
When you listen to Right From Real and take into consideration her never ending list of musical influences, the alignment is clear. Growing up, Toronto-born singer, songwriter and composer Lydia Ainsworth enjoyed a variety of different genres from classical to bubblegum pop. "I was listening to a bunch of music; I was listening to a lot of classical music, I grew up loving Tchaikovsky, Elgar's Cello Concerto, Mozart and all the cheesy classical pop... Really like, melody strong type orchestral pieces or piano. And I loved Chopin as well. But then I also loved the Spice Girls, Ace of Base, Madonna, of course Björk, Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Tom Petty... A wide array!"

When I talk to Lydia over Skype, she's in Los Angeles preparing for a photo shoot later that afternoon. She sounds relaxed and at ease, attempting to enjoy the summer sun that LA constantly has to offer. "I can't believe summer is over! It's gone by so fast!" she says as we discuss the differences in London and LA weather (bearing in mind it's already starting to turn cold in my part of town). We randomly come onto the topic of social media after I noticed in my research that she hadn't tweeted for a few days "It's not really a conscious decision, I just... I feel like I'm so clueless when it comes to social media! [Laughs] It's interesting that you say that because I feel like I'm active! [Laughs] It's not something I grew up with, I guess. I didn't have Facebook in high school. I kind of feel sorry for kids now that they are growing up with Facebook in high school; I feel like it would have been really tough. There's a lot of bullying that goes on in school through social media. I feel lucky not to have had it. In terms of getting my music out, I could be a little smarter! [Laughs]" She reflects on a conversation she had with a teacher en route to LA with her who explained she was in training to teach her class to use iPads. "It seems kind of scary to be "plugged in" to these kinds of... contraptions."

Toronto; or Canada more specifically, has become something of a hot bed of talent in recent years with the likes of Drake dominating the charts, producer Kaytranada running the clubs and underground scene, while Grimes has become a firm blogosphere favourite. So when Lydia said to me she'd never been a part of a musical scene during her time in Toronto, it took me aback slightly. "In general I'm kind of a recluse and spend a lot of time just writing alone in a basement or bedroom. It wasn't until I started performing in New York, after I'd written most of the songs, that I felt a part of some kind of music community. I'm now based in Toronto for the time being but I don't know if I'm a part of a music scene there right now."

After spending the last three years quietly writing and composing songs in bedrooms and basements between her hometown of Toronto and New York City, Ainsworth releases the complete collection of her debut LP Right From Real (following the release of Right From Real Pt. 1 which consists of the first four of a collection of 10 songs) later this month. Part 1 was the EP, but for the September release, Lydia would rather call it an album. "It's a little tricky because I released the first EP two month ago and this is the second EP, but they're going to be bundled together on the same album so I'd call it an LP."

Right From Real is a assortment of tracks, created with stunning string arrangements and striking voice samples elegantly woven together to create a collection of '80s pop meets '00s electronic-influenced music with classical sensibilities, born from a musical history of composition and film scoring. "The songs grew naturally out of my work in composition and film scoring. I didn't really set out to make an album at the start but over time, they kind of revealed a little bit of a narrative that seemed cohesive as an album." The title Right From Real comes from the notion that "the impossible is possible and all around is all around if you only look hard enough so that's kind of the common thread through the album."

In school, Ainsworth played the cello, albeit badly to her own admission after being assigned it and sent home with one at an early age. "I started out playing the Cello. When I was about 10, I was sent home with a Cello from school and I taught myself how to play. I was really terrible. I loved the instrument and I loved being a part of the orchestra, absorbing all the music that we were playing but I always knew that I would never be a classical performer; I just didn't have the chops or the patience to practice." Despite not being very good, Ainsworth discovered she had a love for writing music and began composing music for film students at university. "Composing was something that really appealed to me and when I went to university to study composition, I ended up working with a lot of student directors and working on their films. It was a gradual progression; I always knew that I wanted to be writing music at a young age."

"It's all about arm movements and picking up on the intricacies of the piece of music. I knew that was an element I wanted involved."- Lydia Ainsworth

While working with film and art students as well as friends and friends of friends, Ainsworth found herself being asked to include her voice in her compositions. But it was the encouragement of vocalist & composer Joan La Barbara that gave Lydia the extra boost she needed. "I was being asked to use my voice more and more in the film scores I was writing and I was also studying with a really amazing vocalist/composer, her name's Joan La Barbara, she kind of pioneered extended vocal techniques in New York in the '70s and '80s. She really encouraged me to use my voice in my film scores." It wasn't until she was asked by a friend to perform at one of their upcoming shows she realised she would need to work on material for herself. "I didn't have any songs so I wrote a couple. After that performance I was hooked. It was a combination of things going on at the same time that encouraged me to use my voice more and more."

Ainsworth has been working closely with Arbutus Records, whose roster includes indie rock band TOPS, electronic duo Blue Hawaii and singer/songwriter Grimes. But it was her friendship with Solar Year member David Ertel (who released material with Arbutus subsidiary Movie Star) that helped gain the attention of Arbutus. "I had mastered all the tracks and I hadn't really shared them with many people at that point. I shared them with [David] and I think he introduced it to another band that's on Arbutus. I think it just got around and [Arbutus] heard it and wanted to release it. I just said "Why not?" I love everything that they've been releasing so far, I really love all the artists they have on their roster; they're supportive of really interesting, left of field type music."

Ahead of the release of Right from Real with Arbutus, Ainsworth unveiled the stunning visual for 'Malachite' featuring three dancers giving a grade A lesson in the distinct style or waacking. "The style of dance originated in the '70s in LA in gay clubs and it was usually danced to Disco. It's all about arm movements and picking up on the intricacies of the piece of music. I knew that was an element I wanted involved." Luckily for her, the choreographer she enlisted just happened to be a world champion Waacker. "The woman who choreographed the video is named Princess Lockeroo and I just said 'This is the background of the song, but I really want you to make it your own.' She came up with the dance in like, a day and then taught the dancer in three sessions and they were good to go! I'm so happy with how it turned out." For all its beauty and fluency, Lydia explained it was a truly challenging DIY job, with assistance from a number of friends including the video's director Matthew Lessner. "He approached me with the idea to do a straightforward dance video. While nothing about making the video was straightforward, that's how it began and it just kind of snowballed. I got all my friends involved; I have really talented friends in New York who had friends with steady cams; one had a special camera from Sweden, just people donating their time & efforts and really putting their talents together making something so amazing."

"I'm looking forward to getting into the recording studio to finish of some new songs for my next album."- Lydia Ainsworth

In recent months, Lydia has been touring the US and Canada and has found the task of transitioning songs into a live setting a challenging but enjoyable experience, finding pleasure and excitement in the spontaneity of live shows. "It's always fun trying to translate the songs to a live setting because there's always going to be differences and spontaneous things that occur. I'm having a lot of fun doing it. It's been tricky and it's a work in progress but I'm working on it now to make it more fluid and tactile so I can change the song structures a little and be more spontaneous with form and arrangements on the spot." She calls her live shows a "theatrical event" with her band making use of masks and costumes. "I love performing with some kind of live acoustic element so I've got a cellist and a violinist who has been joining me on stage. Then I have vocal loopers & harmonisers to recreate all the layers and I play keyboard."

Outside of her musical endeavours, Lydia's life revolves around... well, music! She finds her inspirations when going for long walks but largely finds herself returning to music. "I love walking. When I need a break from composing or if I need inspiration, I'll just go for a walk anywhere, really long walks. I love people watching and I really do get some really good melodies when I'm walking. But in terms of talent or another talent... I don't know! I'm always thinking about music. I guess I'm pretty boring! [Laughs]" For the rest of 2014 and going into 2015, she's got hopes to do more touring, including dates in the UK ("I think early next year, that's the plan!") and already has plans for her next album! "I'm looking forward to getting into the recording studio to finish of some new songs for my next album. I'm looking forward to touring and just... keeping busy with this album and the next!"

Lydia's debut EP, Right From Real - Pt 1, is out now on Arbutus Records. Her debut album, Right From Real, is out on September 29th.

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