
15 ways to say “I do!” with essential oils

Script: how to talk about Essential Oils and still be compliant with the FDA

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Ultimately, there have been a lot of talk about FDA rules and regulations.

Mankind’s First Medicine

Since the dawn of time, Essential Oils have been used as medicine. So much that they are often referred to as “Mankind’s First Medicine”. In fact, there are well over 200 references to aromatics, incense, and ointments throughout the Old and New Testaments of the Bible (36 of the 39 books of the Old Testament and 10 of the 27 books of the New Testament mention essential oils or the plants that produce them.)

This is a script. It’s fully duplicable. Be sure to download and print it so you can share it with others.


As recently as the middle ages, Essential Oils were used to cure the plague. A disease that killed about half of the population at the time.

But in the USA, the FDA controls what can be said and not be said about food and drugs. Whatever product that “cures” someone is a drug and must go through extremely stringent and extremely expensive tests and controls that can take years or even decades.

So, what about essential oils? The FDA doesn’t say it doesn’t cure, it says that if you say it, you have to prove it with those expensive tests (if you want to do it yourself, that runs into millions of dollars).

So, for now, the best way to share essential oils and to avoid problems with the FDA is just by forgetting about the therapeutic side of essential oils (I know…). Just avoid saying ANYTHING that has to do with disease or cure.

Well, how do you share the oils, then?

Here is a script that you can use during a short introduction meeting with new people.

Like any script, you can use it and re-use it any time you need it. You can memorize it, but you can also read it. By reading the script, you are showing everybody that duplication can be done effortlessly. You just have to read a script…

What’s more easy than that?

These are the 15 “I DO”, but in order to make it easy for you, I have created a PDF version of the script, so you can download onto your computer, keep it forever, email it to your team, print if for free and even distribute it to anybody that’s interested in essential oils.

1) Who loves having a great smelling house? I do!

I love that I can use my essential oils in a diffuser at any time of the day and in any room of my house. There are oils for the morning, oils for the afternoon, oils for meditation, oils for praying and oils for sleeping. There are oils to help me when I’m sad and oils to share my happiness. Can you imagine all those people who get really excited about scented candles? Just think of how much more excited they could get about essential oils when you tell them that the properties of the oils stay intact with a diffuser but are killed with a candle…. Plus, I don’t have to worry about poisoning my family with toxic fragrances that are coming with the candles.

Essential Oils Chemistry. Click on the picture to see the flyer

2) Who loves having a great smelling family? I do.

I love that my husband is taking much more attention to me when I use Clarity in the car. Attention ladies: my husband listens to me when I use Clarity… And that’s the best time to talk about vacations in Hawaii or a new car… LOL. I know, spoiler alert, right? I love that I can choose what I want to smell like each day. I love that I can mix my own fragrances. I love that I can choose fragrances that support my emotional needs each day. I love that my children can choose their own scents, and support they need throughout the day! – See more at: http://theessentialtools.com/15-ways-to-say-i-do-with-essential-oils/#sthash.SelQOdm1.dpuf

3) Who loves cleaning, care for your garden, and use personal care without toxins in them? I do!

Most people use personal care products. Most people clean. Most people would prefer to avoid toxins. And essential oils are toxin free. That’s the best ad for essential oil, and there’s always and oil for that. Now that we have an answer, let’s share it.

4) Who do save money by using YL products? I do.

I easily make my own products using essential oils. (facial cream, lipstick, inhalers, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, all-purpose spray, garden spray, etc.) Everyone LOVES saving money!

5) Who has saved time using essential oils? I have.

Let’s live the age of the internet revolution. I just log-on my YL account, type what I want for my next order, and there you go, my products are delivered to my doorstep a couple of days after. I can whip products up rather than running to the store. Everyone LOVES to save time!

6) Who loves the fact that we have access to the ancient Einkorn wheat? I do.

I had looked for an Einkorn source for several years before YL came out with the Einkorn products at the last convention. Based on my research, I believe that Einkorn is a great source of nutrition and is much easier to digest than most modern day wheat. YL Einkorn noodles and pancake mix taste great and are good for you. I would have loved someone to share this with me during those two years that I unsuccessfully searched for a reliable source. Share this with someone else.

7) Who loves being energetic? I do.

I love Super B, Nitro and all of the other YL products that support my healthy energy level. I love having the energy to play with my kids and stay up late doing what I love. Healthy people want (and need) more energy. Everyone loves healthy energy levels. We have healthy options that don’t lead to the shakes. Go out and share them.

The 10 best Essential Oils for Back-To-School. Click on the image to purchase the flyer!!

8) Who loves that our supplements are enhanced by essential oils? I do.

Most people understand some value in supplements. Our supplements are BETTER. They aren’t synthetic. Instead, they are whole food supplements enhanced with essential oils that, from my understanding, enhance nutrient absorption and bio-availability. Most people will agree that if you are going to spend money on supplements, you should get the ones that your body will best be able to use. We have those. Go out and share them.

9) Who loves making pastries with essential oils? I do.

Actually, my daughter does it… She took a cooking class during the summer, and she is now launching her very own website about macarons infused with essential oils. It’s De-li-cious! The flavor is more pungent. On top of that, I save money because I only need to dip a toothpick into the oil to have enough flavor for my meal or dessert. You can also get some unique and amazing flavors such as frankincense ice cream or lavender lemonade. Most people love to eat. And these are awesome new options.

10) Who loves essential oils in the bedroom, in the classroom, or in the workplace? I do.

Essential Oils smell great, support a great mood, enhance creativity, etc. Most men and women alike, who have used YL oils in these areas, would agree that they wouldn’t want to be without them. They are just that awesome and are changing lives!

11) Who loves the fact that we can POWER clean with essential oils? I do.

Have you ever taken the gum out of your child’s hair or melted plastic off of a flat top stove with lemon oil? Have you noticed that when you clean with thieves the dirty areas between the tile in your shower disappears and stays clean much longer than it did when we used toxic cleaners? I have. Most people would agree that options that minimize the amount of scrubbing needing are a very, very good thing. – See more at: http://theessentialtools.com/15-ways-to-say-i-do-with-essential-oils/#sthash.EkpDsSqm.dpuf

12) Who loves caring for your skin and hair with essential oil-enhanced products? I do

Essential Oils are the real stuff; not the artificial proxy that is in products sold in supermarket. I do. I love the “Glow” that it seems to add to my complexion. I love how it makes my skin feel. I love how it smells. I love that such a little amount goes such a long way. I love that I am not poisoning myself with toxins. Most people want to be beautiful. Go out and share these products.

13) Who loves the way essential oils support your emotions. I do!

Have you ever noticed that your baby or pet often seems to relax when you start diffusing the oils? I have. Who wouldn’t want to experience this at 3:00 AM when they are exhausted and awake with their little ones? Parents want to know these tips. Go out and share with them.

14) Who loves being a part of something bigger than themselves? I do!

Who loves having a part in transforming lives? Who loves being paid for doing something that you love? I sure do. I would pay to share YL, but instead YL pays me. Most people would choose to have an income that comes in even while they sleep. Most people would choose to have the freedom to schedule their own day. We have that opportunity. Don’t keep it to yourself. Go out and share it with the world!

15) Who wouldn’t go a week without these products?

Most people that I talk to who have experienced these products wouldn’t go a day without them. Share that with people. When they learn that these products have transformed your life, as they have mine, people will want to experience it for themselves. Most people don’t stumble upon these products randomly. They learn about them because someone cared enough to share. Go out and share because once they experience the products, they won’t want to go a day without them either.

Here you go, 15 ways to say I do with essential oils. Now’s your duty to print and share…

If I forgot something, leave a comment below…

Download & Print this script now

Disclaimer: These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and/or information within are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. You are advised to do your own research and make decisions in partnership with your health care provider. If you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are taking any medication, please consult your physician. If you or your kids are sick, do not use essential oils and seek first an advice from a health professional. The safe list of essential oils for kids does not apply for babies.

The post 15 ways to say “I do!” with essential oils appeared first on The Essential Tools.

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