
This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #EraseStress #CollectiveBias

This week in our home is going to be a little chaotic. We are having the boys’ combined birthday party next weekend, which I am in total party prep mode for right now. (They’re only 13.5 months apart, so we decided to do one big birthday party this year instead of two parties.) Then, the first day of preschool is the following week. There’s so many things to buy, plan for, and dates to remember.

I have a confession: I’m kind of a high-anxiety person. In an effort to erase some stress from my life, I needed to figure out a way to stay better organized with all of the upcoming important dates. I decided to make a cute family command center so that we all can have a centralized place to stay up-to-date with what’s going on around here.

While I was on one of my many weekly trips Target, I picked up some supplies I needed to make a family command center. I knew I wanted space for a calendar, meal planning, important information, and of course some great pens to write in the details.

I grabbed a weekly white board and accessories, and some FriXion erasable pens to go along with my big chalkboard I already had at home.

I assembled my new family command center to be easy to use, and have the information I need about my family’s life in one convenient place.

I wanted our calendar to be easily visable at-a-glance, but also wanted something portable to take with me. So, I designed printable dinner menu planners and blank monthly calendars that I could conveniently fill in with my FriXion erasable pens on-the-go. (Did I mention that I love that these pens are erasable?! So easy to fix mistakes…which I make a lot of!)

Using some double sided tape and these cute house shaped clothespin clips that I found in the Target $1 section, I was able to make my printable planners portable!

Are you constantly looking for pens in your house? I know in our home, pens seem to very easily disappear! So, to solve that problem, I made my FriXion pens hang from push-pins hooks on the cork board part of my weekly white board calendar.

Now, there’s always a pen available to write in the latest thing on our lists!

I’m so glad that I made this easy DIY family command center just in time for back-to-school! This will certainly help me erase stress from my life, and be more organized!

With your purchase of Pilot’s FriXion Clicker erasable gel ink pens, you can help Pilot support & fund STOMP Out Bullying programs to ‘erase’ negative bullying behaviors and ‘rewrite’ positive, productive solutions.

I found these super cool FriXion erasable pens in the back-to-school section at Target. From 8/23 – 8/29 the 3-pack is 20% off….get ’em while they’re hot!

Don’t forget grab your free printables

Click here or on the image below to get your free printable weekly dinner menu planner (with grocery list spaces!) to help make meal planning easier at your home.

Click here or on the image below to get your free copy of my blank monthly calendar!

What tips do you have to help erase stress when the school year begins?

The post DIY Family Command Center appeared first on The Eyes of a Boy.

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