
I’ve had more than my fair share of the pros and cons of ObamaCare (aka the Affordable Care Act) news broadcasts, debates,  and propaganda to last me a life time. I’ve read the websites for this mandate and I understand the laws governing it, but responsible health care begins at home. We can ask if the Affordable Care Act is actually affordable or if it’s the death of personal responsibility, but in the midst of the debate I’m going to aim for making health care a priority in my own home. If we could each do everything we can to live as though our health really depends on us (think about that one), then we would begin making changes in almost every area of our lives. Hey, what a novel idea.

Steps to taking responsibility

Responsible health care really does begin at home. We’ve been making steps toward health in various ways over the last year and continue to do so. We
existed (barely) for far too long in a very unhealthy path. We were stressed out, eating poorly, not exercising, and blaming the FDA, supermarket industry, the government, the fast food industry, and a slew of other people and companies for our health problems.

*News Flash*

It’s not their responsibility to keep us healthy. It’s ours.

We had enough of
dying. The first step toward a healthier, more holistic life, was to start making our own choices. We made a choice to stop ‘dying’ under the conditioned society of this country. Admitting that we were, in fact, dying was a pivotal point for us. While we have very limited choices as far as this law goes, we do have full free choice of how we manage our own personal bodies. No person, government, insurance company, or pharmacy fat cats can control how much exercise we get or how we eat.

After admitting this to ourselves and making a choice, we started shifting things in our lives. We gave away almost half of our belongings and moved our family 500 miles south. We had lived in a climate that was either too hot or too cold to be outside for any reasonable length of time. We were unhappy with where we were and we needed to live where we really wanted to live. Our move was a huge financial sacrifice and we couldn’t have done it without the help and support of our family. We literally gave up all our business clients and moved without any job waiting for us. It was a huge step of faith. This is the kind of faith that requires us to walk away from the idea that the government is somehow responsible for our health care. While we will need to deal with the new law (or overturn it), we don’t need to surrender our health to them. We don’t need to rely on their programs, laws, or mandates to be healthy.

We have libraries and the Internet at our disposal in finding the medical knowledge necessary to live a long and healthy life. We are well beyond the days of ‘doctors’ being the only ones who could know what’s wrong with our health. We’re also far enough into our own future to know how to find remedies for ailments and work on illness prevention. If we continue to waste our time watching and listening to disease propaganda instead of actually investing time into increasing our own education about what real health is (and how to achieve it) then this so called ‘health care system’ is what we deserve. Our society is practically begging for it.

Our family still has a way to go before we reach optimal health, but the fact that we’re on the path already is a tremendous improvement and we plan to continue on this holistic journey.

Here’s what you can do to start achieving health today:

Stop focusing on disease: What you think is what you become. Halt all the disease propaganda. Just stop it.

Start focusing on real health: Fill your mind with health by reading about health. Dump all your propaganda news outlets and start watching real health information. UN-like disease minded Facebook pages and Twitter peeps and start following people who want to educate you.

Create a Vision Board: You can either make your vision board out of magazine clippings or on Pinterest, but start filling your mind and desires with what you truly want for your health. Even if you aren’t fit enough to ride a bike, but want to, then add it to your vision board. 

Get off the couch: We need to be physically active to produce health. Walk, run, ride a bike, or play soccer. Whatever physical activity is enjoyable, participate in it.

Invest in your health: Stop buying junk ‘food’ and start investing in healthy, REAL, food. Twinkies aren’t real food. Junk ‘food’ isn’t food at all and it will work AGAINST your health. Real food will work with your body to CREATE HEALTH(<< the Science behind weight loss through real food).

Start enjoying real food: If you don’t like real food, then that’s a tell tale sign that you are trapped in the disease model of
 ..I mean
 umm…dying. You need to break that cycle of
addiction to the toxic junk that  you’ve been killing your body with. Start loving your body by giving it what it needs to really LIVE. When you give your body real food, it will stop “liking” the junk. I gave up putting sugar in my coffee a few years ago and if I put sugar in my coffee now, it doesn’t taste like I once *thought* it did. Shop at the Farmer’s Market and health food stores.

Drink Water: I can’t stress this enough. Our bodies are made mostly of water and if you neglect giving it water, you’re putting stress on your body. Dehydration by neglect is a form of self-abuse.  Love your body, give it water.

Help inspire others: Create a support system to encourage your healthy journey. Be a good neighbor and loved one, inspire them to achieve health. Invite others to walk with you, bike with you, or join you for a veggie shake and talk about ways you can unite together to bring more health into your lives.

Have faith: Worrying is going to lead you straight down the rabbit hole of illness. Worry is something people choose to do and worrying increases stress while hindering the body from working as it should. Have faith in the choices you’re making toward a healthier you.

Believe in Good Health: Being healthy really is a possibility. The disease propaganda wants you to be unhealthy, because that’s how they make their money. Don’t believe in it, don’t give it your mind. For what you think is what you become. Your body follows your mind. Believe in good health and your body will follow.

Invest in Home Health: There are an array of healing teas, herbs, tinctures, and essential oils you can use to improve your well-being right from home. You can talk to me about the Family Physician’s Kit of essential oils from dōTERRA. Shoot me an email (lisa422 at gmail.com) and I can schedule a time to talk with you about a discount.

Consult with a health care professional: You get to choose what kind of health care you want. Find a health care professional that shares your philosophy on health and consult with them on your journey.

Below are some informational sites to help inspire you on your journey of health.

Sustainable Baby Steps: In more ways than just physical health, Sustainable Baby Steps is a good start to making healthier choices. (as seen on The Ricki Lake Show)

Organic Home Health: Creating health through the use of Essential Oils

Everyday Roots: Natural Remedies for Everyday Life

Organic Soul: Over-all Wellness

Wellness Mama: Home recipes for better health

Frugally Sustainable: A resource for all things frugal and sustainable

The HomeSpun Life (shameless plug): Inspiration for your holistic journey

A Healthy Slice of Life: Healthy recipes and tips for healthier living

Health for the Whole Self: Balancing mind, body, and spirit

Health on a Budget: Budgeting tips for living healthy

And a directory of Healthy Living Blogs.

Now before you go:

Please allow me to be one of your holistic health coaches, subscribe to my blog and get updates delivered to your email. Be sure to confirm the subscription by clicking on the link waiting for you in your inbox.

**In your next delivery, you’ll receive my free mini e-book introducing you to my philosophy for organic living.

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook and talk to me about how you’re journey is progressing. I’d love the chance to cheer you on.

Be blessed.

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8 Healthy Alternatives to Mayo

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