
Yesterday I wrote a post sharing some tips and tricks for landing your first freelance client. This is a great feat, but by no means is this the end of the line. Now it is time to up your game and get more clients. In today’s freelance post, I will share how I was able to get new clients, get repeat clients, and continue to satisfy clients.

New Clients

Getting new clients was equally as hard a task as getting that first client. I had to work hard to improve my work and make it visible to new clients and potential prospects. I had to get creative and think of some unique ways to do so. The first way I increased my chances was by working on my promotional tactics. I shared more work on my Dribbble profile and even got Dribbble pro to increase the chances of getting new clients through the “hire me” button.

Before buying Dribbble pro I figured it was a waste of money, how much could that button really increase my clients? I was completely wrong. I immediately noticed results and have been more than satisfied by Dribbble Pro since. Not to mention the countless other benefits Dribbble pro offers! If you are thinking about purchasing it, I totally suggest it. I regret waiting so long to get it myself.

Next I looked to other avenues of promotion. I heard through a few friends that Behance was a good place, so I decided to create a profile and add some of my more professional, better projects. I still have not received any clients through the site, but for the measly time spent setting it up it is worth it. The added promotion is always a benefit and as my portfolio grows, I am sure that more clients will come from other sources.

My final avenue of promotion and marketing was to continue networking. Whenever I got the chance I emailed other freelancers, added them on Skype, and had as many conversations as I could discussing their design and marketing process as freelancers. It is great to chat with other creatives going through the same hardships as you. New projects, job opportunities, and other interesting inquiries sometimes come up, so never forget to network and speak with other designers when you get the chance.

Repeat Clients

Repeat clients are some of the best clients. Basically, having a repeat client means you are doing the job in a satisfactory manor, fulfilling the clients needs, and probably going the extra mile. What comes along with this is trust, a repeat client, and possible referrals to new clients. Let me put it this way. Would you rather spend more time finding new clients, or spend a little extra time making your clients happier so that you can focus on new projects rather than searching for them.

It should be of the utmost importance that you care about the client’s needs. Obviously I am not saying to undercharge, overwork, and steep down to low standards. This is what ruins the industry and gives designers a bad name at times. What I am saying, is that you should try to please clients as it will make it easier in the long run to gain more trustworthy clients which will ultimately grow into good relationships and a better experience when you work.

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Original Article on UltraLinx Website - Freelance Tips for Getting More Clients

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