally, I would not exceed 2-3 drops at a time (mixed with a carrier). If you experience any adverse reactions to using EOs internally stop using immediately. You can contact the company directly to report your experiences and speak to your professional wellness provider.

Some possible responses from your body (for internal use) may include acid reflux, cranky tummy, or loose stools.

Digestive essential oils may help alleviate gas through a release of flatulence or bowel movements.

Citrus essential oils may cause acid reflux or sensitivity to the esophagus.

Spicey or other hot essential oils can irritate the tummy similar to (or even more so than) any spices in your kitchen cabinet could.

Essential oils are a concentrated substance and much more potent than using kitchen spices or foods, so use caution. Always use a carrier oil until you learn more about essential oil use and until you get to know your body’s response to them.

If you would like a free consult you can contact me through this page. I’d be glad to connect with you and discuss your wellness goals. Click here to get my business card.

Book references:

Emotional uses inspired by the book Emotional Healing with Essential Oils

Medicinal Herbs

Healing Foods

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Other Online Sources:





*Disclaimer: As an Wellness Advocate I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and am not endorsed by dōTERRA Corporate. None of what I testify of has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered medical professional and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools to raise consumer awareness. This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclaimer here.

I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com

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