
Sometime back one of our readers submitted this Index on the Srimad-Bhagavatam, and asked if I could post it. It is truly a very impressive piece of work, and represents a great deal of time and study. We applaud the effort that Jan has put into this Index, and with great pleasure we post it here, in the hopes that others can benefit.

Srimad-Bhagavatam Index, Notes, Topical Guide

compiled by Jan Alexander

This was written to help me find, understand and remember the massive truth found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Every abbrieviated, shortened, misused, form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s name, fame, and pastimes is just in attempt to cram the Srimad-Bhagavatam into this being that I am. I hope that this will be of great help to others who are studying the Srimad-Bhagavatam. I offer this handful of rice to the Lord.

– Jan Alexander

This file is so large we will have to post it in parts. This Third part is letters L – P

labdhopasanti= the transcendental state of full bliss, ceases all hankerings , there is no time 2-2-94

labor,one should not endeavor hard for religiosity,economic development,satisfaction of the senses 7-14-2

laghima, Indra having the mysic powers, entered Diti’s womb,cut embryo into 7 pieces 6-18-7

laghima=becoming lighter than the lightest11-15-1

laghima-siddhi= power of becoming lighter than a soft feather 2-2-104

lakes, mountains, between these, are, that taste like milk,honey, sugar cane juice, pure water 5-16-2

lakes,9, filled with their blood,Samanta-panca the place Parasurama rid all Ksatriyas from the earth 9-16-2

Laksmana/Krsna,daughter of King of Madra,Krsna appeared alone at her svayamvara ceremony,took her away 10-58-6

Laksmana:a fish was used as a target in Draupadi’s svayam-vara ceremony 10-83-3

Laksmana:a fish was used in my ceremony,concealed on all sides, 10-83-3

Laksmana:Goddess Padmahasta chose Him as her husband 10-83-2

Laksmana:He entered His capital city,Kusasthali= Dvaraka 10-83-4

Laksmana:He placed me on His chariot,manifested His four arms 10-83-4

Laksmana:I repeatedly heard Narada Muni glorify Acyuta,Mukunda, 10-83-2

Laksmana:I slowly placed necklace on the shoulder of Murari,captured my heart 10-83-4

Laksmana:I walked onto ceremonial ground ankle bells tinkling,fine silk garments,10-83-3

Laksmana:kings became quarrelsome,not tolerate my having chosen S.P.G. 10-83-3

Laksmana:my father honored Him with priceless clothing,jewelry,beds,thrones,10-83-4

Laksmana:my father,Brhatsena,arranged to fulfill my desire 10-83-3

Laksmana:rejecting the great demigods who rule various planets 10-83-2

Laksmana:the fish’s reflection could be seen in a pot of water below 10-83-3

Laksmana:the kings pursued the Lord like village dogs chasing a lion 10-83-4

Laksmana:thousands of kings expert in shooting arrows tried to pierce the target 10-83-3

Laksmana:we queens have all became personal maidservants of the S.P.G. 10-83-4

Laksmana=Madra, wife of Krsna, daughter of king Madra 10-58-6,10-62-2

Laksmana S.P.G.looked at the fish in the water only once then pierced it 10-83-3

Laksmi, mother also has a holy name and form 6-19-2

Laksmi, You neglect Your eternal consort Laksmi and accept our offering as most excellent worship 11-6-2

Laksmi,goddess of fortune,requested to go before the Lord,b/c of fear,she could not approach him 7-9-1

Laksmi= goddess of fortune, Narayana is the husband of Laksmi 1-5-283

Laksmi=the goddess of fortune, Lord Visnu’s mother,offer them water 6-19-2

Laksmideva worships the Lord during the period=Samvatsara, Kamadeva=his most merciful form 5-18-3

Laksmideva worships the Lord Hrsikesa= the controller of all my senses,origin of everything 5-18-3

Laksmiji, goddess of fortune,Ketumala-varsa,Lord Visnu,form of Kamadeva, for satisfaction of devotees5-18-3

Laksmis= goddesses of fortune, the consorts of Lord Narayana 1-Glossary-407

Lambodara, 5th king of Bali dynasty, son Cibilaka 12-1-2

lament, thus no one should lament for the passing of the spirit soul from the body 7-2-3

lamentation, Devahuti 3-23

lamentation, King Citraketu’s 6-14

lamentation,Samsara-birth, death,foolishness and anxiety are due to material considerations 7-2-3

land of Bhadrasva- east, worship Lord Vasudeva, expansion=Hayasirsa

land of Bharata=field of fruitive activities-south, worship Nara-Narayana, Narada Muni chants 5-17-2

land of Hari-varsa-south, worships Lord Nrsimha deva-7th canto 5-17-2

land of Hiranmaya- north, worships Lord Kurma-savira-tortoise-aryama=chief 5-17-2

land of Ilavrta- center-worship Sankarsana, creator of Lord Siva 5-17-2,3

land of Ilavrta -Varsa- Lord Siva always encircled by 10 billion maid servants of goddess Durga 5-17-3

land of Ilavrta -Varsa- Lord Siva always encircled by 10 billion maid servants, Canto 9 tells why 5-17-3

land of Ketumala- west, worship Lord Kamadeva,form of Lord Visnu 5-18-3, 5-17-2

land of Ketumala-west, worship Lord Hrsikesa and and Laksmiji, the goddess of fortune 5-18-1, 5-17-2

land of Kimpurusa- southworships Lord Ramacandra, Hanumanjidev. 5-19-1, 5-17-2

land of Kuru- north, human beings live 10,000 years, 5-18-6, 5-17-2

land of Kuru- north, when the balance of 1yr.remains she concieves a child 5-18-6, 5-17-2

land of Kuru- north=Uttarakura,pleasures Treta-Yuga,worships boar incarnation-N.Jambudvipa 5-18-5, 5-17-2

land of Ramyaka- north worships Lord Matsya, where Vaiyasvata rules,1st incarnation, fish 5-17-2

land, I ask of you only 3 paces of land, Vamanadeva to Bali Maharaja 8-19-4

land, tracts of= Varsa’s 5-17-2

Lanka, city of 9-10-3

Lanka, Lord Ramacandra constructed a bridge over the ocean to 9-10-3

Lanka, the city of Lanka, built by Lord Ramacandra 9-10-3

Lanka,Jambavan said,You are creator of all creators,burned down the city of Lanka 10-56-3

laquer house, let them enter, set on fire 3-1-1

Laugaksi,Mangali,Kulya,Kusida,Kuksi each received 100 samhitas, Pausyanji,5 other disciples of,namely, each received 100 samhitas 12-6-8

law book of humanity- Manu-samhita is the standard law book of humanity 2-1-56

Law of Creation 2-5-261

laws of mortality, Sudharma assembly hall,mortal standing within not subject to laws of mortality 10-50-5

laws, material natures laws work under direction of the Lord 1-7-375

layers of elements 10 times thicker than the one before 3-11-3

layers of elements 10 times thicker than the one before 3-11-3

layman, a boon to the 1-5-257

learned sage should take satisfaction in simple maintenance of his existence,not seek satisfaction through gratifying material senses 11-7-5

learned transcendentalist by his perfect knowledge he maintains Me in happiness 11-19-1

learned, such philosophical brilliance is expected of the truly learned 11-22-3

learned, the actually, must give up the illusory conception of life, I am this material body 7-7-3

learned-one who knows the process for freedom from bondage 11-19-4

leaves of the tree have 10 airs passing through the body 10-2-4

legs/hands=2 blind associates, to perform work/maintenance 4-29-1

legs= sudras 2-5-282

leprosy,no white leprosy on tongues, quite healthy, nor entered the darkest region of hellish life 7-1-2

liar, mother earth said, I can bear any heavy thing except a person who is a liar 8-20-1

liberated are always protected by S.P.G. who carries his disc, the Sudarsana cakra, suspends time 5-9-4

liberated completely when all functions of his vital energy,senses,mind,intelligence performed without material desire,not entangled 11-11-6

liberated person has nothing to do with piety/sin of this world,sees everything equally 11-11-2

liberated from the duality of material existence,Mahavasi-even though staying at home, 9-13-3

liberated from the influence of the modes of passion and ignorance 1-5-278

liberated jiva,being in a material body,b/c of remaining reactions of past activities,not disturbed by happiness/suffering of body 11-11-1

liberated jiva,sees bodily experiences in the same way that a person just awakened from a dream sees his dream experiences 11-11-1

liberated living entities, symptoms 11-11

liberated sage should not act,speak,contemplate in terms of material good or bad,should be detached in all material circumstances 11-11-6

liberated sage should wander about engaged in this liberated lifestyle,appearing like a retarded person to outsiders 11-11-6

liberated soul is always engaged in the progressive path of spiritual attainment 1-4-205

liberated soul is awake,conditioned soul dreams about spiritual engagements,liberated soul is awake 1-4-205

liberated soul should live at home like a guest,without any sense of proprietorship,false ego,not bound/entangled by domestic affairs 11-17-6

liberated soul/conditioned soul 1-4-205

liberated souls are above these flaws,therefore they can see and foretell things which are to take place in distant future dates 1-3-171

liberated souls who can see through the scriptures can foretell the future of all mankind 1-4-219

liberation from the illusory energy 11-3-1

liberation, 10 prescribed methods to,Prahlada’s forefathers for 21 generations were liberated 7-9-4

liberation, 4 principles of, charactorized by religion and so on for the ultimate good of the conditioned souls 1-7-368

liberation, 5 forms of: 1-7-353

liberation, getting out of the slumber of forgetfulness 2-2-66

liberation, immediate, if liv.ent. is developed in Krsna Conciousness, merciful to others,self-realized 4-29-10

liberation, in this way the worshiper will very soon achieve liberation 11-3-8

liberation, King Yayati achieves 9-19

liberation, Nabhi’s son, Rsabhadeva, accepted expansion of Vasudeva,incarnated to propagate religious principles,leading to 11-2-2

liberation, promote the cause of 4-23-4

liberation, satisfied by that obtained by destiny, is fit for liberation from this material existence 8-19-3

liberation, those who are serious about liberation are nonenvious/respect all 1-2-127

liberation,doors of,opened wide to who has achieved human life,if simply devotes himself to family life, like the bird in story, will fall 11-7-9

liberation. 14,065 descendants of Babhru and Devavrdha, achieved liberation, in Mahabhoja dynasty 9-24-1

liberation= kaivalya= oneness with the Brahman effulgence 10-6-4

liberation= mukti 5-6-3

liberation-Narada to Lord Narayana,Krsna,You manifest all-attractive personal expansions so that all living beings can achieve 10-87-7

lies down,when He,and withdraws everything within Himself,no force of time or revealed scripture 10-87-4

life air is not the the listener.speaker, beyond air,soul also can do nothing,Supersoul is actually director 7-2-6

life air passes through 7 openings: 2 eyes,2 nostrils,2 ears,one mouth 2-2-103

life air, movement of arrested:at that time the living entity loses know. of identifying body with self 4-29-9

life air, movement of arrested:deep sleep,faints,great shock,severe loss,time of death,high body temp. 4-29-9

life air=prana, is always harassed by hunger/thirst 11-2-6

life duration increased 4-23-4

life duration is limited to 7 days,during this time perform those rituals needed for the best purpose of your next life 2-1-26

life in Satyaloka is 15,480,000,000,000 years 2-2-109

Life is never made comfortable by artificial needs, but by plain living and high thinking 2-2-132

life, learned man who gives up,gross/subtle/ bodily conception of, will be enlightened by spirit.know. 4-29-10

life, maximum duration of 100years, cannot control his senses-50, because he sleeps 12 hours 7-6-1

life, next, persons attached to family comforts are generally awarded lower species of life 2-1-30

life, people do not understand that this life is temporary 8-22-2

life, philosophical understanding of, that eventually matures into direct perception of the Absolute Truth,liberation from all suffering 11-5-2

life, Sukracarya brought Bali Maharaja back to life 8-15-1

life, the real problem with,is the repetition of birth,death,like a wheel rolling repeatedly up and down 7-7-5

life, this, is sort of a fight with material nature which imposes death upon all 2-1-7

life, too attached cannot understand that he is wasting his valuable life for the maintenance of his family 7-6-2

life,3 fold path of pious:religiosity,economic development,sense gratification,no time to reflect on higher purpose,killers of own soul 11-5-3

light- Kardama Muni,home/ household no need for light,illuminated by rays of jewels,females decorated with jewelry 3-33-2

light, a glaring light spread in all directions 1-7-365

light, there was no need for light household was illuminated by the rays of these jewels 3-33-2

Lila-avataras= innumerable incarnations who descend to display the spiritual pastimes of the Lord 1-Glossary-407

Lila-purusottama= Sri Krsna 9-24-6

limits, what can others do when the Lord Himself is unable to estimate His own limits? 2-6-338

line running north / south through Pulaha and kratu is said to be the ruling asterism of the constellation for that time 12-2-3

line running north / south through Pulaha-Kratu 7 Sages will remain connected with that lunar mansion 100 hum.yrs.12-2-3

line blueish line, Siva, Lord, neck marked with a blueish line 8-7-6

lines- 3 lines marked on his neck, a male,appeared out of the ocean of milk, =Dhanvantari 8-8-4

lines- 3-lines on his neck resembling a conchshell, Dhanvantari=Visnu, 8-8-4

lines- boy infant, in the banyon leaf seen by Markandeya, dark blue complexion,beautiful,his throat bore marks like conchshell lines 12-9-3

Linga Purana 11,000 verses 12-13-1

lion among those animals with sharp horns and teeth, I AM 11-16-2

lion who remove Your saintly devotees fear,Nrsimha, Lord= the amazing 10-40-2

lion, Bharata Maharaja, a partial expansion of S.P.G.,played with a lion 9-20-2

liquor named Varuni, or Madhvi, Nalakuvara and Manigriva drunk with 10-10-3

listen to discussions about S.P.G. 5-5-2

listens, one who listens to this narration will increase in spiritual strength 12-7-2

literary work for the benifit of the human beings direction for self-realization, 1st duty in the renounced order of life 2-2-74

literature without spiritual benefit should be rejected 7-13-1

literature, similarly, different kins of literature for different types of men of different mentality 1-5-245

literature, special attraction of the great 1-7-350

literatures, Puranic 12-7

live in a secluded place 5-5-2

Living Being and the Lord are spirit 1-3-181

living being caught in the cycle of birth/death does not know how he can be delivered from material body/trouble 10-70-4

living being is seeking happiness,death is a symptom of the material infection of the eternal living being 2-3-158

living being, even the minutest part of a, is controlled by the empowered agency of the Lord 2-1-49

living being, every is a servant of circumstances,serving dictates of desire,anger,lust,illusion,insanity,enviousness 2-2-93

living being, some authorities call the living being the personality underlying the material creation 12-7-2

living being, some authorities say is the personality underlying the material creation, others say he is the unmanifest self 12-7-2

living beings are forced to to experience consequences of their own previous work,Lord Indra cannot change 10-24-2

living beings minute attributes in terms of pious life= standard of perfection 78% or more 1-3-177

living beings sent forth in higher/lower species to cultivate either sense gratification or ultimate liberation by desire 11-3-1

living beings, 8,400,000 spieces of living beings 1-2-138

living beings, if all are satisfied with food,shelter,obey the prescribed rules,there cannot be any disturbance between 1-4-214

living beings, no planet is without living beings 1-7-374

living bodies come into being when material nature & the soul combine,all conditioned beings eventually merge back into You 10-87-5

living enties,yogis,philosophers,disturbed/frightened by remembering objects they have renounced in their pursuit of enlightenment 11-6-3

living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord 1-5-270

living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord 1-5-270

living entities are this marginal potency and by their own choice can live in either worlds 2-2-90

living entities are your localized expansions,their forms are subject to change,You do control them 10-87-5

living entities have to change their material coverings for undergoing different terms of imprisonment 1-2-124

living entities serving material energy are struggling hard for existence and happiness which is presented to them as illusion 1-5-281

living entities who are unfit for the spiritual kingdom are strewn within material world 1-2-136

living entities within universe have different characteristics,therefore,there are a great many Vedic rituals,mantras,rewards 11-14-1

living entities wrongly apply the activities to himself 3-26-1

living entities, all the desired, created in Cakshusha Manvantara, by Daksha 4-30-7

living entities, all, you will see me in all living entities 3-9-3

living entities, are trying to counteract miserable conditions 4-29-4

living entities, if have to continue prison life, ask for temporary relief from demigods 1-2-124

Living Entities, Kapila’s instruc.on movements 3-31

living entities, material covers, Visnu in the material world as living entities have to change their material covers 1-2-124

living entities, natural position of 2-2-90

living entities, their particular nature,He merges them independently 2-5-261

living entities, Visnu in the material world as living entities have to change their material covers 1-2-124

living entities attracted to modes of nature bewildered by false ego,causes to see themselves as enjoyers of misery,happiness,etc. 11-11-1

living entities meditate on such states of being as misery/happiness, in the real/spiritual world these things do not exist 11-11-1

living entity accepts gross/subtle bodies created by material energy,subject to happiness/distress 7-2-3

living entity automatically experiences unhappiness in heaven or hell,happiness will be experienced without one’s seeking it. 11-8-1

living entity ceases to discharge any other duty for his illusionary satisfaction,attains stage of full bliss=labdhopasant i2-2-94

living entity creates bodies for himself by his karma,actually remains by gross or subtle matter,he is part and parcel of You 10-87-3

living entity does not remain a seer, but becomes seen by the Lord 2-2-93

living entity encaged within the material body, of which it is the source, is separate from it 7-2-5

living entity has fallen desire to relish the most insignificant material happiness 11-19-2

living entity has fallen into the dark hole of material existence,where the snake of time has bitten him 11-19-2

living entity is purified just as one is cleansed by contact with pure water,just by seeing,touching,hearing such a saintly person 11-7-5

living entity transmigrates from one body to another,repeated birth/death,because of his gross ignorance 7-7-6

living soul can be understood by these 3 divisions of intelligence which are not the soul 7-7-3

living,individual,being= master of material body,uses material senses to try to enjoy sense objects of 3 modes of nature 11-3-1

living,individual,being misidentifies the created material body with the unborn eternal self,b/c entangled in illusion of Lord 11-3-1

living,individual,impelled by deep-rooted material desires,engages sense organs,fruitive activities,experiences results of actions 11-3-1

living,individual,wanders this world in happiness/distress forced to experience repeated birth/death,by reactions of his activities 11-3-1

lizard creature, looked like a hill, boys of the Yadu dynasty tried to lift it out, Krsna lifted him out,became King Nrga 10-64-1

localized Personality of God, 24 forms, is estimated to expand from the ring finger to the end of the thum approximately 2-2-81

loka= abode 2-5-285

Lolarka, Siva attacked the sun-god, fled away and fell at Kasi (Varanasi) the place became famous as Lolarka 1-7-363

Lomadhi, 30th king of Bali dynasty, son 12-1-2

look upon everyone equally in the spiritual platform 5-5-2

Lord Acyuta = Lord Damodara= Lord Krsna 10-22-3

Lord Adhoksaja 12-6-1

Lord Ajana, who is known as the enemy of Madhu,the carrier of the bow/sword protect Your sides 10-6-3

Lord Ananta 5-25

Lord appears in this world in each age among the animals, human beings, sages and demigods 12-7-2

Lord appears in this world in each age, by his activities in these incarnations he protects the universe,kills enemies of Vedic culture 12-7-2

Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Visnu generators of living beings like Daksa,Prajapati,Narada,Kumaras,demigods 2-6-353

Lord can assume the form desired by the devotee 3-14-3

Lord descends to eradicate false sense of enjoyment,thus reclaim conditioned souls back to Godhead 1-7-406

Lord- everything is created from the person of the Lord (My bodily limbs) 2-6-320

Lord- gigantic form of the Lord, the different parts of the, are discribed in the following verses 2-1-40

Lord Haladhara, the Supreme Person protect You on all sides 10-6-3

Lord Hari in form as a woman captivated the demons and enabled the demigods to drink the nectar 8-12-1

Lord Hari, the Supreme Soul of the universe 12-5-2

Lord has expanded Himself as living beings in order to accept loving service from them 1-5-242

Lord is full in 8 kinds of achievements 3-15-5

Lord is identical with his name,fame,etc. 1-5-289

Lord Janardana then spoke to His chariot driver,go to Dvaraka,tell family how they destroyed one another,11-30-5

Lord Kesava, within your heart,maintain concentration upon the lord,at the time of death,attain supreme destination 12-3-5

Lord Krsna’s female counterpart is Srimati Radharani, her mercy is available to sincere devotees 2-3-173

Lord Madhusudana,I am a most sinful person,committed this act out of ignorance,11-30-4

Lord of all created beings,refuge of his devotees,offered Banasura benediction,chose him as guardian of his city 10-62-1

Lord of Kailasa Mountain= Lord Siva at Kedaranatha, sacred fire is Lord Siva’s mouth,pleased most quickly of 3 chief gods 10-88-2

Lord- Pritha, sons of, adopted by the Lord 3-1

Lord Ramacandra to Sumitra,will be the last king 9-12-1,2

Lord Ramacandra, bow carried by 300 men 9-10-1

Lord Ramacandra, built bridge across the ocean 9-10-1

Lord Sauri (Krsna) 11-31-1

Lord Siva=Lord of all women, 3-14-3

Lord Siva=Lord of all women, 3-14-3

Lord Sri Krsna to Uddhava: anyone who listens/recites to others this song of Khatvanga,will never be overwhelmed by dualities 11-23-7

Lord Sri Krsna to Uddhava: anyone,listens/recites to others this song of Khatvanga, the sannyasi,meditates upon it with full attention 11-23-7

Lord Sri Krsna to Uddhava: fixing your intelligence on Me,completely control the mind,this is the essence of the science of yoga 11-23-7

Lord then said to the 2 gate keepers=Jaya and Vijaya 3-16-3

Lord Visnu and His wife, mother Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, 6-19-4

Lord Visnu b/c a cow,Lord Brahma b/c a calf, drank the nectar 7-10-7

Lord Visnu requested by Lord Siva, who carries a trident in his hand,smiled and repled to Lord Siva 8-12-2

Lord, never possible to surpass or to become equal with Him,after attaining complete perfection the human being may attain 78% 1-5-265

Lord, the appeared in this Universe to Aditi and Kasyapa,12th day of the month Bhadra,fortnight 8-18-1

Lord, the, appeared in this Universe in the month of Bhadra,12th day of the bright fortnight 8-18-1

Lord, The, arrested Bali Maharaja 8-21

Lord, the, convinced the moulana that in the koran also there are descriptions of Bhagavata-dharma and Krsna 1-intro-38

Lord, the, empowers the indiv. soul to create 2-5-256

Lord, the, features of 1-5-264

Lord, the, forms of 1-2-123

Lord, the, is always the Lord 2-5-245

Lord, the, is more anxious to take us back into his kingdom than we can desire 1-2-114

Lord, the, is the cause of this material world 10-2-4

Lord, the, obeisances unto the 1-2-88

Lord, the, seeing 1-2-117

Lord, the, then said to the 2 gate keepers=depart this place, but fear not-all glories unto you 3-16-3

Lord, the, then said to the 2 gate keepers=Jaya and Vijaya 3-16-3

Lord, the,appeared on dvadasi,12th day of the moon,sun was at meridian,this dvadasi is called Vijaya 8-18-1

Lord, the,beheld by imprisoned kings emerged from fortress,His discription,the kings past sins eradicated by Hari 10-73-1

Lord, Vasudeva 12-5-2

Lord, you are the impersonal Brahman which spreads throughout the universe 4-24-8

Lord, young, transcendental beauty 2-2-82

Lord. medicine for the conditioned soul=descriptions of the Lord 10-1-1

Lord=Padmanabha because of lotus growing from navel 3-15-4

Lord=Padmanabha because of lotus growing from navel 3-15-4

Lord’s- 6 entrances of Vaikunthat-puri, the Lord’s residence at 7th gate- 2 shining beings appear agitated 3-15-3

Lord’s beautiful bodily color is blackish 3-15-4

Lord’s feet-marks of a thunderbolt, a goad, a banner, and a lotus 3-28-2

Lord’s inconceivable personal energies 2-6-345

Lord’s maidservant 2-5-277

Lords of Universe,Vasudeva/Devaki now knowing Krsna/Balarama to be stood,joined palms,not embrace sons 10-44-5

lotus- blueish-black form resembling a lotus flower in Autumn 3-26-2

lotus flower is the reservoir of all conditioned souls, the first one to come out was Brahma, S.P.G. entered the heart of Brahma 3-20-2

lotus flower,this,reservoir of all conditioned souls 3-20-2

lotus on which Lord Brahma was generated, Garbhodakasayi Visnu, from lake of His navel 9-14-1

lotus, the Lord’s feet-marks of a thunderbolt, a goad, a banner, and a lotus 3-28-2

love- first love the dog of the beloved 2-3-172

love for Me develops by hearing,seeing My form,mediatating,chanting My names10-23-4

love for me is commendable on your part,since all living entities possess natural affection for Me 10-29-3

love me 5-5-2

Love of Godhead, only purified soul can attain 2-2-119

lower planetary systems= Bhurloka 2-5-284

lower planets out of 14: Atala,Vitala,Sutala,Talatala,Mahatala,Rasatala,Patala 2-5-287

lowest position outside the varnasrama system natural qualities: dirtiness,dishonesty,thievery,faithlessness, 11-17-2

lowest position outside the varnasrama system natural qualities: useless,quarrel,lust,anger,hankering 11-17-2

lunar mansion: Pusya 12-2-3

lunch, cowherd boys with Krsna,showing,tasting one another’s preparations,Krsna only ofrferings of yajna 10-13-2

lunch. calves went far away,deep into the forest,being allured by green grass while they ate their lunch 10-13-2

lust- Krsna enjoyed lust without getting attached by Sankhya Yoga 3-3-2

lust- mystic powers, the real purpose of yogic regulations is to eradicate the accumulated dirty things like lust,anger,avarice 2-1-41

lust, Krsna enjoyed without getting attached by Sankhya Yoga 3-3-2

lusty desires, mercy of Krsna obtained by gopis- by lusty desires 7-1-2

machine of the body 2-5-276

machinery is used for ulterior purposes 2-2-131

Madana= wind-god,do not fear and wives of the demigods,please accept these gifts and kindly sanctify My asrama by your presence 11-4-2

mad-dhama= my abode, with 7 fold coverings, there exist the unlimited spiritual sky, planets are called Vaikuntha 2-2-97

Madhava dynasty – origin Madhu 9-23-3

Madhava protect You while sleeping 10-6-3

Madhava, Lord, desiring to enjoy pastimes,sounding His flute surrounded by cowherd boys,10-15-1

Madhava= Krsna Lord= Lord Mukunda= Lord Sauri= Lord Madudvisa,darling of goddess of fortune 10-39-3

Madhava= S.P.G.-Lord of the goddess of fortune 10-2-6

Madhu, origin – Madhava dynasty 9-23-3

Madhu, sun-god, S.P.G. manifesting His potency of time as the, travels about in each of the 12 months,beginning with Madhu 12-11-4

Madhu,demon, is the enemy of S.P.G., 9 sons of Rsabhadeva, sages, must be direct associates of S.P.G. 11-2-3

Madhu-100 sons, Vrsni, the eldest 9-23-3

Madhudvisa, Lord, the darling of goddess of fortune=Lord Krsna = Lord Mukunda= Lord Sauri 10-39-3

Madhusudana had suggested, sacrifice to Indra, you may carry it out if it appeals to you 10-24-4

Madhusudana, Lord understood the exact lunar time for Rukmini’s wedding,told driver,Daruka,ready My chariot 10-53-1

Madhusudana,S.P.G.,killer of demon Madhu,entered semen of Kardama,appeared in Devahuti as fire,from wood in a sacrifice 3-24-1

Madhusudana=Lord Visnu 8-12-5

Madhusudana=S.P.G., the Lord 8-12-1

madhya-loka=midway planets,1-6-325

madhyama-adhikari= an intermediate or second-class devoteeoffers his love to S.P.G,mercy to ignorant,disregards envious 11-2-6

Madira, wife of Vasudeva,sons:Nanda-10-46-2,Upananda,Krtaka,Sura-10-46-2 9-24-4

Madra=Laksmana, wife of Krsna, daughter of king Madra 10-58-6,10-62-2

Madrakas, Bhima sent by Yudhisthira to the east with the Madrakas 10-72-2

Magadha – sage of the 14th Manu 8-24-2

Magadha dynasty of the future described 9-22-5

Magadha dynasty was Puranjaya who will take birth as descendant of Brhadratha,future rulers of, Gosvami said 12-1-1

Magadha dynasty, I shall describe to you the future of the, 9-22-5

Magadha, king of, as the shackles of karma,the prowess of 10,000 maddened elephants,as a lion captures sheep 10-70-3

Magadha, sage of the 14th Manu 8-13-3

Magadharaja= Jarasandha ,I will not fight Krsna,coward,fled Your own capital of Mathura to take shelter in the sea 10-72-3

Magamas- demigod of the 11th Manu 8-24-2

Maha bharata to administer the purpose of Vedas 1-4-226

mahajanas= the standard authorities of spiritual life 11-11-3

Maha purusa=with transcendental knowledge 5-15-1

Maha Visnu- Govinda, Lord, lies down in the causal ocean as Maha Visnu 2-6-345

Maha Visnu, Lord Sri Krsna expanding His plenary portion,1st incarnation created this manifested cosmos 2-6-344

Maha Visnu, lying in causal ocean,divided himself as Hiranyagarbha with thousands of legs,arms,mouths,heads, 2-5-280

Maha Visnu= Karanodakasayivisnu – throws his glance to impregnate the spiritual sky 1-3-143

Mahabharata and Puranas explained the teaching of the 4 Vedas 1-4-221

Mahabharata is more essential than the original Vedas in this age 1-4-229

Mahabharata, Vyasadeva prepared a great and wonderful work, the Mahabharata 1-5-237

Mahabharata, history narration for women, laborers and friends of the twice-born 1-4-225

Mahabharata, the whole idea of culminates in the ultimate instruction of the Bhagavad-Gita 1-5-256

Mahabhisa-ability to transform anyone from old age to youth 9-22-2

Mahabhoja who was exceedingly religious, there appeared the Bhoja kings 9-24-1

Mahabhurata, even women,sudra’s others can see the path of religion through the, 1-4-229

mahajanas, headed by Prahlada, if anyone renders service to the feet of Mukunda, exactly like us 7-7-7

Mahajanas= great sages, saints and devotees 10-2-4

Maha-mantra= great chanting for deliverance 2-glossary 368

mahamaya created from the mode of goodness to defeat all other mystic power,vanquishes deluding spells 10-55-2

Mahanandi,10th king of Sisunaga dynasty,son Ksemadharma, 12-1-1

Mahapursa= Krsna 2-1-17

Mahapurusa, summary description of 12-11

Maharaja Bali conquers the Heavenly planets 8-15

Maharaja Bharata, geneology of Sakuntala, mother of 9-20-2

Maharaja Gadhi 9-15-1

Maharaja Pariksit passes away 12-6

Maharaja Pariksit was quite a young man so there was no question of him retiring from active life 1-4-212

Maharaja Pariksit was the emperor of the world and all seas,oceans,inherited from his grandfather, Yudhisthira 1-4-211

Maharaja Pariksit would not allow slaughter houses or killing of cows 1-4-213

Maharaja Pariksit, final instructions to 12-5

Maharaja= king? 2-1-26

Maha-rathas of great renown,18 among all the sons of valor of Krsna 10-90-4

Maharloka, have airships by which they reach Satyaloka 2-2-109

Maharloka, where the purified living entities or demigods possess life of 4,300,000,000 years 2-2-109

Mahatala, at ankles, one of the 7 lower planets, virat form of the Lord 2-5-287

mahatma=a great soul 7-4-4

Mahatmas, are under the influence of the internal potency, the effect is constant service of the Lord withou deviation 1-2-134

Mahatmas, minds have been broadened to engage in the service of Lord Krsna 1-2-134

Mahatmas, no one should bother himself with dry speculation about transcendental knowledge 1-2-134

Mahatmas, that should be the aim of life, no one should bother himself with fruitive activities 1-2-134

mahat-tattva and false ego created the egg of this universe 10-87-3

mahat-tattva generated false ego: causes bewilderment,physical sensation,the senses,mind encompasses bothe spirit and matter 11-24-1

mahat-tattva- the effulgent mahat-tattva contains all the universe within itself 3-26-2

mahat-tattva, material principle, the transcendental Personality of Godhead is not within the jurisdiction of 2-1-10

Mahat-tattva, part of malterial nature is false ego 2-2-113

Mahat-tattva, produces from itself the primeval golden egg of the universe,which is covered by various layers of material elements 11-6-3

Mahat-tattva,Lord Maha Visnu lies down in the water of the causa ocean,breathing period of maha-Visnu 2-plate 13

mahat-tattva,the amalgamated material energy endowed with the potency of the Lord,produces from itself the primeval golden egg 11-6-3

Mahat-tattva= principles of material creation, in the course of time the 3 qualities appear 2-5-263

mahat-tattva= sutra= due to its potency the living entity undergoes material existence 11-9-5

mahat-tattva= sutra= that which is the basis of the 3 modes of material nature,which manifests the variegated universe 11-9-5

mahat-tattva= sutra= this universe is resting within that mahat-tattva 11-9-5

mahat-tattva= the principle of matter,the consciousness of the omni-present Lord 2-1-55

mahat-tattva= the total material nature and her source 10-40-1

mahat-tattva= the totality of functional propensity is embodied by mahat-tattva or the primeval sutra 11-22-2

mahat-tatva= the total material energy is undivided,because of material modes appears to separate 10-3-2

Mahavasi. geneology- Sitadeva wife of Lord Ramacandra to Mahavasi 9-13-1,2,3

Mahavasi-all the kings of the Mithilia dynasty were completely in knowledge of their spiritual identity 9-13-3

Mahavasi-even though staying at home, they were liberated from the duality of material existence 9-13-3

Mahavirya. sons of Manyu:Brhatksatra-9-21-3,Jaya,Mahavirya-9-21-2, Nara-9-21-1,Garga 9-21-2

Maha-Visnu, the original purusa-avatara,acquires His creative potency from You,with infallible energy He impregnates material nature 11-6-3

Maha-Visnu, with infallible energy He impregnates material nature, producing the mahat-tattva,the amalgamated material energy 11-6-3

Maha-Visnu: horses of Krsna’s chariot: Saibya,Sugriva,Meghapuspa,Balahaka 10-89-4

Maha-Visnu: Middle Universe with it’s oceans,7principal mountains,crossed Lokaloka boundary,entered region of darkness 10-89-4

Maha-Visnu: story: Arjuna and Krsna took the brahmana’s sons with them,returned to Dvaraka by same path they had come, 10-89-6

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G.,Maha-Visnu, and His weapons cakra and others in their personified forms 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G.,Maha-Visnu,description,personal attendants headed by Sunanda and Nanda 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: they entered a body of water with huge waves churned by mighty wind,saw a palace in ocean,1,000 pillars 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: Arjuna joined Krsna on His divine chariot,set off toward west,passed over 7 islands of middle universe 10-89-4

Maha-Visnu: story: Arjuna not finding child entered sacred fire,Lord Krsna stopped him,I will show you the brahmana’s sons10-89-4

Maha-Visnu: story: chariot went beyond darkness,reached endless spiritual light of brahma-jyoti,effulgence hurt his eyes,10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: Krsna sent Sudarsana disc before the chariot,like thousands of suns,penetrated darkness,speed of mind 10-89-4

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G., said:for the benefit of people,continue to exemplify religious behavior as Nara and Narayana 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G., said:when you finish killing the demons who burden the earth quickly come back here to Me 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G., Supreme Lord of topmost planet,Krsna and Arjuna assented by chanting om,bowed down to 10-89-6

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G.,Maha-Visnu, and His consort potencies Pusti,Sri,Kirti,Aja and all His various mystic powers 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G.,said:I brought the brahmana’s sons here because I wanted to see the two of you,Krsna/Arjuna 1089-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw S.P.G.,said:I wanted to see My expansions who have descended to earth to save principles of religion 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: saw,S.P.G.,Maha-Visnu,at ease on serpent bed,bluish complexion ,color of a dense rainsloud,8 long arms 10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: story: Ananta Sesa,necks/ tongues dark blue,Arjuna saw S.P.G.,Maha-Visnu,sitting at ease on serpent bed,10-89-5

Maha-Visnu: story: story: in palace,serpent Ananta Sesa,gems on His thousands of hoods,resembled white Mount Kailasa,10-89-5

Maha-Visnu= S.P.G,Arjuna saw sitting at ease on Ananta Sesa’s perpent bed 10-89-5

Mahendra, Parasurama still lives as an intelligent brahmana in the moutainous country of Mahendra 9-16-2

Mahendra=king of heaven=Sahasraksa 6-7-5

Mahesvara= Lord Siva, Sudaksina worshipped to avenge the death of His father, Siva offers a benediction 10-66-3

Mahesvara=Lord Siva=Sankara=Durvasa 4-1-3

Mahesvara-jvara= Siva-jvara, personified weapon of Lord Siva, bowed down to the infallible Lord and went away 10-63-3

mahima=becoming greater than the greatest 11-15-1

mahima-siddhi= become heavier than the heaviest 2-2-104

Mahrissha, mother of Daksa, a direct son of Lord Brahma, lost 2 lives, disrespectful to Lord Siva 5-5-4

maidservant of the Lord 2-5-277

Mainman protect Your knees 10-6-3

maintain life by:brahmana-studying and teaching the Vedas 10-24-3

maintain life by:royal order- by protecting the earth 10-24-3

maintain life by:sudra by serving the higher, twice-born classes 10-24-3

maintain life by:vaisya – by trade 10-24-3

maintain the respect of religion under Arjuna the infalliable one 3-1

maintaing the world- maintaing the world in the sporting spirit of a player 2-3-192

maintenance You appear as yourself= Lord Visnu 10-14-3

mairpuraka cakra, above powerhouse, just below navel 2-2-101

Maitreya and his disciple Vidura 2-intro.

Maitreya continued, proud/falsely Daiya,little heed to Varuna’s words,demon from Narada whereabouts of S.P.G.,betook to ocean 3-18-1

Maitreya- Kausarava= Maitreya 3-19-3

Maitreya Rishi, where/when Vidura met w/Maitreya Rishi 3-1-1

Maitreya said, after hearing of His mother’s desire for transcendental realization,He thanked her within Himself for her questions 3-25-1

Maitreya said, after hearing statement of His mother,Kapila could understand her purpose,He became compassionate towards her 3-25-3

Maitreya said, demigods of higher planets freed from all fearupon hearing cause of darkness,explained by Brahma 3-17-1

Maitreya said, His face smiling,He explained the path of the transcendentalists,interested in self-realization 3-25-1

Maitreya said, Kapila,Sankhya system,combination of devotional service/mystic realization,received by disciplic succession 3-25-3

Maitreya said, the Lord heartily laughed and accepted Brahma’s prayer with a glance laden with love 3-19-1

Maitreya said, when Kardama left for the forest,Kapila stayed on the strand of the Bindu-sarovara to please His mother, Devahuti 3-25-1

Maitreya said,the demon being challenged by S.P.G.,became angry,agitated,trembled like a challenged cobra 3-18-2

Maitreya to Vidura, commanded by Lord Brahma to beget children in worlds, Kardama Muni practiced penance on bank of Sarasvati 3-21-1

Maitreya to Vidura, in Satya-yuga,S.P.G. showed Himself to Kardama,displayed transcendental form,understood only through Vedas 3-21-1

Maitreya to, Devahuti,faithful,respectful toward direction of her husband Kardama,one of Prajapatis,generators of human beings 3-24-1

Maitreya, conversation with Vidura 3-20

Maitreya, the most powerful sage was a friend of Vyasadeva,encouraged and pleased by inquiry of pastimes of S.P.G. 3-25-1

Maitreya, Vidura approaches/talks to 3-5

Makara mountain and Trisrnga mountain-north side of Sumeru mountain 5-16-4

Makara-sankranti=day sun moves North 7-14-3

male supreme, parama-purusa= the Lord= supreme male 1-7-347

male, a, appeared out of the ocean of milk, his neck marked with 3-lines=Dhanvantari 8-8-4

male/female, one should attempt to, spirit soul, know the distinction between without any attachment for 1-4-207

Malyavan, the enemy, S.P.G 8-10-6

Malyavan, was killed by the disc of S.P.G. to cut off his head 8-10-6

Mamata Brhaspati’s brother’s wife,mother of Bharadvaja who was given to Bharata 9-20-4, 9-21-1

man about to die,if utters holy name of Supreme lord (Narayana), he can be freed from reaction of his fruitive work 12-3-5

man- animal. Madhucchanda’s real father sold him as 9-15-3

man described to Krsna how a 20,000 kings suffering because Jarasandha imprisoned them in Girivraja prison 10-70-3

man eater= Raksasa 9-9-3

man, a foolish man defies even my authority, to such a person, first I take away all his possessions 8-22-23

man, a foolish man, becomes dull-witted and mad because of material opulence, no respect for anyone 8-22-3

man, a learned, who gives up the bodily conception of life, will be enlightened by spiritual knowledge 4-29-10

man, a learned, who gives up the bodily conception of life, will become prominent individual soul as S.P.G 4-29-10

man, a wise- is one who knows the process of freedom from bondage 11-19-4

man is most miserable who takes care of a cow that gives no milk,unchaste wife,body totally dependent on others,useless children 11-11-7

man is most miserable who’s wealth is not utilized for the right purpose 11-11-7

man, materially attached, illusion of 2-1-6

man, unintelligent,failing to distinguish himself from material nature thinks nature to be real,by contac,bewildered,enters into cycle 11-22-6

man, unsuccessful man, in maintenance, his family, others do not treat him the same 3-30-1

man, a butter pot 7-12-2

man/woman,between spirit/matter, I inquire as to relationship between 3-25-1

manapurusa= the supreme enjoyer 2-1-18

Manasa= spiritually advanced men 1-5-245

Manasa-Saravara lake NE to for 1,000 years 6-13-2

Manasottara mountain, great, 4-directions-living quaters of the demigods 5-20-5

Manasottara mountain, great, forms the boundary between the inner side and outer side of the island 5-20-5

Manasottara mountain, great, forms the boundary between the inner side and outer side of the island 5-20-5

Mandara Mountain, mango tree 5-16-2

Mandhata, King, descendants of 9-7

Mandhata. geneology Yuvanasva to Mandhata-3 sons,50 daughters,all married Saubhari 9-6-4

Mandhata-emperor,descendant of Iksvaku,50dau.,m.Saubhari 9-6-4

Mandhatu geneology 9-7-1

Mandudeya taught his son Sakalya who divided his own collection into 5 to:Vatsya,Mudgala,Saliya,Gokhalya,Sisira 12-6-6

Mandudeya-Indrapramiti,taught Rg =Bahvrca to mystic Mandudeya,whose disciple Devamitra later to Saubhari 12-6-6

Mandudeya’s son Sakalya divided his own collection into 5 to:Vatsya,Mudgala,Saliya,Gokhalya,Sisira 12-6-6

man-eater, black spot on leg 9-9-3

man-eater= Raksasa 9-9-3

Mangali,Kulya,Kusida,Kuksi,Laugaksi each received 100 samhitas, Pausyanji,5 other disciples of,namely, each received 100 samhitas 12-6-8

Mango sprouts and clusters of flower buds, Krsna/Balarama,best of dancers appearing on a dramatic stage 10-21-2

manifestations- mystic powers, as soon as the potencies are understood to be instrumental,manifestations of the transcendentce 2-1-41

manifested- the Kumara’s said, you are not manifested to rascals 3-15-5

Manigiva/Nalakuvara,demigod sons of Kuvera, Narada cursed them to b/c trees/b/c of pride/falseprestige 10-9-3

manisinam= thoughtful 2-3-136

mantra- 12 syllables=om namo bhagavate vasudevaya, Narayana-kavaca armor, chant 6-8-1

mantra- 6 syllables, om vis nave namah 6-8-1

mantra- 8 syllables in reverse, ya na ya ra na mo na om=samhara-nyasa 6-8-1

mantra- 8 syllables=om namo narayana ya, =Utpatti=nyasa 6-8-1

mantra Samjivani, of Sukracarya to bring back life 8-11-5

mantra, a mantra is purified when chanted with proper knowledge 11-21-2

Mantra, chant 3 times per day, Omn namo Bhagavate Vasudeva ya 4-8-5

mantra, silently murmur the, 108 times and offer prayers 8-16-5

Mantra, Vaivasvata Manu now worships,in pure deotional service and chants,following mantra 5-18-5

mantra.gopis protected Krsna with this mantra 10-6-3

Mantra= sound vibration that can deliver the mind from illusion 2-glossary 368

Mantra druma, king of heaven,Indra of 6th Manu 8-5-1

mantra-Hare Krsna 6-8-4

mantra-in 7 nights you will be able to see the Lord face to face 6-15-3

mantras, Hanuman chants the following mantras 5-19-1

Manu 5th, Raivata,brother of Tamasa, 4th Manu 8-5-1

Manu 6th, Caksusa 8-5-1

Manu among the saintly kings, I AM 11-16-2

Manu are appointed by S.P.G. in His various incarnations such as yajna,to conduct Universal affairs 8-14-1

Manu- Brahma-savarni= 10th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-2

Manu conversation with Kardama 3-21

Manu, 1st, Svayambhuva 8-24

Manu, 2nd, Svarocisa,father-Agni,(mother-Sunitha? 4-13-2) 8-1-3

Manu, 3rd, Uttama 8-1-3

Manu, 4th Manu 8-1-4

Manu-Sraddhadeva- 7th manu 8-13-1, 8-24-2

Manu- Savarni- 8th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-2

Manu- Daksa-savarni= 9th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-2

Manu- Dharma-savarni= 11th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-3

Manu- Rudra-savarni= 12th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-3

Manu- Deva-savarni = 13th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-3,4

Manu- Indra-savarni- 14th Manu 8-24-2, 8-13-3,4

Manu, by whose order are they engaged in their respective duties 8-14-1

Manu, daughters of, genealogical 4-1

Manu, dynasties of the sons of 9-2

Manu, Genealogical table of the daughters of Manu 4-1-1

Manu, in each reign of Manu,six types of personalities appear as manifestations of Lord Hari: 12-7-2

manu, the great author of civic codes and religious principles 1-7-379

Manu,6 types of personalities of Lord Hari: the great sages, the partial incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead=S.P.G. 12-7-2

Manu,6 types of personalities of Lord Hari: the ruling Manu, the chief demigods, the sons of Manu, Indra, 12-7-2

Manu-descendants described 3-10-3

Manu-duration of life 3-11-2

Manu-duration of life 3-11-2

Manu-duration of life=14 consecutive manu’s=fathers of mankind 3-11-1

Manus- (demigod over a kingdom) 2-3-142

Manu’s- 14 consecutive Manu’s=fathers of mankind 3-11-2

Manus and their dynasties, described 8-1-1

Manus are the next incarnations, 420 in one month of Brahma- 420×12=5,040 manus in one year of Brahma 1-3-149

Manu’s descendants in each age by unbroken succession recite Krsna’s glories in each age 10-87-7

Manus- descendants of 3-10-3

Manus fully engaged in instructions of S.P.G. directly reestablish principles of occup.duty in full 4 parts 8-14-1

Manus- Manus promote the welfare activities or the universe 3-20-4

Manus- one day Brahma felt as if the object of his life had been accomplished,at that time he evolved from his mind the Manus 3-20-4

Manus promote the welfare activities or the universe 3-20-4

Manus- The descendants of Manus 3-10-3

Manus- the self-possessed creator gave them his own human form 3-20-4

Manu’s, 14 consecutive Manu’s=fathers of mankind 3-11-2

Manus, administrators of the Universe 8-1

manus, already 6 in the present Kalpa 8-1-1

Manus, future, description 8-13

Manus, The descendants of Manus 3-10-3

Manus,fathers of mankind,great sages,forefathers,Daityas,mankind,learned scholars performed sacrifices to please the Lord 2-6-327

Manus=the sons of Manu 8-14-1

Manu-samhita is the standard law book of humanity 2-1-56

Manvantara, how manu are engaged in their respective duties in each 8-14-1

manvantara, Parasurama will be one of the 7 sages in the next manvantara 9-16-2

Manvantara’s- 7th,8th, description 8-13-1

many classes of human beings,hearing and glorifying the Lord,success in everything engaged in by providence 2-1-9

Manyu 9-21-1

Manyu, geneology of the sons of Manu 9-21-1

Manyu, sons of,:Brhatksatra-9-21-3,Jaya,Mahavirya-9-21-2, Nara-9-21-1,Garga-9-21-2

Maqdhupati= Krsna,peacock feather ornament upon His head,blue Karnikara flowers on His ears 10-21-1

March?=Sukra, Mitra as the sun-god, Menaka as the Apsara, Pauruseya as the Raksasa, Taksaka as the Naga, 12-11-4

March?=Sukra, Rathasvana as the Yaksa, Atri as the sage, Haha as the Gandharva rule the month of Sukra12-11-4

mare,Yami-while wandering on the earth in the form of a mare, gave birth to the Asvini-Kumaras 6-6-4

marginal energy of the Lord, living entities are the marginal energy of the Lord 1-5-270

marginal potency- living entities are this marginal potency and by their own choice can live in either worlds 2-2-90

Marici, Kasyapa Muni is son of Marici 8-16-2

Marici, Rsis like, authorities in fruitive work 1-6-326

Marici,6 sons by Urna,all demigods,laughed at Brahma preparing to have sex with his own daughter 10-85-5

Maricigarbhas- demigod of the 9th Manu 8-24-2

Marisa 9-24-3

Marisa and Sura, Vasudeva’s parents 9-24-3

Marisa married King Sura, had 10 spotless and pious sons, 5 daughters 9-24-3

Marisa, Vasudeva son of King Sura and Marisa 9-24-3

mark of Lord Krsna’s disc on right palm,Bharata Maharaja 9-20-3

mark of lotus whorl on soles of feet, he became emperor / master of the world, Bharata Maharaja 9-20-3

mark of srivatsa, a golden streak on His chest,He stood in the air with His lotus feet placed on the shoulders of Garuda 3-21-1

mark of Srivatsa=curl of white hair 3-28-2

Markandeya 12-8

Markandeya’s prayers to Nara-Narayana Rsi 12-8

Markandeya= saw in the ocean,an infant boy lying alone within the fold of a banyan leaf 12-8

Markandeya, exceptionall long-lived sage who was the only survivor,entire universe merged in the flood of annihilation 12-8

Markandeya, son of Mrkandu,was the only survivor at the end of Brahma’s day, when universe flooded 12-8

Markandeya took birth in Saunaka’s own family during current day of Brahma,not yet seen any total annihilation in this day of Brahma 12-8-1

Markandeya, after being purified by his father’s performance of the prescribed rituals leading to brahminical initiation, 12-8-1

Markandeya studied the Vedic hymns ,strictly observed the regulative principles 12-8-1

Markandeya became advanced in austerity,Vedic knowledge,remained a lifelong celibate 12-8-1

Markandeya appeaearing peaceful with his matted hair,clothing made of bark,furthered his spiritual progress by 12-8-1

Markandeya carrying mendicant’s waterpot,staff,sacred thread,brahmacari belt,black deerskin,lotus-seed prayer beads, 12-8-1

Markandeya furthered his spiritual progress by carrying mendicant’s bundles of kusa grass 12-8-1

Markandeya, at the sacred junctures of the day regularly worshiped S.P.G in 5 forms 12-8-1

Markandeya worshiped S.P.G, 5 forms: the sacrificial fire, the sun, his spiritual master, the brahmanas, the Supersoul within his heart 12-8-1

Markandeya went out morning and evening to beg,upon returning he would present all the food he had collected to his spiritual master 12-8-1

Markandeya silently took his one meal of the day only when his spiritual master invited him,otherwise he would fast 12-8-1

Markandeya devoted to austerity,Vedic study,worshiped supreme master of the senses,S.P.G.,for millions of years,conquered death 12-8-1

Markandeya, all were astonished by the achievement of Markandeya: Brahma,Bhrgu Muni,Siva,Daksa,sons of Brahma, 12-8-2

Markandeya, all were astonished by the achievement of Markandeya: many among human beings,demigods,forefathers,ghostly spirits 12-8-2

Markandeya maintained rigid celibacy through penance,study of Vedas,self-discipline,mind free of all disturbances, 12-8-2

Markandeya maintained rigid celibacy, he turned it inward,meditated on S.P.G. who lies beyond the material senses 12-8-2

Markandeya, 6 lifetimes of Manu passed by while this mystic sage concentrated his mind by powerful yoga practice 12-8-2

Markandeya, during the 7th reign of Manu,the current age,Lord Indra came to know of Markandeya’s austerities,12-8-2

Markandeya, Lord Indra became fearful of his growing mystic potency,thus he tried to impede the sage’s penance 12-8-2

Markandeya, Lord Indra sent Cupid,beautiful celestial singers,dancing girls,season of spring,sandalwood scented breeze 12-8-2

Markandeya, Lord Indra sent Cupid,breeze from the Malaya Hills,along with greed,intoxication personified 12-8-2

Markandeya, they went to his hermitage,northern side of Himalaya Mountains,where Puspabhadra River passes famous peak Citra 12-8-2

Markandeya, groves of pious trees decorated his holy asrama,man saintly brahmanas lived there,abundant pure,sacred ponds 12-8-2

Markandeya’s asrama resounded with the buzzing of intoxicated bees,cooing of excited cuckoos,jubilant peacocks danced about 12-8-2

Markandeya’s hermitage was crowded by many families of maddened birds 12-8-2

Markandeya’s asrama, springtime breeze sent by Lord Indra carrying cooling drops of spray from nearby waterfalls 12-8-2

Markandeya frangrant from forest flowers the breeze entered the hermitage,began evoking the lusty spirit of Cupid 12-8-2

Markandeya’s asrama, springtime appeared,evening sky,light of rising moon,sprouts,fresh blossoms covered trees,creepers 12-8-2

Markandeya’s asrama, then cupid came there,followed by groups of Gandharvas playing musical instruments and singing 12-8-2

Markandeya, the servants of Indra found the sage sitting in meditation,just offered his prescribed oblations into the sacrificial fire 12-8-2

Markandeya’s eyes closed in trance,he seemed invincible, like fire personified, 12-8-2

Markandeya, the women danced ,celestial singers sang,accompanied by drums, cymbals,vinas 12-8-3

Markandeya, passion,greed personified,spring,other servants of Indra all tried to agitate Markandeya’s mind 12-8-3

Markandeya, cupid drew his 5 headed arrow and fixed it upon his bow12-8-3

Markandeya, Apsara Punjikasthali made a show of playing with a number of toy balls,her waist weighed down by her heavy breasts 12-8-3

Markandeya, wreath of flowers in her hair became disheveled,glancing,belt of her thin garment loosened,wind blew clothes away 12-8-3

Markandeya, Cupid,thinking he had conquered the sage then shot his arrow,attempts to seduce Markandeya proved futile 12-8-3

Markandeya, Cupid and followers felt themselves being burned alive,thus they stopped their mischief, he did not succumb 12-8-3

Markandeya, Indra desiring to bestow mercy upon,S.P.G. personally appeared before the sage in the forms of Nara and Narayana 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared before the sage,one of them was whitish complexion,the other blackish 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared before the sage,one of them was whitish complexion,the other blackish 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared, they both had 4 arms,eyes resembled petals of blooming lotus 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared they wore garments of black deerskin and bark 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared they wore the 3 stranded sacred thread 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared in their hands which were most purifying,They carried the mendicant’s waterpot,12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appeared straight bamboo staff,lotus-seed prayer beads,Vedas in symbolic form of darbha grass 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana Their bearing was tall and their yellow effulgence the color of radiant lightning 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing as austerity personified,being worshiped by the foremost demigods 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana were the direct personal forms of the Supreme Lord 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing,when he saw Them he immediately stood up12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, then with great respect offered Them obeisances,falling down flat on ground like a stick 12-8-3

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, seeing Them caused the hairs on his body to stand on end,eyes filled with tears,12-8-4

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, found it difficult to look at Them,standing with hands folded in supplication,head bowed 12-8-4

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, imagined that he was embracing the 2 Lords,voice choked with ecstasy 12-8-4

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, He said, I offer You my humble obeisances,gave them sitting places,washed their feet, 12-8-4

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, worshiped Them with arghya,sandalwood pulp,fragrant oils,incense,flower garlands 12-8-4

Markandeya, Nara and Narayana appearing, again bowed down,and addressed Them, How can I possibly describe You? 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, You awaken the vital air which impels the mind,senses,power of speech to act 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, this is true for all ordinary conditioned souls,demigods like Brahma and Siva,and me 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, you become the intimate friend with those who worship You 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, You awaken the vital air which impels the mind,senses,power of speech to act 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, this is true for all ordinary conditioned sould,and demigods like Brahma,Siva 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, S.P.G., these 2 forms of Yours have appeared to bestow the ultimate benefit for the 3 worlds 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, the cessation of material misery and the conquest of death 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, although You create this universe,assume many transcendental forms to protect it, You also 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, swallow it up,just like a spider who spins and later withdraws its web 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, You are the protector,supreme controller of all moving and nonmoving beings 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, anyone who takes shelter of You can never be touched by the contamination of material work 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, material qualities or time,great sages,assimilated essential meaning of Vedas offer prayers 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, even Lord Brahma fears the passage of time,and those he creates,the conditioned souls 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, conditioned souls encounter fearful dangers at every step of their lives 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, shelter at Your lotus feet, which are the very form of liberation 12-8-4

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, by attaining You S.P.G.,the master of the soul,one attains everything desirable 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, You specifically employ the mode of goodness to liberate the conditioned souls 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, the other 2 modes simply bring them suffering,illusion,fear 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, fearlessness,spiritual happiness,kingdom of God are all achieved through mode of goodness 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, intelligent persons worship Your beloved transcendental form,composed of pure goodness 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, I offer my humble obeisances to Him,S.P.G.,all-pervading,all-inclusive form of the universe 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, as well as it’s spiritual master, I bow down to Lord Narayana,the supremely worshipable 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, Deity appearing as a sage, and also to the saintly Nara,the best of human beings,who is fixed 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, Nara in perfect goodness,fully in control of his speech,propagator of the Vedic literatures 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, if one obtains Vedic knowledge from You,the supreme spiritual master of all, 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, he can directly understand You 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, the Vedic literatures alone reveal confidential knowledge of Your supreme personality 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, even such great scholars as Lord Brahma himself are bewildered through empirical methods 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, each philosopher understands You according to his particular speculative conclusions 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, I worship that Supreme Person,knowledge of whom is hidden by the bodily designations 12-8-5

Markandeya worships Supreme Person,knowledge of whom,hidden by bodily designations covering conditioned soul’s spiritual identity 12-8-5

Markandeya said to Nara and Narayana, covering the conditioned soul’s spiritual identity 12-8-5

Markandeya Rsi sees the illusory potency 12-9

Markandeya to Lord Narayana and Nara, O Lord Acyuta, You remove all distress for the devotees who surrender unto You 12-9-1

Markandeya to Lord Narayana and Nara, that you have allowed me to see You is all the benediction I want 12-9-1

Markandeya to Lord Narayana and Nara, although I am satisfied simply by seeing You, I do wish to see Your illusory potency 12-9-1

Markandeya to Lord Narayana and Nara, by whose influence entire world,with demigods,considers reality to be materially variegated 12-9-1

Markandeya, always thinking of his desire to see Lord’s illusory energy,remained in his asrama,meditating constantly upon the Lord 12-9-1

Markandeya, always meditating constantly upon the Lord within fire,sun,moon,water,earth,air,lightning,within his own heart 12-9-1

Markandeya, worshiping the Lord with paraphernalia conceived in his mind,overwhelmed by waves of love for the Lord, 12-9-1

Markandeya, he would forget to perform his regular worship 12-9-1

Markandeya, one day while he was performing his evening worship on bank of Puspabhadra,great wind suddenly arose 12-9-2

Markandeya, that wind created a terrible sound,fearsome clouds,lightning,roaring thunder,torrents of rain as heavy as wagon wheels 12-9-2

Markandeya, then 4 great oceans appeared on all sides,swallowing up the surface o

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