
Happy Tuesday, friends! I’m popping in with a different kind of post today…one that is geared specifically to my friends and readers who write their own blogs! (If that’s not you, I promise I’ll be back on Thursday with the basement reveal post I’ve been hinting about!) If you are a fellow blogger who is looking for a great resource to boost your income, traffic, confidence and more, there is a super exciting new e-course bundle launching today, and I can’t wait for you to check it out! Friends, let me introduce you to the Blog Boost Bundle!

*I am proud to be an affiliate for the Blog Boost Bundle, and this post contains affiliate links. This means I earn a small commission for any purchases made via my links at no additional charge to you. You can read more about my policies here.

The Blog Boost Bundle is a series of 6 intensive webinars created and assembled by 5 amazing bloggers (Lesley from Chaotically Creative, Angie from The Country Chic Cottage, Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage, Tasha from Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body, and Bre from Rooms for Rent). These ladies have assembled over 24 hours of amazing, detailed and crazy helpful video content across 6 platforms that we bloggers need to know and master including Google+, Instagram, Facebook, Email Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and SEO. Each workshop includes a series of videos, interviews, worksheets and more and goes in-depth into each of these all-important but often challenging and mysterious topics. I was given the amazing opportunity to access this course early so that I could dive in and give you all my honest-to-goodness review. And friends…I am just so blown away by all the content jam-packed into this bundle!


I am passionate about what I do here and about getting my ideas in front of more people; but after 4 years of relative traffic and income stagnation, I finally realized that passion alone wasn’t bringing people to my site or helping me reach bigger goals. After years of ignoring the wealth of wisdom available from more experienced bloggers around me, last Fall I finally committed to learning the tricks, strategies, and techniques necessary to grow my blog, my readership, and my income. I poured myself into every blog post, e-book and e-course I could in order to learn all the tips and tricks I was missing. I started to create friendships and connections that I saw other bloggers making but could never figure out how to establish myself. And in the 9 months since I jumped all in, The Homes I Have Made has experienced some tremendous growth of which still makes me humble and giddy every single day.

But there are only so many hours in a day. Right now, I am still a One Woman Show and trying to learn and do everything I needed to know in order to grow my blog was zapping my energy and stealing my joy from creating the content and writing the posts that actually kept the blog chugging along. I had to pull away from the “growing” side of my business in order to get back to creating content I loved. And for the last few months, that’s what I’ve been doing: focusing on content. But that too came at a price…and since I’ve been slightly “neglecting” the business side of my blog, my traffic and income have suffered.

I knew I needed to get back to all the workshops and e-books I have invested in over the last year to learn and implement even more growth strategies, but I just didn’t have it in me. So when my friend and one of the expert bloggers on the Blog Goals team, Lesley, reached out to me about the Blog Boost Bundle, it didn’t take long for the overwhelm to set in. I was so eager to learn what these gals had to teach, but I was picturing more and more hours dedicated to ideas and techniques I just didn’t have time to implement. But as soon as I logged in for the first time, I couldn’t help but dive right into the first course and before I knew it, I had worked my way through almost the entire first lesson (I started with Google+). I was honestly blown away at how easy and digestible the content was. The videos were short enough to be engaging yet long-enough to be jam-packed with usable, easy-to-understand, and action-packed tips. With our upcoming move literally around the corner and what seems like a million other things going on right now, I knew I had finally found a way to actively educate myself and grow my blog without burning the midnight oil or stressing myself out!


The platform! I don’t know about you, but when I’m taking e-courses, I get so frustrated when I can’t figure out what to watch first, which worksheet goes with with video or what I have and haven’t done. The Blog Boost Bundle is delivered on the snazzy, easy-to-use platform Teachable, and I am obsessed with it! The platform is so easy to navigate. Worksheets are uploaded right beneath the corresponding videos, and shading and percentage graphics tell you exactly where you are in each course. You can do each course in sequence or bounce around and never loose your place. The platform alone makes working through the courses in this bundle seamless, intuitive and downright fun!

The time commitment! As I mentioned above, when I was faced with starting yet another e-course to grow my blog, I just didn’t know if I could make the time in my already crazy schedule. I have worked (and am currently working) my way through A LOT of other e-course and there is just something about this one that feels so manageable and easy. The topics are focused, and the videos are a great length. The tips are implementable, and I know with certainty I will actually finish this one…and soon!

The topics! There are A LOT of topics that could and should be covered in a blogging course, but the Blog Goals ladies have zeroed in on 6 of the most important and toughest ones to figure out and get right. These ladies are experts in their particular topics and have a wealth to teach. When looking for efficient and manageable ways to grow your blog and your income, these 6 courses strip away the chatter that abounds on the Internet and focuses you on the strategies and platforms that will really make a difference.


There are 6 courses totaling over 24 hours of instruction, as well as expert interviews, worksheets, a private Facebook group, and 2 roundtable discussions. Here’s a quick breakdown of each course:

Simplified SEO

­ Confused about SEO? Let us help! We will walk you through everything you need for your posts and your blog overall. Plus we are spilling our secrets on how to plan for your blog so that you are going after the right keywords on every single post. Get more focused with your blog plan and implement our strategies for a website that ranks in those all important search algorithms. We have taken the mystery out of SEO!


­ Bre has grown her personal Instagram following to over 100,000 followers and has used the platform to grow her blog as well. Learn her secrets for unlocking the power of Instagram! You can get hits to your blog from Instagram and even use the platform to make money. This workshop will walk you through everything you need to do to implement the strategy on your own Instagram account!

Affiliate Marketing

Learn all about how to build a steady stream of income from affiliate marketing by utilizing affiliate links on your blog, on social media and through your email list! In this workshop, Tasha will teach you about the logistics of affiliate marketing, how to comply with applicable rules and regulations and tons of strategies for rocking affiliate marketing on your blog and other channels.

Email Marketing

Learn all about email marketing and the strategies to use when building a list for your brand. We cover how to offer freebies to grow your list plus so much more. If you are confused by things like segmented lists and drip campaigns, let us take the mystery out of your email marketing strategy. Your email subscribers are your biggest fans! Be sure to grow and use your list in a way that will benefit your blog in the long run!


­ Frustrated with Facebook? We have all been there! After a lot of research, and a lot of just trying crazy ideas, Gina finally found a method that works. In this workshop you’ll learn the bare basics bloggers need ­ plus more advanced strategies that will help you grow your engagement and reach.

Google Plus

­ Did you think Google Plus was going away? Guess what! It is not! Google Plus is actually very important for your blog! Google Plus is the one thing that most people overlook when it comes to SEO. Every post on your blog should be shared on Google Plus for maximum rank in Google search engines. Angie will show you how to use Google Plus for maximum effectiveness and to increase your rank in those all important Google search results. Follow along with the course from the beginner’s guide that will take you through all of that confusing terminology that probably made you leave Google Plus in the first place. Then deep dive into more advanced tactics including incorporating Google Plus into your overall SEO strategy.


All 6 webinars, plus the roundtable discussions and private Facebook group (where you can interact with all 5 expert bloggers) can be purchased HERE for $299. Private consultations or individual courses on each topic could easily run you thousands of dollars…so this bundle really is a fantastic investment into tangible and applicable techniques to grow your blog from experts who know it and have done it.

If you are interested in individual courses, you can buy those too! Each individual course is available for $119 and can each be accessed at the links below!


The content in this course is exactly as the title suggests: it’s a boost! It is not a step-by-step for setting up a blog and is not necessarily information for beginner bloggers who are just getting started and learning the ropes. BUT! If you are in a blogging funk, need expert info on a specific topic, and/or need a serious boost to get your blog back on track, this is the course for you! I do hope you’ll check it out, and if you do, be sure to come back and let me know YOUR favorite parts and how it’s helped you!

I hope everyone’s week is off to a great start! On Thursday, I’ll be back with our “final” playroom/basement revel! See you then!

The post Break Through Your Blogging Barriers with the Blog Boost Bundle! appeared first on The Homes I Have Made.

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