After retirement one needs not only sound investment strategy, but one also needs to focus on tax and estate planning as well, says Tony Davey, Tax expert and advocate.
The SA tax system is currently undergoing a complete overhaul and the process was initiated by the appointment of the Davis Commission. Within its mandate are the review of capital gains tax and estate duty and the tax treatment of trusts.
Retirement funds, medical schemes and health insurance are all currently under the spotlight.
Tax free savings accounts have been introduced, but how does one obtain the optimal benefit?
There are various tax and exchange control considerations pertaining to offshore investment and trusts that need to be considered when using these vehicles.
Recent court judgements have highlighted the need for a correctly drafted Will and the pitfalls of poor planning.
These and other topics are of relevance to retired people and those contemplating retirement if the correct choices are to be made.
Join Tony to make sense of it all at the Wealth Corporation’s free retirement seminars. You can book your seat at
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About The Wealth Corporation
The Wealth Corporation was founded in 2001. Since then, they have experienced considerable growth and gone through many changes, including the establishment of a national footprint and their partnership with Citadel in 2012. They have a proud history as being thought leaders in the industry, developing best practice in client service and advice processes and leading by example. Their advisory solution offers a complete view of the retirement planning and management process, looking at all aspects of financial and personal well-being. This process is called Integrated Insight.