What do successful Essential Oils Business Builders have in common?
Everybody loves success. Why wouldn’t you? Success is synonymous with all things bright and beautiful. Most people treat success as a goal because it means recognition and good fortune both literally and figuratively.
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For starter, success is not a goal. It is a journey and a process. Success is not a rat race. It’s about continuous training, risk-taking, creativity, and vision in order to be able to run your race and possible every race, in the best possible manner.
“It’s great to arrive, but the trip’s most always most of the fun.”
Success in the Essential Oils business is a journey linked with passion. You need to have a passion for essential oils; you need to have burning desire to collect them all, especially the ones that are very rare (like Valor) or very expensive (Like Rose). You need to use them all the day, every day. And finally, you need to be the product of the product. Ultimately, your success in Essential Oils success means a bigger team, higher ranking, and with higher ranking come more recognition, one of them being having a bigger check at the end of the month with the freedom that excess money entails.
It also brings other less tangible, but no less desirable, effects, such as fame, recognition, power and influence over others. In other words, success is a dream come true.
But for people used to work for others, how do you translate passion into success?
That means a shift in skills and mindset.
A successful Essential Oils business builder does not charge blindly into the marketplace, relying on chance only to bring success.
Instead, a successful business builder develops the characteristic traits that will allow her the best opportunity to reach her personal and professional goals.
Consider this checklist as a “cheatsheet” for successful thinking. Each specific mindset application is presented as a stand-alone subject, complete in itself. Each one is equally important as the others and, from an editorial viewpoint, none takes precedent over the others. Read them in order, or jump around between applications that interest you. So, if you’re ready to begin, let’s get started.
They have the Oil Moxie
To be a successful full time business builder with Essential Oils, it is crucial that you build belief. You need belief not only in yourself and your ability to get there but you also must believe in the network marketing industry.
Having what people call Oil Moxie is the only way to start with. Having oil moxie means having the quality of mind enabling one to face danger or hardship resolutely having enough cleverness, skill, creativity, fortitude and cojones to solve a difficult and personally threatening situation. Someone that has oil moxie has initiative and an aggressive energy; initiative. Finally, you don’t have oil moxie if you don’t have the know-how about all the essential oils.
But, be very careful: whatever you do might not be duplicable: if you have a home party with would-be distributors and show-off your knowledge about essential oils, your prospects will think that they will need to know as much as you to do the business and that can be a final deterrent.
They are Competitive
Our society is built on the concept of competition. Every living entity competes for specific resources that are needed to grow, thrive and outperform ecological rivals. Sunlight, space, water, and nutrients are utilized to the fullest extent by the smallest to largest creatures wherever they are found and in whatever quantities. As human beings, we are hardwired to engage in this competitive contest too. It’s a part of our genetic heritage and one every business owner needs to embrace.
Unfortunately, some people perceive competition as a somewhat undesirable trait but it is highly utopian to think we are all equals, and thus we should not compete. Nobody should think of competition as a zero-sum-game. Competition should not be seen as either a win at all cost, take no prisoners proposition or as a watered down and barely discernable version of itself, where consensus and agreement are the order of the day. Competition makes concept and idea progress and ultimately help us live a better life.
Remember, competition is the true engine of business success.
They have a Vision
Most entrepreneurs are driven by purpose when starting their business. But successful entrepreneurs take it one step further and develop a vision for future growth. This vision helps them guide the day-to-day operations and strategic decision-making necessary to achieve their success.
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Three-Year Vision
Before deciding what are the necessary steps to move toward your business goals, you must be very clear about your desires for yourself and your business. Identifying a three-year vision can add this clarity.
To identify your three-year vision, focus on the future. Don’t forget to consider changes in the global marketplace, the Internet, and technology. By the way, I hope that, by now, you realize that, in order to do this business, you need a smart-phone, an email, and a Facebook account. You could also add a personal website, but it’s not mandatory if you are just starting.
Closing the Gap
Moving a business from the present to its vision requires a gap analysis. This process will help you identify the difference between the two and determine what changes in your business will close the gap and help you achieve your vision.
Setting Goals
The next step is to set your goals for your business, including some that you would like to accomplish during this program.
With an eye toward your vision, you need to set goals for your organization (your team), and yourself. Then you need to measure the results and hold people accountable, including yourselves.
It is not enough to close the gap and set goals. You must diligently work toward those goals and follow-up by measuring your results and making improvements. One of the most important things you need to do is to define your business’s most critical goals and then develop measurable targets, determine the gaps between desired and actual performance, and implement a strategy to close the gaps.
Of course, Goals for your business should follow the SMART grid:
Specific – Clearly defined by those who have the knowledge about their impact
Measurable – Quantifiably defined in such a way as to gauge progress
Achievable – Challenging and rewarding, but still within reach
Relevant – Tied to current critical tasks and abilities of the team
Time-based – Linked to an agreed-upon timeline
They Focus and don’t multitask
Multitasking is the apparent performance by an individual of handling more than one task, or activity, at the same time. An example of multitasking is taking phone calls while typing an email. It is now well known that multitasking result in time wasted due to human context switching and causing more errors due to insufficient attention.
The term “multitasking” originated in the computer engineering industry. It refers to the ability of a computer to apparently process several tasks at the same time. But computer multitasking simply does not exist. It may be a shock to you, but computers don’t multitask. Computer multitasking actually involves time-slicing of the processor; only one task can actually be active at a particular time. Partial work on each task is rotated through many times a second.
One of the goals you need to focus on is that you first got into that essential oils business because you think it will free more time that you can spend with your family and friends. If you work 10hours a day and are not going anywhere, you just got yourself a job. You know what JOB means, right? Just Over Broke…
They are Risk-Takers
We’ve all heard the old saying “no pain, no gain ” or “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. Like most old sayings, there’s a strong element of truth in those words. At the risk of following one old saying with another, without risk there is not, and cannot be, any reward. Of course, there is an element of chance inherent in every project. You need to be there at the right time, with the right product and the right mindset. Bur people don’t build teams of thousands of essential oils advocate people by chance.
In your own Essential Oils business, don’t be afraid of risk but, at the same time, don’t take the risk lightly. Weigh your options carefully and, when you arrive at a prudent decision, move forward with confidence.
They Take Charge
This one is fairly straightforward. President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said “The buck stops here”. What he meant by that was, as President, he did not have the option to pass the buck when it came to mistakes or failure. He was the boss and the buck stopped getting passed with him.
There is somewhat of an inclination to try and blame someone or something else for a negative outcome. Generally, when your essential oils business is not working, you shift the responsibility to anything but you. That’s the excusitis: The products are too expensive, the FDA won’t let me do my work, my upline is not helping me. That home party is too far from home. That training is too expensive, that annual convention is right in the middle of my vacations. My downlines don’t care about my business, or they don’t listen to me, or they don’t come to my training…
The most successful people fight that inclination and accept the blame for their mistakes as readily as they accept congratulations for their successes. They do so because they realize that being the captain of the ship means that all decisions start and end with you.
So, if and when you are faced with a bad business situation of your own making, don’t pass the buck. The buck stops with you. Accept that and move on.
They are Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the intentional, accepting and non-judgemental focus of one’s attention on the emotions, thoughts and sensations occurring in the present moment, which can be trained by meditational practices that are described in detail in the Buddhist tradition.
The term “mindfulness” is derived from the Pali-term sati, “mindfulness”, which is an essential element of Buddhist practice, including vipassana, satipaṭṭhāna and anapanasati. It has been popularized in the West by Jon Kabat-Zinn with his mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program. Mindfulness is also an attribute of consciousness long believed to promote well-being. Studies have also shown that rumination and worry contribute to mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, and mindfulness-based interventions are effective in the reduction of both rumination and worry.
Successful business people understand this concept and utilize it to their advantage.
When you begin to be mindful, you see that everything that you do has merit. You also realize that no matter what you are doing, you are capable of doing it better.
They invest in themselves
Top essential oils business builders buy and read business and marketing books, magazines, reports, journals, newsletters, websites and industry publications, knowing that these resources will improve their understanding of business and marketing functions and skills. They subscribe to any newsletter that’s offered to them. They join business associations and clubs, and they network with other skilled business people to learn their secrets of success and help define their own goals and objectives. Top entrepreneurs attend business and marketing seminars, workshops and training courses, even if they have already mastered the subject matter of the event. They do this because they know that education is an ongoing process. There are usually ways to do things better, in less time, with less effort. In short, top entrepreneurs never stop investing in the most powerful, effective and best business and marketing tool at their immediate disposal–themselves.
They are Passionate
There is probably nothing as important to achieving success as passion. Passion is the key to success; passion is the flip side of our previous subject, hustle. The two go hand in hand with each other.
Here are three reasons passion leads to success:
Passion fuels confidence.
Passion is contagious.
Passion is the motivation that gets all that hard work done.
So, how do you obtain or maintain the passion necessary for success?
Unfortunately, you can’t buy passion; you need to have a passion from the start. If you’re not, then you need to examine why. If you are in the business of Essential Oils because you think that’s a business, you are missing half of the equation, and without half of the equation, you won’t find the solution. So, if you donlt LOVE essential oils, then you may need to think about doing something else. There’s no sense and no reason to waste your time trying to be enthusiastic about something that doesn’t move you.
The best litmus test is asking you those 2 questions:
Would you use and recommend essential oils even if you were not making money with it?
Would you still use essential oils even if the company ceases to exist?
If you answer yes to those 2 questions, then you are passionate about essential oils. If not, maybe you should get a job as a car salesman.
When you are passionate, your customers and competitors will notice the difference, and you will be like a magnet.
They are Persistent
How many old sayings, aphorisms and clichés are there about persistence? The early bird gets the worm. Slow and steady wins the race. If life gives you, lemons make lemonade. The list goes on and on.
The reason that there are so many old sayings about persistence is twofold: First, it’s a really important element in success and second, it an element of success that gives a lot of people a lot of troubles. Something that’s as important and troublesome as persistence deserves a lot of clichéd sayings and a lot of attention.
The problem with the road to success is that many people only picture the destination, not the journey. When they do this, they not only fail to see that true success is not a destination (it’s a lifelong process) but they also fail to see the potential problems that routinely occur when striving for success. This means that when these problems do occur, the unprepared person is stopped dead in their tracks. In their confusion, they forget where they were going and why and instead head back to where they came from.
When you are prepared for and anticipate the setbacks that can and will happen on the journey to success, you are ready to repair, rethink and reengage. The persistent person understands that failure is a temporary condition that affects everyone at one time or another before they reach their goal. They also understand that failure and setback teach powerful lessons that ultimately make you stronger. As Gandhi said, strength does not come through winning. Instead strength comes through failure. When you struggle and decide not to quit, that is strength. It is also persistence and points up why every successful business owner understands that setbacks are opportunities in disguise.
They Network and Connect
In 1624, Famous poet John Donne wrote a poem called “No man is an island.”
The meaning is that human beings do not thrive when isolated from others. Donne was a Christian, but this concept is shared by other religions, principally Buddhism.
The same thing that applies to your personal life also applies in business: you can’t go it alone. Each of us forms a vast and interconnected archipelago. Bridges and boats stream traffic between all these islands and that traffic is largely information. If you cut yourself off from this flow of information, either purposely or by mistake, you do so at your own peril. Why? Because the island next to you is going to take those connections and the information they provide and use it to his or her advantage.
Networking is an essential element of every successful business. It provides you with contacts, leads, clients, partners, suppliers and much more. It carries your name and your business reputation farther and more efficiently than most advertising. Most importantly, it is an endless source of profit, ideas, collaboration and support. If you are networking, you should do more. If you’re not networking, you need to start. If you don’t network, your business will stagnate and die.
The Have a Growth Mindset
A growth mindset is an actual, demonstrable psychological phenomenon. It turns out that many long-term successful individuals possess certain characteristics that they share with other long-term successful individuals. This set of characteristics has been termed a “growth mindset”. Now, some people, who tend to achieve less than their full potential, also possess a set of characteristics that they share with other under-achievers. This set of traits has been dubbed the “fixed mindset”. Most people, more or less, fall in one camp or the other.
People with a growth mindset tend to have a desire to learn from life. This desire leads to the ability to embrace challenges, to overcome setbacks, to see effort as worth the results, to accept criticism and to admire and learn from the successes of others. These behaviors allow native intelligence to grow throughout a lifetime. (Hence, the name.) People with a growth mindset are believers in free will and this belief allows them to achieve their goals time and time again.
People with a fixed mindset tend to have a desire to appear smart, with a corresponding fear of looking foolish. Their desire leads them to avoid challenges, to give up easily, to see extra effort as wasted, to ignore or reject criticism and to envy and begrudge the success of others.
These behaviors tend to limit native intelligence to a fixed amount. (Again, hence the name.) People with a fixed mindset often plateau early in life and fail to have, let alone reach, fixed goals.
They are Confident
Confidence is like glowing in the dark. People feel it and they are attracted by confident people. Now, you don’t get confident after you get success, you are successful because you are confident. Confidence definitely precedes success in the order of appearance.
As a business owner you are need to be confident of yourself and your product or service. If you don’t believe that you genuinely have the best Essential Oils and that you are the best person to distribute them, people will notice and you won’t be successful.
People react positively to a confident person, especially if that confidence is real and a part of that person’s soul. In order to develop this type of true confidence, there are several things that you can do.
Avoid comparing yourself to others.
Educate yourself.
Apply your knowledge.
Surround yourself with those who support you.
Allow only positive scenarios to play in your mind.
They Do the Hustle
No, I am not talking about that “Do The Hustle” #1disco song by songwriter/arranger Van McCoy and the Soul City Symphony. remember the song? Even though, that would be a good example to follow, since Van McCoy would eventually sell over one million copies of the most popular songs of the disco era.
It’s not by chance that the most powerful team of the Essential Oils industry is called Team Hustle… The head of the team (Lindsay Moreno) went from nothing to Royal Crown Diamond in less than 2 years. So, there’s a certain urgency to success. This urgency doesn’t apply so much to the fruits of success as it does to the desire for success. You need to desire success in your soul before you can even begin to try to succeed. You have to want that success more than you want anything else. You have to think about it day and night. It is this desire that engenders the work ethic that’s necessary to succeed. That’s right, there is a definite work ethic that successful people bring to the table. If you want to succeed, then you have to emulate this work ethic. You have to want to succeed so much that you hustle.
So, remember that success means work and work means hustle. Go the extra mile in everything you do. In the long run, those extra miles will put you ahead of the pack and that much closer to where you want to be.
They are Creative
Creativity is not something that you can summon at will. When it happens, it strikes like lightening and it can be maddeningly unpredictable. However, because creativity is an essential element of a successful business mindset, it is necessary to understand the creative process and how you, the business owner, can cultivate your own creative juices.
The creative process is largely internal and unconscious. Creativity is all about taking in a lot of influences and letting those influences combines, ferment and morph in your subconscious. Together, they form a sort of mental potting soil where new and different ideas have a chance to germinate and grow.
The more things you learn, read, see and hear the more creative soil you are able to produce. So, as a business owner who wants to be creative, the best thing you can do is get out there and in the world and open yourself up to new experiences. Be curious about many different things. Develop hobbies. Challenge yourself. Do the unexpected. The more you push your own personal envelope the more you are charging your own creative batteries. When those batteries are charged, it is much more likely that inspiration will strike. Who knows where that new idea will take you?
They are Flexible
There is nothing more stifling to success than rigid thinking. Rigid thinking leads to rigid behaviors and rigid behaviors lead to dead ends, blind alleys and creative cul de sacs. In other words, while there is a certain amount of comfort to routine, too much routine can choke off all chances that you will be able to successfully reach your business goals. Why? The answer is simple. The world, including the business world, is constantly changing. Rigid thinking and rigid behavior, by definition, are resistant to change. Therefore, rigidity, in thought and action, spells obsolescence in the business world. Everyone else moves forward while you are left behind in the dust. So what’s the answer to this problem? In a word, flexibility. In today’s world, information is power, money and control all rolled into one. The fast and free flow of information is what makes this possible. Everything changes quickly and what is a successful formula or a popular product in one cycle can be, and usually is, old news in the next.
They are Positive
We’ve all heard a lot about the supposed power of positive thinking. We’ve heard how it can not only change outlooks, but fortunes as well. There are probably some of you reading this right now who still remain skeptical about positivism and its alleged beneficial effects. The thing is that while healthy skepticism is fine, an entrenched and cranky skepticism is usually a sign of negative thinking. So, if you haven’t tried positive thinking in your own business, yet remain skeptical of the concept, you have actually already proved that the power of positive thinking works.
Positive thinking is about enjoying the ride that life provides. It’s about taking chances and seeing possibilities. It’s about flexibility, creativity and developing and maintaining a strong passion for those things that you loved. It’s about gusto, brio and doing things with panache. It is, in some sense, the very antithesis of rigid skepticism and preconceived negativity. It is, at its heart, an embrace of all of the powers each of us are capable of when we throw off the chains of tradition, expectation and routine results. It is a real thing and it works.
They are Grateful
It is easy to expect success, as if being successful was a right instead of a privilege and a gift. The problem with expecting to succeed is that, without more, the self-absorption of that expectation can slowly and subtly poison everything around you, including your business. True success is earned and when it arrives it should be, and needs to be, accompanied by a string sense of gratitude. This gratitude is not simply about being grateful for what you’ve achieved. It is about being grounded enough in the moment of success to remember and recognize everyone who helped you get to this particular time and place. Without this grounded gratefulness any success is lessened and will, in all likelihood, be fleeting.
So how do you repay those how helped you in achieving your goals? Well, obviously, acknowledging those individuals and sharing the benefits of your success with them is a great place to start. Yet, above and beyond taking care of your nearest and dearest, you also need to “pay it forward” by becoming a mentor and helper to others who are currently on their own journey towards success.
They Accept everything
There is absolutely no way for you to be successful and reach your goals until you accept who you are. You have to like yourself and what you do before anyone else will. The world detects how you feel about yourself and often simply shares the opinion you have about who you are.
You are an individual who is unique. Your talents and abilities, you intelligence and interests, you opinions and tastes, make you who you are. There is no need to hide a part of yourself or alter a part of yourself for the sake of conformity.
True success is about freedom and all truly successful people are individualists who have, more or less, accepted and glorified who they are. You should do the same. At the same time, being yourself does not mean glorying in mediocrity. You need to be the very best version of yourself possible. This means that you have to work at being you. You have to put the time into self-improvement. Acceptance is not an excuse for laziness, cowardice or fear.
So there you have it. Success is a multifaceted achievement that involves many concepts and, often, many different people. However, as you’ve learned, the concepts involved in the successful business mindset are basic and learnable principles that can easily be put into action by anyone dedicated enough to reach the next level of achievement in their lives. It is all matter of doing the work to change the things in your own personal agenda that might need adjustment. Remember that you can use this as a tool to help you make those adjustments. You can, and should, go back and review those sections that can help you anytime the need arises. The point is that life is about success. This means that you have your entire life to constantly change things for the better. Success is a process, as well as a journey.
Here’s to wishing you a good trip.
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The post The Business Mindset appeared first on The Essential Tools.