
This article is shared with permission from our friends at Holisticole.

I have a secret for you.

Your bathroom cupboards are filled with money, seriously! How many lotions and potions are you storing for your personal and beauty care routine? How many do you use every day and how many have been hanging out in your bathroom for years?

I know I carried the same products with me through all my years of schooling – they hung out in almost every apartment I have ever lived in. But one of my most satisfying moments was when I ditched it ALL and broke free from all the toxic products I was faithful to.

For 1-year I only allowed myself coconut oil, a salt crystal deodorant, and my Dr. Hauschka mascara – for a good reason.

Before my big giant bathroom vanity purge, I struggled with super pestered and irritable skin, I would get a face lotion or foundation, and my skin would react either immediately or throughout the day by;  going red, developing dry spots and/or irritation bumps, or I would experience a strange burning sensation.

It was agitating, annoying and uber confusing because I used to LOVE my makeup, lotions, and potions and I thought I was making the best choices by choosing the lines that claimed to be ‘natural’ and even for sensitive skin ( a bunch of liars!).

After a time I started using less and less because I knew the problem only arose when I would lather these things on my face and body. Now, if you’ve ever been frustrated with your skin, then you know exactly where I’m coming from.

Discovering Holistic Nutrition And Beauty


After discovering holistic nutrition I began to make many switches in my lifestyle, but I will admit that my beauty routine was still the last to change – and this is the norm for most – because I still wasn’t connecting my make-up, personal care, and skin care products to my health. It had taken the EWG skin deep website, some natural skin/beauty care articles, and some informative natural beauty books before I began ‘the purge.’

I had NO idea I was putting that many toxic chemicals on my body. Aluminum in anti-antiperspirant was the basis of my knowledge of what to avoid. If you have ever read the ingredient list on some of these personal/beauty products, it’s like reading a secret language.

Like, am I supposed to know what ‘sodium hydroxymethyl glycinate’ is? Do you? (An antimicrobial preservative that works by forming formaldehyde in cosmetic products).

In Canada and the United States, the beauty and personal care product industry are so poorly regulated. So many ingredients don’t even make it on the label because there are so many sneaky turns manufacturers can take, and many chemical ingredients have never actually been tested for their effects on human health and the environment.

There is a pretty ugly side of the beauty industry, and in my opinion, you should technically be able to ingest what you are directly applying onto your skin considering that your skin is going to absorb up to 60% of what you apply, regardless.

If the label was honest and said contains lead, formaldehyde, toxic and cancer causing ingredients, you wouldn’t buy it – hence the secret language.

I felt lost at the time of my ‘discovery’, this is when I spiraled into that 1-year break from everything besides my coconut oil, salt crystal deodorant, and my Dr. Hauschka mascara because I was completely baffled over how for years, I could over apply all of these toxic products on my body, so unknowingly – so I took a toxin break to apologize to my body.

I’m in just over five years now, in my holistic journey, but I can confidently say that I still keep my personal and beauty care routine simple – because you don’t need 100 lotions and potions (save your money for more important things).

Natural Personal Care Products

A few years ago I started making some of my personal care products because I was unimpressed with even some of the natural options. I’ve found a few makeup brands which I am ok with using (Annemarie Borlind, Pacifica, Mineral Fusion, RMS Beauty), and not to brag (knock on wood) but my skin feels pretty ‘flawless’ now with this pure/simple routine.

I’ve been holding on to these recipes for a while – like ‘a few years, while,’ but I figured it’s time to share the love & knowledge.

During the creating process of my new online program – Recharge: Your Guide to Thrive & Be Vibrant – I knew I needed to expand on Adrenal Fatigue Stressor #3: Indoor Pollution, so I created this separate blog post on how to Detox Your Beauty Routine, as this stressor requires more explanation and information!

My 3 Self-Love Products

Deodorant Cream: A natural deodorant that works, for the whole day

Skin Cleanser: Easily removes makeup and also functions as a day/night moisturizer

Turmeric Toothpaste: I use this for both oil pulling and to whiten my smile naturally

I have gotten better results using these three homemade formulas that utilize WHOLE ingredients, compared to any formula that I have spent upwards of $50 on. These three homemade products take less than 1-hour to make and they all last 3+ months!

All are made with clean and simple ingredients – free from all the nasty’s & they WORK. But don’t forget to add the love. It’s time to DETOX the personal care routine.

#1. Deodorant Cream

Fills a 125 ml mason jar.

What You Need:

3 tablespoons organic extra-virgin coconut oil

3 tablespoons aluminum-free baking soda

2 tablespoons pure shea butter

1 tablespoon food-grade diatomaceous earth (see all the uses for diatomaceous earth)

10 drops sweet orange, lavender or sandalwood pure essential oil


Create a double boiler by filling a medium pot halfway with water and placing a glass bowl which fits snug on top.

Bring water to a steady simmer then add in the shea butter and coconut oil to the bowl to melt.

Once melted, remove the bowl from the heat and whisk in the baking soda, diatomaceous earth, and essential oil until evenly combined and emulsified.

Pour into your small 125 ml mason jar and allow to solidify at room temperature (sometimes this takes a while depending on the temperature of your home, I always stir a few times throughout the solidifying process, or I stick it in the fridge).

How to Use:

Apply a pea-sized amount under each arm and go about your day!

#2: Skin Cleanser

Fills a 125 ml mason jar. Removes makeup, moisturizing, skin soothing, gently exfoliates,

What You Need:

3 tablespoons organic extra-virgin coconut oil, softened

1 tablespoon unpasteurized honey

1 teaspoon aluminum-free baking soda

5-10 drops pure sweet orange essential oil


Add coconut oil to a small bowl and stir with a spoon until creamy (this works best if the coconut oil is already in a soft state).

Add in honey and stir well until combined, then add in the baking soda and essential oil and stir again.

Transfer to a 125 ml mason jar and store at room temperature.


If your coconut oil is hard, add to a double boiler to soften up (but do not melt).

If your coconut oil is melted, I recommend stirring throughout the setting process so that everything stays evenly combined.

How To Use:

Lightly wet your face and then scoop out a pea-sized amount of cleanser.

Apply to your face and neck, using circular motions to exfoliate gently.

Rinse and remove with warm water and a washcloth.

Any oil residue will be absorbed by the skin and will go away after you pat dry with a clean towel.

You may not even require a moisturizer after this, however, a few drops of a pure argan, jojoba or rosehip oil will work well to hydrate and nourish your skin as needed.

#3: Turmeric Toothpaste

Fills a 250 ml mason jar with some room.

What You Need:

1/4 cup organic extra-virgin coconut oil

2 tablespoons organic turmeric powder

1 teaspoon food grade diatomaceous earth (optional)

2 drops pure frankincense essential oil (optional)

A dedicated turmeric toothbrush (it stains!)


Lightly melt your coconut oil in a small pot.

Then transfer to a small glass bowl.

Whisk in the turmeric and other optional ingredients until well combined.

Pour into a small mason jar and allow to solidify at room temperature.


I find if I melt my coconut oil too much the turmeric gravitates towards the bottom of the jar. While it is solidifying at room temperature, I recommend stirring it again to ensure it is evenly mixed.

Store at room temperature.

How To Use:

Dip your toothbrush in your homemade turmeric toothpaste and brush your teeth as normal, however instead of rinsing when you’re done allow the paste to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes so that it can do it’s magic. You can do this before getting into the shower, or you can multitask and clean something for 3-5 minutes while you are waiting.

Spit and rinse thoroughly, then follow with a second brushing using your regular natural toothpaste. Should you notice and yellow in the corners of your mouth or lips, wash your face with a cleanser or with soap and it will rinse away.

When the turmeric is fully rinsed away, and then you perform a second brushing you should notice a brighter and whiter smile.

My natural toothpaste of choice is Botanique by Himalaya – Whitening Complete Care Toothpaste, this is a new toothpaste by Himalaya that I just switched to after using their Pomegranate and Neem formula for years. Out of all of the natural toothpaste that I have tried, Himalaya is by far the best and still has clean ingredients! Yes, it foams, and yes – it tastes good!


Clean your sink if needed. Depending on how absorbent your bathroom surface is it may stain if left to clean later.

To read more on using turmeric to whiten your teeth and why you should ditch any chemical alternatives, click here.

Here are a few more natural DIY products you can make!

33 DIY Body Scrubs

2 Ingredient DIY Blackhead Strips

20 Different Beauty Products You Can Replace With A Banana

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The post Avoid aluminium in deodorant! Make super easy coconut oil-lavender deodorant like this appeared first on The Hearty Soul.

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