
I felt especially drawn to Wild Orange essential oil for quite some time and it didn’t matter why, I love it’s vibrant citrus aroma. Then I noticed, during that time, I was also drawn to Carnelian and orange colors in general. Carnelian is an orange stone and in Feng Shui it’s used to increase energy, joy, and protection. Do you ever feel drawn to a specific color like that? Colors have a mystical sort of power that draws us in to learn more about ourselves, if we allow them to.  The power of the color of Orange is a strong empowering color, draws things/people to itself, and promotes energy. Interestingly enough, essential oils have the same intuitive influence in our lives.  Intuitive uses for essential oils is an insightful way to support your spiritual and emotional journey to wellness.

use essential oils to improve your intuition

So just what is intuition?

Intuition is that still small voice that nudges you to move towards your highest good. It can guide you to avoid accidents, avoid toxic relationships, and pursue a career path that aligns with your true desires. Your intuition can lead you to be understanding, reach out to people at just the ‘right time’, and teach you how to listen to your body.

When I was a little girl, I was in the front seat of my mother’s black El Dorado Cadillac. We were at the stop light, in front of the cross walk. There was no cross traffic at this very moment and she happened to glance into the rear view mirror. She reached over my chest and said, “Hold on!”. She punched the gas and ran the red light, swerving to the right side and stopped next to the curb. I saw another car speed through the intersection, driving wildly. Had she not seen that car coming in the mirror, we would have been hit.

My daughter, at the age of about seven years old, came into contact with a young teen in our neighborhood. She instantly felt the need to put up a wall between her and him. She felt uncomfortable around him and even detested hearing his name. Several years later, it was discovered that he had been taking advantage of one of her friends, a young girl who had been babysitting for he and his wife.

A woman I once knew seemed to have a steady relationship with her husband, but she confessed that she felt something wasn’t right. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but her inner nudging was leading her to be suspicious. As it turned out, he was addicted to drugs and running around with a loaded weapon in his possession.

When I was drawn to Wild Orange essential oil, the Carnelian stone, and the color of orange, I took some time to get to know each of these things in my life. My intuition was nudging me to dig deeper into what I truly desired and throughout this process I came to write and publish my first book. I needed energy and ambition to develop what was truly lingering in my deepest desires. I developed a joy for writing my story and in the process I had a lot of healing in my soul for past experiences that kept haunting me.

These are four powerful examples of how our intuition works in our lives.

What’s even more exciting is we can tap into that intuition, strengthen it, and tune our own ears to listen better.

Then it’s up to us to respond to our intuition and that takes faith, patience, and a keen awareness of how it works with us to improve our lives.

The more we listen to our intuition, the more we can learn from it. Oftentimes, people hear or feel that nudge, but dismiss it only to regret it later.

Learning to use essential oils, intuitively, takes practice too. In upcoming articles, I will begin to share how to use each essential oil in ways that can improve your intuitive connection and see mystical manifestations flourish before your eyes. These natural and potent substances can take you through an investigative journey through your past, uncover hidden blocks that hinder your success, and nurture the goodness and joy you deserve.

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Do you have an example of how your intuition has helped you?

*Disclaimer: As an Wellness Advocate I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and am not endorsed by dōTERRA Corporate. None of what I testify of has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered medical professional and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools to raise consumer awareness. This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclaimer here.

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