
When I first started my blogging journey, it was like waking up to a cyber coffee shop where we all gathered together to sip our morning cup of joe. We would catch up on each other’s lives. We had a blog roll and we’d surf over to each link to offer our support and encouragement for the curve balls hurled in our direction. We rallied around our sisterhood community to promote each other’s projects and swing over to say welcome to the newbies. That’s what drew me into the blogging world. Then Facebook happened. Blog traffic slowed to a snail’s pace and ad revenue plummeted.

Then I saw as so many of us changed our blog goals to a more business approach to get the hit count up and somewhere along the way it seems we have just about lost that ‘small town’ blog community we once had.

I miss our supportive mommy community.

My daughters and I were reminiscing about the days when they also sent their thoughts out to the universe on Blogger and WordPress. They connected with other kids through blogging. They’re still in touch with some of them through Facebook and Tumblr, but the method of connecting has evolved into clicking a ‘like’ button instead of having the life giving conversations we used to have.

Am I the only one who sees this happening?

I don’t know if we could get back to what we had before or not. Was it just a passing fad?

Can we offer grace to each other if we see typos? Can we let our guard down a bit and just let the words flow like we used to? Can we not be so worried about ad revenue and focus again on building relationships through blogging?

Or have we been conditioned to think Facebook is the only way?

*Disclaimer: As an Wellness Advocate I provide my personal opinion and experiences with essential oils, and am not endorsed by dōTERRA Corporate. None of what I testify of has been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. I am not a registered medical professional and I encourage you to discuss your health concerns with your own doctor. I simply share resources and tools to raise consumer awareness. This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclaimer here.

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