Hello everyone,
i want to share with you wait in these days is came in my mind and what i'm doing to accomplish it. I want share it basically for 2 purpose
1- Be committed...i shared, i will do my best to not seems a dickhead.
2- have useful insight, comments and everything from you
This is not my main project, i'm doing something else to live day by day, right now (i'm a seo and marketer). So i cannot put 10 hours a day on this project...everybody need to pay the bills in someway.
My idea came thanks to this forum, in particular from the author section. Long Story short: writing a book i discover that i needed something, and there wasn't any software helping on this. just old fashion method.
First of all i wrote a step by step simple road map, i never developed any software, so probably i'm missing something that you will teach me or i will discover during the process, spilling blood! :D
Here my road map:
- Find a problem to solve, or something to improve
- Market research
Find market demand
Evaluate other niche product
- Define the software main characteristic and features
- Find Market Segmentation and product positioning
- Chose the Soft name
Idea generation
Idea deletion (dns, nice, difficult to remember, similar to others etc..)
- Create some Mockup of the graphic interface that outline the main faeture
- Buy domain and hosting
- Test the idea with a Micro-website showing feature and mockup and asking for e-mail pre-sales (maybe promise a discount when the soft will be release?
- Pricing (freemium,subscription etc..)
- If there is no any interest or enough interest stop working on it
- If there is interest go on following the road map
- Create the logi structure and interaction flow of the software (never done it, so i need to learn doing it)
- Find some Programmer to do the beta version that will comment very well the code
- Create the beta version, not much features but working
- Manual testing
- Create a user manual
- Lunch the beta version using the mail of the test ;)
- Write developer doc?
- Integration with other platform as facebook twitter etc…?
- Create the final sales website
Create Websites Goals
Create logic structure and user flow
Create Graphic
Create Advertising material (videos, articles etc..)
Prepare Ticket System?
Create (or buy?) a payment system
Assemble everything
Prepare tracking software (google analytics)
Prepare Split testing option
Prepare Mail
Prepare FAQ
Prepare legal stuff (disclaimer, privacy policy, contracts etc..)
upload and Go!
- Marketing
Social interaction
Guest blogging
Deal with major blog and forum about the saas topic
- Launch the product and all the marketing campaigns
- Hard SEO
- Split testing the website to improve conversions
- Action the traffic datas
- Hard split testing on adwords, facebook campaign etc..
- Continue to develop the product and support customer
- Monitor financial stuff
- Grow and do it better!
Next post i'm going to show some market research. At the beginning i prefer to not share exactly what is in my mind, but when the work is in advanced stage, i will disclose everything.