
Sorry, Saint Bernard who tried to befriend this cat. You may not wanna watch the following video.

Don't take it personally, but the kitten featured in the footage below is quite receptive to the gentle kisses being licked upon him by a most unexpected source: a deer.

No, really!

It's as adorable as it is surprising, as one of nature's cuter animals take very kindly to one of man's cutest pets. See them bond peacefully her:

Deer Licks Kitten

Is this the cutest cat video we've ever seen?

That's saying a lot. Especially when there's just so much to compare it to.

Click around now and prepare to spend the next several minutes of your life wondering why you don't own a cat... or why you don't own MORE cats:

54 Crazy Cat Videos

1. Cat Licks Vacuum Cleaner, Holds it Like Bong

Check out this awesome video of a cat licking a vacuum cleaner, and holding it like a bong.

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