‘Feelings are nothing but thoughts in motion in the body’ Louise Hay
Struggling to resolve navigate difficulties in your life? Do you need compassionate guidance to find the best way forward?
Each one of us has our own energy field or aura. The chakras or energy receptors play a crucial role in our auras. This personal energy space is where our ‘psychic energy’ is stored. Powerful and pulsating psychic energy helps us perceive communications from divine entities and we are able to access higher realms. Psychic readings help you gain perspective and clarity on your life purpose and path.
The loving and compassionate knowledge comes from higher vibrational beings (psychics are very careful to communicate only with spirit guides and other divine entities). If you’re interested to develop your psychic abilities, it’s important to learn the art of interpretation. This is because messages or images from energy dimensions are often received in the form of metaphors or symbols. If you want to help your clients receive accurate information, it’s important to practice interpreting what you see, hear, feel or sense. Develop your psychic energy under the guidance of trained professionals at www.thehealingheart.com.au.
On a sidenote, ‘psychic’ and ‘clairvoyant’ are related terms but do not mean the same thing. Psychics have a well-developed sense of intuition and they are able to read a person’s aura (energy field). Clairvoyance is a part of psychic energy. In other words, clairvoyance is a psychic skill while a psychic need not necessarily be clairvoyant. Psychics are able to pick up on auric fields and can give you clarity on mental or physical stress issues. On the other hand, clairvoyants are able to communicate with the spirit world and pass on messages from divine entities, loved ones and angels.
However, both psychic and clairvoyant skills require tuning up of personal energies. This makes it easier to align our energy field with higher dimensions. Psychic energy can be extremely palpable and you can experience it even upon entering a room full of people. Intensely negative emotions as well as positive feelings radiate strong psychic energy. Love is the most empowering form of psychic energy.
Psychic readings can help you in the aftermath of a painful bereavement or loss of a loved one or a pet. Clairvoyants are able to tune in to the energy of your loved one (including animals) and can pass on clear messages of their survival and well-being in the other world.
Such subtle and loving communications from higher energy dimensions help you find closure and move on with your life. Psychic abilities can be enhanced by consistent learning and practice.