
It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for another post on my Style Revamp. I am using Putting Me Together’s Wardrobe from Scratch series, in part, to help me revamp my style and revitalize my wardrobe to embody the young professional I now am. After completing the initial style assessment offered by Putting Me Together, I strategized a plan consisting of Cuts, Reboots, Diagnosing, and Strategic Shopping. 
This series will showcase each!

                             Series Intro                              First Round of Cuts                 Second Round of Cuts

                            VOTE my Closet         Voting Results & My Shopping Guide     Let's Get a Little Blue
              A Second Chance, Some Red, & Rule Breaking      A Hodgepodge of Items         Help me Shop!!!
                Completely Discouraged…(Yet Hopeful!)               Cognac Distress           The Power of Thrifting                                                       

The Pros and Cons of Online Shopping      I'm a Trigger Puller     Essentials and FUN!


It has been FOOOREEEVVVEERRR since I threw down a Style Revamp post! So hang on to your hats ladies and gents (who am I kidding? Adam is probably the only guy that will read this post!) this is going to be a fun post! We've got a lot of catching up to do. So before we start, let's check out the big board:

So today, I'm jumping back on the revamp bandwagon with a lot of fun... STITCHFIX fun that is!

Oh yeah, that's me. Just rocking that IWYP's awesome shirt.
Could this picture be any more "blogger"?
I think not.

I finally broke down and decided to try the StitchFix service. By now, you all know how that service works... You pay a $20 styling fee and fill out a style profile. A stylist sends you their picks and you keep what you like. If you like all five picks, you get to take 25% off your total. If you don't like any, you basically lose your $20. But, if you buy anything, the $20 goes towards the total. Basically, if your stylist understands you AND the prices are a decent price, it is probably a really cool deal. So, here goes nothing!

My first pick was this cream colored dolman shirt. I have to admit that it is made of the softest material that planet Earth has ever known. I have zero clue how someone managed to make a garment this freaking soft but literally -- everything should be made of this! I really like the way the top looks when my arms are down... the problem --

Ok forgive the bad photo quality, but I think you see what I mean! I hate dolman tops because of the stupid chicken wing they give you when you lift your arms! Seriously! This is just not a good look on me guys! This top is so soft though, I thought at first I could forgive the chicken wings -- then I looked at the price: $48.00. Nope! I can't forgive chicken wings for almost $50. I might could forgive them for $25 maybe even $30.. never $50. Sorry Stitchfix -- this was a no-go. (Oh yeah, I'm including prices! I hate when bloggers do these things and don't include prices! I'm always so dang nosy and I figured all of you were too!)

However, I am keeping the amazing gray (or is it grey? I still don't know) jeggings in this picture. I picked those up from my girl Reloved Threads and couldn't be happier with them. They fit like a glove and do wonders for my backside if I do say so myself:

Even better -- a "neutral" pant has been on my checklist for quite awhile and I can finally check it off! WOOO!!! Ok, you know what I think about the Cream Dolman and this Gray Pant -- but I want to know YOUR thoughts! Are you a fan?

Next up, a red striped maxi skirt. Now, don't get me wrong. I do like this skirt. It fits well, it's flowy... in short, it is everything that a maxi skirt should be. However, I was pretty clear in my fix that I wanted pieces that I could wear to the office and make really professional and pieces I could dress down and make more casual. 

Sadly, I put this skirt with absolutely everything in my closet and it was always waaayyy too casual for the office. Since I am in the office 5 days a week (sometimes more) I just cannot justify spending $58 on a skirt that I could wear at most, once or twice a month. Sorry Stitch Fix -- this too was a miss! However, the jean jacket is mine and has been for quite a while! A jean jacket is on the checklist and I love this one. I got it from NY&Co years ago. It has a slight military feel to it without being too much! I love it! What do you think about the maxi and the jacket? Would you have kept the skirt?

Next up, I asked my stylist to find me a good pair of skinny jeans and she did deliver! 

Actually all three of these pieces are from StitchFix but I absolutely LOVE these jeans! I have a long torso and really short legs! Skinnies are pretty much the only thing that look good on me. I love this denim. It is the perfect amount of stretchy! Adam also gives it the thumbs up -- says my butt looks good in it! I call that a WIN! Woo! At $88 they are a little pricey, but I hope they will last a while so they are going to call my closet home! What do you think of them?

StitchFix also sent me this top and this necklace but honestly I'm not blown away by either and felt they were the most "over-priced" item in the bunch. The shirt which is very sheer obviously is $58! Maybe I'm cheap. (I am!) But nearly $60 for a top that I feel like a little generic is just not going to cut it for me! This is one of those tops that is really cute but I also feel like it is already hanging in everyone's closet! Is that just me? Would you have kept this top?

Last, that necklace - you know.. the one you can barely see in the photo. It's there. It's ok. But there is no way I would $38.00 for it. Sorry. I mean, for me, jewelry should be cheap unless it is diamond, gold, sentimental, or customed! Other than that, I don't see me paying nearly $40 for something like this! But would you?

Overall, I'm on the fence about this fix. I don't think the stylist really understood my style at all. In fact, of the three items in these pictures that will go in my closet, I already owned two of them! It makes me nervous that there was only one thing in the fix that I liked... Why? Because if you don't like anything in the fix, you lose your $20! That's nothing to sneeze at you know!

Still, the experience was fun so maybe I'll do it again and hope that my stylist can really take my feedback on these pieces and come up with items that are more suited to my needs, style, and budget!

Now it is time for you to weigh in -- What did you think of my fix? Of the new checks on the checklist? Have you done StitchFix? Will you ever? (Psst... if you do, use get link so I get the credit. I have ZERO shame y'all!)

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