
Herb grower and RHS ambassador Jekka shares her early memories of exhibiting at Chelsea Flower Show.

My memory of my first Chelsea Flower Show, is arriving in my neighbour’s horse box, being parked but unable to unload as there was no room to drop the tailgate! Luckily in those days we could build all night so we made up time.  Another memory was when I entered the great marquee. I was simply daunted by the sheer size of it, and realising that my small nursery could fit in it at least four times.  Also, being surrounded by world famous nurseries, such as Hillier’s, and Raymond Evison Clematis for example. I realised I was at the best flower show in the world.

When I first started exhibiting in 1993, our children could come to the build up of shows, and were immensely proud carrying single pots into the marquee. Sadly, as times have moved, no one under 16 is allowed on site during build because of Health and Safety.  I realise that this is all for the good, but if my children had been unable to come to the show I would have never been able to exhibit.

After a long day at the show we used to walk over Battersea Bridge into the park where there was a small caravan park full of hardy show exhibitors camping overnight.  My children had supper with me, then were put into their pyjamas and sleeping bag, strapped into the back of the car and my husband drove them home. On the Monday they were back at School and he was back at his day job.  Sadly caravans are no longer allowed in Battersea Park, which is a shame. It was great, after a long day at the show to be able to talk with fellow exhibitors.

On the plus side, the comparatively new great pavilion is much better for seeing the exhibits and it has increased the life of the plants as they do not get so stretched as they did under the dark canvas.  Also we can do taller exhibits and the one way system is no more, which makes it far easier to actually see all round an exhibit.

Jekka is creating a herb garden, A Modern Apothecary, sponsored by St John’s Hospice, at the 2016 Chelsea Flower Show.

The post Chelsea Flower Show Preview: Jekka McVicar appeared first on The English Garden.

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