
There are many myths revolving strength training exercises. Exercises involving lifting weights are usually avoided by the body conscious types. These are the likes who do every other workout in the gym except to lift barbells or dumbbells because they think doing so will only make their muscles grow bigger, making them look bulky. Many share this notion, but more especially the women. Many of these ladies don’t want to look like men or body-builder types. Having those bodies supposedly lessens their femininity.



This article will tackle some of the misconceptions about strength training. Ladies, you don’t need to fear strength training exercises. They actually have numerous awesome benefits. According to experts, strength training is actually more effective at achieving certain fitness and health results than its more popular fitness workout counterparts like cardio exercise.

Piercing the veil

The numerous myths and misconceptions about strength training have cast a veil of aversion and fear among non-believers. Here is a tip for you non-believers out there – most of the things you know are true about strength training may not be factual at all. Let’s enumerate some of those false beliefs:

Lifting heavy weights do not make you bulky

Maybe the most common and major reason why many women have aversions against lifting weights – they think they will bulk up and look like a muscled man in the process. According to fitness gurus and strength training aficionados, this is vastly untrue. When you lift heavy things, your muscles will not bulk up and get huge. They will simply tighten and get more toned.

Cardio exercise is not all you need to lose weight and stay healthy

Cardio exercises make your heart work overtime, resulting to an increase in oxygen levels flowing throughout your system. When you do cardio, you burn calories faster and you lose weight. These are all true. What isn’t true is the notion that all you need to do are cardio exercises to stay healthy and lose weight. Strength training is equally, if not more effective, at producing weight loss and fitness results, compared to cardio workouts.  If you want the best results, you have to combine the two.

There is no age limit to strength training

The older you get, the weaker your body gets and the less intense workouts you should perform. Hence, post-menopausal women shouldn’t be lifting heavy weights. It might just break bones and cause injuries. This concept is another fallacious myth. According to studies, strength training actually preserved bone density. It also enhances muscle strength, resulting to a fitter and more balanced body. People over 50 should do more supervised strength training.

Shedding a new light

In summary, strength training is as essential as any other more popular workouts like cardio exercises. Lifting heavy weights produces better weight loss and fitness results than lifting lighter weights in longer intervals. Strength training does not make you bulky by itself. Body builders actually drink many hormone and protein supplements to achieve the big, bulky bodies that they have. Strength training breaks down cells and tissues. These cells and tissues then rebuild themselves stronger and leaner. This means you get a more toned and tighter body. You’ll get the gorgeous (not bulky) body you’ve always wanted.

Aside from a great physique, lifting weights also prevents many chronic diseases like diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart ailments and many more.

This post was contributed by The Park Club, a gym in Chiswick London promotes strength training for women as part of varied workout routine. 

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