announces the launch of new costume jewellery and imitation jewellery online. The company has launched the collection keeping in mind the upcoming occasion of Rakshbandhan (Rakhi), that celebrates the bond of a brother and sister. The brother’s staying away from their sisters will be able to send them gifts by ordering online from Blinglane. The company is also offering a free gift wrap and a little card with a custom message along with the order.
The aim of the company is to democratize luxury costume for the women of India by offering them premium quality costume jewellery online delivered right at their doorsteps with the options of free shipping and cash on delivery.
Apart from the recently launched Rakhi jewellery, the website features a variety of jewellery under different categories such as anklets, earrings, necklaces, brooches, waist chains among any others. The users can also search the jewellery as per their zodiac, nickname and others. The website aims to become a pioneer in providing easy access to fashion jewellery online in the country. The team behind the website is inspired to bring a wide range of accessories and artificial jewellery online, owing to the love of jewellery among the women in India. The company has designed the jewellery keeping in mind the contemporary women.
Blinglane has considered the fact that most of the women love to wear jewellery yet sometimes not able to afford hem due to budget constraints. Also, most of the artificial jewellery available in the market causes allergic reactions and sore skin however, Blinglane uses nickel free material to develop the artificial jewellery online which does not cause any allergic reaction.
The imitation jewellery section on the website features collection which the women only dream of owning. There are several unique jewellery offered by the website as well, which is designed for the modern women so that they can wear jewellery that is high on fashion yet does not compromise on comfort. The everyday jewellery collection features fashion jewellery which is light and minimal in design. aims to restructuring the fashion jewellery and fashion accessories offered by the luxury jewellery websites, by providing affordable fashion jewellery online with similar style. All the fashion jewellery offered by the website is made using superior quality materials including the wide range of nickel free rhodium plated fashion jewellery and accessories online. These jewellery collections are also available for various sizes.
The collection can be found on
Media Contact
Company Name: Bling Fashions Pvt. Ltd
Contact Person: Saurabh Gandhi
Email: Send Email
Phone: 1800.300.25464
State: Delhi
Country: India