You've always admired designers who can create cool Web pages, but guess what* After watching this Don Jones video series YOU'LL be the one building interactive, dynamic Web pages utilizing the latest Web technologies.
Don will show you how use Cascading st
yle Sheets (CSS) to lay out Web pages using best practices and SEO-friendly techniques. He'll also show you how to dynamically update portions of Web pages with AJAX and JQuery, and validate user input on HTML forms without submitting the form to the Web server.
What You'll Learn
Video 1: Introduction|12:44
Agenda: learn how to use HTML, CSS, ja
ript, JQuery, Ajax and PHP.
Video 2: Introducing HTML|27:27
What is HTML* Tag Basics. Simple HTML formatting. Lists. Bold, Italic, etc. Paragraphs. Block quotes. Hyperlinks and Anchors. Working with an HTML editor. Troubleshooting HTML in a Browser.
Video 3: Working with HTML Forms|22:09
The FORM tag. Form Elements and Their Attributes. Submitting a Form. Best Practices for Forms: Labels, Etc.
Video 4: Introducing CSS|25:32
What is CSS* Applying st
yles to tags. Applying st
yles to classes. Applying st
yle to IDs. me
yles: Hover, Active, Etc. Cascading and Sequential Selectors. Differences Between Browsers.
Video 5: Commonly-Used CSS st
Margins and Padding (and understanding metrics). Font Control. Color Control. Background Images and Repeating. Etc.
Video 6: The Cascade in CSS|19:27
Working with Local st
ylesheets. Working with the st
yle Attribute. Working with Multiple st
ylesheets. Troubleshooting the Applied st
Video 7: Page Layout with HTML and CSS|26:20
Using DIV and SPAN tags. Understanding Floats. Understanding Positioning. Browser Hacks.
Video 8: Building a Complete Page in HTML and CSS|22:25
The core text. Adding a footer. Adding a navigation bar. Adding a sidebar. Breaking out modular sections into separate files. Using server-side includes for modular sections.
Video 9: Introducing ja
What is ja
ript* Adding a sc
ript to an HTML Page. Variables in ja
ript. ob
ject-Oriented Programming in ja
Video 10: The ja
ript Language|26:48
Logical constructs. Looping constructs. Arrays and Collections. Displaying simple messages. Using a browser-based debugger.
Video 11: ja
ript Functions|20:05
What are Functions* Function input. Function output. Creating an example function.
Video 12: Search Engine Optimization|25:59
Put Content First, Boilerplate Last. Using me
ta tags. Image ALT attributes. Don?t Use Tables for Formatting. Focus on Rich Content and Contextual Keywords. Submitting a Site to Google and Bing. Using XML Sitemaps.
Video 13: Introducing JQuery|26:24
What is JQuery* Selecting Elements. Testing Elements. Modifying Elements. Attaching Event Handlers. Working with Forms. Intro to Server-Side sc
ripting in PHP. What is PHP* Verifying the PHP installation. Writing a simple PHP page. Finding and Using the PHP documentation. The structure of a PHP AJAX sc
ript (Outputting ja
ript; Outputting JSON; Outputting Simple Data; Outputting HTML).
Video 14: Intro to Server-Side sc
ripting in PHP|19:42
What is AJAX* Writing a Simple Server-Side sc
ript in PHP. Posting with AJAX. Submitting a form with AJAX. Retrieving dynamic HTML with AJAX. Executing a sc
ript with AJAX.
Video 15: JQuery AJAX|20:04
What is JSON* How JSON and AJAX Work Together. Using JSON data in ja
ript. A Complete JSON Example.
Video 16: Dynamic Programming with JSON|17:58
What is JQuery UI* Creating a JQuery UI Download. Adding JQuery UI to a page. Showing and hiding elements dynamically. Using effects.
Video 17: JQuery UI and JQuery Effects|16:26
Using an accordion. Using tabs. Using dialog boxes. Using the Validator plugin.
Video 18: Using JQuery UI and JQuery Plugins|25:22
Cleaning AJAX-submitted data. Cleaning form-submitted data. Where to put your sc
ripts in the HTML page. When to use HTML tables (and when not to). Best practices for page layout.
Video 19: Best Practices|19:43
Create the HTML. Create the CSS. Add ja
ript and JQuery. Testing the Page.
Video 20: Bringing it All Together: A Complete Dynamic Web Page|21:51