So the whole new storyline this NHL fighting season are the new rules centering on visors. Specifically, the wimpy looking apparatuses are now mandatory for any player who has not previously played a game in the league. Thus tough guys like Dwight King and Brent Gallant are looking kind of strange dropping the gloves with visors on like European players habitually do. However the loophole in all of this, as seen in classic form during the Gallant-Krys Barch hat trick of fights a few weeks ago, is the fact fighters are now first taking each others helmets off and than start throwing fists. Hey whatever works.
As far as the fighting is concerned, the Flyers and Capitals went nuts with five fights on their dance card Friday night but no heavyweights were involved on either side which is a concern. However Gallant is still with the Islanders as he took part in his fifth fight, this time with Nashville's Paul Gaustad. The fact Gallant is still with the team is big news in that all he has to do is make it through Monday to make the roster. fingers crossed. By the way Nashville is now lightweight central with Richard Clune, Gaustad, and Eric Nystrom. Not what you want to see but at least it is something.