
There is nothing like the festive season with one social engagement after another. From the Christmas office party, drinks with friends and the buzz of the family gathering on the big day itself, December is a time for fun, social interaction.

But is it? For those suffering from hearing loss, this can be something of an annual nightmare, where the only true gift would be the ability to hear clearly!

More than 10 million people in the UK are affected by hearing loss with 62% of those aged over 65, yet under half seek assistance.  And it only takes a small amount of damage to have a huge impact on a person’s confidence in social settings, with many people choosing to withdraw and opt for a life of isolation rather than struggle through a party.

One of the first signs of hearing loss is difficulty hearing in noisy environments.  It can be especially difficult to understand speech over background noise like dinner music.  This is due to high-tone, nerve-type hearing loss that affects consonant sounds (necessary to understand words) that are high frequencies.

Scrivens Hearing Aid Audiologist Stuart Spencer said: “Many people don’t know they have a hearing problem or are reluctant to seek help.  They often feel embarrassed or think they can ‘just get by’ without treatment.  But that means asking others to constantly repeat themselves, feeling left out of conversations and not fully participating in festivities that could create cherished memories.

“Neglecting hearing health can lead to increased feelings of isolation and even depression.  Many people experience depression during the holiday season for a variety of reasons, including health problems.

“Families and friends of loved ones can often be a basis of strength and support during difficult times, and this is no different when a family member has hearing loss. However, because many of us take our hearing for granted, this can make it difficult for loved ones to fully appreciate the repercussions.”

So what can you do to help make the festive season a jolly time for all:

Encourage your friend or relative to go for a free hearing check – a hearing loss is more noticeable than a hearing aid! The earlier signs of hearing loss are diagnosed, the easier it is to provide a solution.

Create the right environment. Provide good table lighting for easy lip reading.

Provide a quiet room. Create a sanctuary for those struggling to hear (or for those simply craving a bit of down time from the hustle and bustle).

Keep the music down.  Background music during parties and gatherings can be wonderful but if too loud it can create a lot of background noise that is difficult for all.

Click here to find out how you can give someone the gift of hearing this Christmas.

The post Give the gift of hearing this Christmas appeared first on Scrivens Hearing Care.

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